


用纸、布或其他薄片把东西裹起来:~装。~饺子。包好了的东西:邮~。背(bèi )~。装东西的袋:书~。皮~。容纳在内,总括在一起:~括。~举(总括)。~容。~涵。~罗万象。无所不~。总揽,负全责:~销。~揽。保证:~赔。~在我身上。约定的,……





汉语拼音:bāo bì








  1. 袒护;掩护。多用于坏人坏事。

    清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·明世宗用人》:“﹝ 世宗 ﹞恶 杨升庵 终身, 介溪 不能包庇。” 清 黄爵滋 《敬陈六事疏》:“即大吏或有闻见,时派稽查,率皆移东补西,或一人领充数名,或暂雇贸易之人支应塞责,彼此包庇,狡獪百出,虽大吏亦无可如何。” 老舍 《四世同堂》七:“这次,就更不同了;来的是 日本 人,还有不包庇坏蛋 琉璃球儿 的?”



  1. Cuba and Venezuela have accused the United States of protecting Mr Posada by failing either to try him for terrorism or to extradite him.


  2. Bail covered for her, arranging a convenient "hunting accident" alibi on one of Alderaan's game preserves.


  3. The burglar's friend covered up for him by saying that he was at his home when the robbery occurred.


  4. For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from Punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States.


  5. In the list of leave, some teachers do not leave, because he closely with these people, and shielding them.


  6. He pretends one of sinister gang guys to investigate the drug case, but he begins to doubt other crew involves covering it.


  7. Change our conceptions of "childhood" as a professionwoulsternneariveected early period in an individuwoulss life?


  8. The parental love is great and precious, but spoiling and protecting children incorrectly can become worries and hard to deal with.


  9. Abuse of authority, unauthorized handling and shielding, shielding people responsible for the accident.


  1. 包庇叛逆者

    harbour deserter.

  2. 包庇的对象

    the target of shielding

  3. 包庇的主体

    the subject of shielding

  4. 包庇坏人坏事

    harbour evildoers and cover up their evil deeds

  5. 受政府官员包庇

    Operated under the protection of Government officials

  6. 我不想包庇你。

    I'll not screen you from blame.

  7. 我不愿包庇你。

    I am not willing to screen you from blame.

  8. 包庇毒品犯罪分子罪

    crime of harboring drug criminals

  9. 她在包庇她的男人吗?

    Is she covering for her guy?

  10. 她在包庇她的男人吗?

    Is she covering for her guy?

  11. 这不就像包庇自己人么

    we look like we're trying to cover something up.

  12. 他否认了包庇罪的指控。

    He denied accusations of a cover-up.

  13. 这个事件涉嫌包庇非法活动。

    It involved the coverup of illegal activities.

  14. 两人串通一气,互相包庇。

    Acting in collusion, the two of them shielded each other.

  15. 我设法包庇他,但没有成功。

    I tried to cover up for him, but without success.

  16. 你包庇她会惹下麻烦的。

    You would get into trouble for harboring her.

  17. 护身符的痴迷已改名护身符袒护包庇。

    Amulet of Spell Shield has been renamed Amulet of Shielding.

  18. 我说,比安卡是在包庇某人。

    I think Bianca is covering for her father.

  19. 劝我来包庇你是不可能的。

    It is impossible to try to persuade me to cover up for you.

  20. 你不能包庇该罪犯而不起诉他。

    You can't shield this criminal from prosecution.

  21. 这是他包庇, 偏私得最初得暗示。

    This was his first hint at graft, favoritism.

  22. 这是他包庇,偏私的最初的暗示。

    This was his first hint at graft, favoritism.

  23. 她为什么要包庇想要杀她的人呢?

    Why would she cover for someone who was trying to kill her?

  24. 我国刑法中的典型包庇犯罪研究

    Researches on the Typical Crime of Shield in Criminal Law of People's Republic of China

  25. 他对法庭说谎以包庇自己的朋友。

    He lied to the court to shield his friend.

  26. 由于执法方面的包庇,造假者更加肆无忌惮。

    With the protection of law enforcement officials, counterfeiters will be more reckless.

  27. 对不起,因为我对他的包庇伤害很多人。

    I am sorry that I hurt a lot people because of putting him under my protection.

  28. 在顺从神与包庇罪之间没有平衡点。

    There's no balance point between following God and tolerating sin.

  29. 论窝藏,包庇罪的行为对象 犯罪的人含义辨析

    Analyze on the Act Target of Protecting or Harboring Criminals

  30. 滥用职权,擅自处理和袒护,包庇事故责任人的。

    Abuse of authority, unauthorized handling and shielding, shielding people responsible for the accident.


  1. 问:包庇拼音怎么拼?包庇的读音是什么?包庇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包庇的读音是bāobì,包庇翻译成英文是 cover up

  2. 问:包庇朋友拼音怎么拼?包庇朋友的读音是什么?包庇朋友翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包庇朋友的读音是bāobì péngyou,包庇朋友翻译成英文是 cover up for one's friends

  3. 问:包庇罪拼音怎么拼?包庇罪的读音是什么?包庇罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包庇罪的读音是bāobìzuì,包庇罪翻译成英文是 offense of covering up the criminals

  4. 问:包庇者拼音怎么拼?包庇者的读音是什么?包庇者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包庇者的读音是bāobìzhě,包庇者翻译成英文是 concealer

  5. 问:包庇叛国罪拼音怎么拼?包庇叛国罪的读音是什么?包庇叛国罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包庇叛国罪的读音是bāo bì pàn guó zuì,包庇叛国罪翻译成英文是 misprision of treason

  6. 问:包庇叛逆者拼音怎么拼?包庇叛逆者的读音是什么?包庇叛逆者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包庇叛逆者的读音是bāobìpànnìzhě,包庇叛逆者翻译成英文是 harboring deserter

  7. 问:包庇小偷罪拼音怎么拼?包庇小偷罪的读音是什么?包庇小偷罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包庇小偷罪的读音是bāo bì xiǎo tōu zuì,包庇小偷罪翻译成英文是 theft-bote



词目:包庇 拼音:bāo bì 英文:shield 定义: 是指向处分决定机关或者有关组织提供虚假证明帮助违法违纪行为人掩盖违法违纪事实,或者在违法违纪行为人被有关或者组织查获、发现前帮助其湮灭、隐藏、转移或毁灭违法违纪行为人而予以包庇的行为。
