


1. 勾 [gōu]2. 勾 [gòu]勾 [gōu]用笔画出符号,表示删除或截取:~销。~乙(在报刊书籍的某些词句两端画上像“乙”的记号,表示作为资料)。画出形象的轮廓,描画:~画。~勒。用灰、水泥等涂抹建筑物的缝(fèng ):~缝。调……


绘图:绘~。~图。~像。~地为牢。~脂镂冰(在凝固的油脂或冰上绘画雕刻,一融化就都没有了,喻劳而无功)。图像:~面。~片。~坛。~板。~卷(juàn )(a.成卷轴形的画;b.喻壮丽的景色或动人的场面)。~外音。图~。诗中有~。写,签押,署……



汉语拼音:gōu huà








  1. 勾勒描绘。

    杨朔 《<六十年的变迁>书后》:“小说不但勾画出 蒋翊武 、 刘复基 等义烈汉子,还痛快淋漓地描绘出 黎元洪 的本来面目。”



  1. So you've got a situation where a man is trying to FOLLOW a woman who isn't LEADING.


  2. We then walked again, he saw a man on the beach picturing his imagination, wave came, wipe out of his paintings, he would re-tracing!


  3. Thus, when he decided to leave Hannibal in May 1853, he already had an inkling of his future career.


  4. The authors conclude by sketching the core principles of the new communications policy paradigm that currently seems to be emerging.


  5. In the middle of a circle covered with a net pattern painted on the belly of the jar, there was grotesque human figure outlined in black.


  6. If you took the time in the first step to outline your ideas and setthem up in a logical fashion, then your thinking should be very clear.


  7. An ominous portrait emerged from his calm prose of a generation that hates to pay for entertainment and communications.


  8. Begins with the police came on a few strokes took a quick upright, devoted a good image of the police sketch out.


  9. Thrice in the London Zoo he saw an eighteen month-old specimen trace the out line of its own shadow with its finger.


  1. 勾画树木与水仙

    Sketch the trees and the daffodils

  2. 他想草草地勾画。

    He wanted to trace roughly.

  3. 粗略勾画出来的船

    a crudely drawn ship

  4. 勾画出叶子的轮廓。

    Trace the shape of the leaf.

  5. 嗬几笔就勾画出

    Wow, just a few strokes can delineate

  6. 勾画得非常相似非常近似。

    sketched in an approximate likeness a near likeness.

  7. 拟出大纲或者勾画出轮廓。

    Draw up an outline or sketch for something.

  8. 我们勾画着世界。我们创造着可能。

    We design our world. We invent possibilities.

  9. 勾画出一幅画的轮廊

    Draw in the outline of a picture

  10. 他勾画了英国的势力范围。

    He outlined the limits of British power.

  11. 勾画出嫌疑者的大致肖像

    Sketched an approximate likeness of the suspect.

  12. 这是勾画网站草图的过程。

    This is the process that sketch out your site.

  13. 勾画出这本书的大致轮廓。

    Sketch the outline of the book.

  14. 使用铅笔和纸的勾画的图标。

    Use pencil and paper for sketching out the icons.

  15. 他用粉笔勾画了新大楼的简图。

    He chalked out a simple plan of the new building.

  16. 展翅的用象飞翔的展开翅膀勾画的

    Depicted with the wings extended as in flying.

  17. 已为未来勾画了广阔的愿景。

    A broad vision for the future has been elaborated.

  18. 他用三言两语勾画了新政策的目标。

    He was sketchiest in broadbrushing his goals in the new policy.

  19. 三两笔就能勾画出一片竹林

    Three strokes, you get the whole bamboo forest.

  20. 勾画你容颜的心儿何处可容?

    Where is the heart in which you were outlined?

  21. 上面勾画的方法有两个基本问题。

    There are two basic problems with the approach sketched above.

  22. 勾画大脑,这不像占领阵地那么简单

    Map the brain for hallucinations the way we do a seizure.

  23. 这个联合体相信华尔街勾画的乐观设想。

    This network shares the optimistic scenarios that Wall Street spins.

  24. 他用黑墨水勾画出那副画的轮廓。

    He outlined the drawings in black ink.

  25. 科学家们勾画出了保护世界海洋的蓝图。

    Scientists draft blueprint to protect world oceans.

  26. 一点一滴勾画出你我心中小小的回忆

    Drawing every piece of our memory

  27. 他们在沙地上勾画了那个设计图样。

    They traced out the design in the sand.

  28. 我勾画你的轮廓,描绘数不尽的惆怅。

    I sketched the outline of your depicts endless melancholy.

  29. 断了线的思念勾画出那些破碎的拥抱。

    Broke line missing to outline these stave hugs.

  30. 他用铅笔勾画出建筑物和树木的轮廓。

    He roughed in the buildings and trees with a pencil.


  1. 问:勾画拼音怎么拼?勾画的读音是什么?勾画翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勾画的读音是gōuhuà,勾画翻译成英文是 sketch




拼音:gōuhuà英文:bring out基本

解释:1. [bring out;draw the outline of]∶用线条描画轮廓一条黄绿相间的琉璃屋檐,把巍峨的大会堂的轮廓从蔚蓝的天空中勾画出来。——《雄伟的人民大会堂》2. [describe]∶用简短的文字描写几笔就勾画出了他的凶残嘴脸