




1. 弟 [dì]2. 弟 [tì]3. 弟 [tuí]弟 [dì]同父母(或只同父、只同母)的比自己年纪小的男子:~~。兄~。亲戚或亲族间辈分相同的比自己年纪小的男子:表~。堂~。称同辈比自己年纪小的男性:老~。师~。学生对老师自称或别人……



汉语拼音:xiǎo dì








  1. 幼弟。

    《汉书·金日磾传》:“ 何罗 ( 莽何罗 )与 通 及小弟 安成 矫制夜出,共杀使者,发兵。”《晋书·苻登载记》:“ 兴 将死,告 同成 曰:‘可以后事付卿小弟司马。’”

  2. 对平辈谦称自己。

    唐 王季友 《观于舍人壁画山水》诗:“ 于公 大笑向予説,小弟丹青能尔为。”《镜花缘》第七回:“舅兄既不知道,待小弟慢慢讲来。” 陈登科 《赤龙与丹凤》第一部十三:“ 饕兄 有用小弟之处,尽管使唤。”

  3. 对年轻朋友的爱称。

    章炳麟 《狱中赠邹容》诗:“ 邹容 吾小弟,被髮下 瀛洲 。”



  1. He took his arm from Sonny's shoulder and slapped him, lightly, affectionately, with the back of his hand.


  2. It was a mystery to me what exactly he got up to, but my little brother Emilio's friends said he was a wicked wizard.


  3. The secret is to congratulate him on the occasion of the younger sister, who has modestly in claiming that "the bold" .


  4. Each ace, please comment on how much ah, can turn, I appreciate how much is ah.


  5. Happy with you and I add the Wiz, cold several younger brother a total of only seven.


  6. Of course his younger brother did not know about this.


  7. You know, I have to say that I doubt the French would agree that a reduction in average penis size is welfare improvement by any standard.


  8. I found a call "water" LOGO design nets, I don't give it advertised, however, that the space to have some goods.


  9. Similar to teaching, the kindergarten rule proclaims that you should be able to explain your subject to a six year old.


  1. 聪明狗小弟?

    Dogs May Be More Intelligent?

  2. 别老挑剔你的小弟。

    Don't always pick on your little brother.

  3. 我小弟去年参的军。

    My little brother joined the army last year.

  4. 请放了我两个小弟。

    Please let my boys go.

  5. 他是我的小弟弟。

    He is my youngest brother.

  6. 我的小弟真是个捣蛋鬼

    My little Brother is such a rogue!

  7. 让我的小弟一个一个伺候我

    Had my boys posted up stoop one and two

  8. 他很关心他的小弟弟。

    He is attentive to his little brother.

  9. 她因他打他小弟而气愤。

    She was indignant with him for beating his little brother.

  10. 我小弟的声音真的很难听。

    My little brother's voice is really obnoxious.

  11. 她的小弟弟模仿她的行为。

    Her little brother apes her behavior.

  12. 他教他小弟弟如何摔跤。

    He taught his little brother how to wrestle.

  13. 我的小弟有各种各样的兴趣。

    My little brother has a variety of interests.

  14. 别把我的小弟搞糊涂了

    Don't. don't confuse my naughty parts.

  15. 这全是由我的小弟引起的。

    It all started with my dick.

  16. 我可不希望在我小弟面前丢脸。

    I don't wanna lose face in front of my men.

  17. 我的小弟是家里的出谋划策者。

    My little brother's the brains of the family.

  18. 你问她是否有小弟弟。

    You asked her if she had a penis.

  19. 望前辈们为小弟指点一下迷津!

    Look at elder people show a labyrinth for little younger brother!

  20. 我的小弟弟们总在打架。

    My little brothers are always fighting.

  21. 我的小弟弟很乐於帮忙。

    My little brother is a very cheerful helper.

  22. 客人小弟弟,你上了学校么

    GuestBub,do you go to school

  23. 你的小弟们一直跟你在一起吗?

    And your boys were with you the whole time?

  24. 我得小弟弟充满好奇心。

    My little brother is full of curiosity.

  25. 我的小弟弟充满好奇心。

    My little brother is full of curiosity.

  26. 我得小弟弟很乐于帮忙。

    My little brother is a very cheerful helper.

  27. 我的小弟弟很乐于帮忙。

    My little brother is a very cheerful helper.

  28. 简编故事逗她的小弟弟。

    Jane made up stories to amuse her little brother.

  29. 她去纽约参加她小弟的婚礼。

    She went to New York for the wedding of her youngest brother.

  30. 你要是不来,小心你小弟的性命。

    If you don't come, your men will die.


  1. 问:小弟拼音怎么拼?小弟的读音是什么?小弟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小弟的读音是xiǎodì,小弟翻译成英文是 Young brother;A lovely address to friend or rela...

  2. 问:小弟弟拼音怎么拼?小弟弟的读音是什么?小弟弟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小弟弟的读音是xiǎodìdi,小弟弟翻译成英文是 little kid.; an intimate way to adress a boy youn...

  3. 问:小弟拟管螺拼音怎么拼?小弟拟管螺的读音是什么?小弟拟管螺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小弟拟管螺的读音是xiǎodìnǐguǎnluó,小弟拟管螺翻译成英文是 Himphaedusa frater-minor

  4. 问:小弟弟和小姐姐拼音怎么拼?小弟弟和小姐姐的读音是什么?小弟弟和小姐姐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小弟弟和小姐姐的读音是,小弟弟和小姐姐翻译成英文是 Brother and Sister



◎ 小弟 xiǎodì (1) [young brother]∶幼弟 小弟闻姊来。——《乐府诗集·木兰诗》 (2) [friend or acquaintance]∶男性朋友相互之间的谦称 (3) [young male servant or young waiter]∶年轻的男仆或男服务员 (4) 指男性生殖器