







汉语拼音:lóu miàn






  1. 指楼房楼上一层的面积。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三二回:“走到一家门前, 端甫 带着我进去,一直上到楼上。这一间楼面,便隔做了两间。”



  1. Some land had even fetched more at auction than developed property prices, he said. "The flour had become more expensive than the bread. "


  2. Mr. Tong said he had been approached about buying the floor earlier, but didn't think the owner was serious about a sale.


  3. The wind off the sea blows in across floors strewn with broken glass.


  4. Provided that there shall be not less than 2. 3 m measured from the floor to the underside of any beam.


  5. I understand we will need seven air conditioning units on the two floors. That's what you think, yes?


  6. As a good trainer, train store managers, floor supervisors and promoters to carry out the sales of the services products.


  7. I helped him move all the furniture and filing cabinets up two flights of stairs to the next floor, and what did he give me for helping him?


  8. As a good trainer, train store managers and floor supervisors to carry out the sales of the service products.


  9. For the city improper, land price is still applied as an aid price of the floor price.


  1. 空心板楼面

    hollow tile floor slab.

  2. 漏空钢板楼面

    open steel flooring.

  3. 这座楼面朝东。

    The building points to the east.

  4. 敌人已占领了这个楼面

    Hostiles are in control of the area.

  5. 敌人已占领了这个楼面。

    Hostiles are in control of the area.

  6. 电梯, 楼面图, 楼梯踏板, 楼梯平台。

    lifts, floor charts, stair treads, landings.

  7. 粗大的横梁支撑着上面的楼面。

    Heavy timbers supported the floor above.

  8. 楼面荷载通过楼板传递给梁。

    The weight of the contents is transmitted by means of the floors to the beams.

  9. 请问每一楼面有多少紧急出口?

    How many emergency exits are there per floor?

  10. 办公部分地面与楼面均同宿舍楼。

    Office part ground and floor are the same to the dormitory's.

  11. 楼面托架预埋件抗风柱

    FJ FLOOR JOIST EMBEDMENT WIND RESISTANCE COLUMN floor joist embedment wind resistance CL.

  12. 结果, 上层的楼面下陷, 毁坏了下层的楼面。

    Consequently, the upper floors caved in, collapsing the floors below.

  13. 室内楼面面积的最低编配标准

    Minimum internal floor area allocation standard

  14. 玩具、楼面、桌面、浴室也要保证干净整洁。

    The toys, floors, tabletops and bathrooms should be clean.

  15. 这样一来, 绿色花坛就被提升至上层楼面。

    In this way, green parterre is elevated on the upper floors.

  16. 有五层楼的商店, 且每层楼面都很大。

    There are five floors of shops and each of floor is very big.

  17. 楼面既可以用耐火混凝土建造, 也可以用木料建造。

    These may be constructed either in fire resisting materials, such as concrete, or in timber.

  18. 这种体系常用来建造厂房和仓库的楼面。

    This system is very often used in factory and warehouse floors.

  19. 但有极少的楼面空间中所表述的机舱。

    But there is very little floor space in the forward cabin.

  20. 尼姆返身走进饭店,乘电梯到夹层楼面去。

    Nim returned inside the hotel and took an elevator to the Mezzanine floor.

  21. 屋面,楼面,屋檐和彩钢门可由客户选择。

    The ceiling, elevating flooring, eaves and color steel door are optional for customer.

  22. 海风沿着撒满破碎玻璃得楼面吹了进来。

    The wind off the sea blows in across floors strewn with broken glass.

  23. 海风沿着撒满破碎玻璃的楼面吹了进来。

    The wind off the sea blows in across floors strewn with broken glass.

  24. 焚化炉房的楼面平面图展示于本许可证图2。

    The floor plan of the incinerator room is shown in Figure 2 of this Permit.

  25. 焚化炉房得楼面平面图展示于本许可证图2。

    The floor plan of the incinerator room is shown in Figure 0 of this Permit.

  26. 夹楼,夹层楼面一座建筑中两层主楼面之间的部分楼面

    A partial story between two main stories of a building.

  27. 雪莉我了解我们需要七部空调机在两个楼面。

    SHERRY I understand we will need seven air conditioning units on the two floors.

  28. 年内,私人发展商额外建造了4000平方米的分层厂房楼面。

    Private developers provided an additional4000 square metres of flatted factory space in1999.

  29. 但由楼面量度至任何梁的底面的高度须不少于2。3米。

    Provided that there shall be not less than 2. 1 m measured from the floor to the underside of any beam.

  30. 建筑师画了楼面的平面图以表示他将如何划分办公场地。

    The architect diagramed the floor plan to show how he would divide the office space.


  1. 问:楼面层拼音怎么拼?楼面层的读音是什么?楼面层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楼面层的读音是lóu miàn céng,楼面层翻译成英文是 tier

  2. 问:楼面板拼音怎么拼?楼面板的读音是什么?楼面板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楼面板的读音是lóu miàn bǎn,楼面板翻译成英文是 floor plate

  3. 问:楼面地价拼音怎么拼?楼面地价的读音是什么?楼面地价翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楼面地价的读音是lóu miàn dì jià,楼面地价翻译成英文是 land price per floor area

  4. 问:楼面填充拼音怎么拼?楼面填充的读音是什么?楼面填充翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楼面填充的读音是lóu miàn tián chōng,楼面填充翻译成英文是 floor fill

  5. 问:楼面排水拼音怎么拼?楼面排水的读音是什么?楼面排水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楼面排水的读音是lóu miàn pái shuǐ,楼面排水翻译成英文是 floor drain

  6. 问:楼面插管拼音怎么拼?楼面插管的读音是什么?楼面插管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楼面插管的读音是lóu miàn chā guǎn,楼面插管翻译成英文是 floor sleeve

  7. 问:楼面板条拼音怎么拼?楼面板条的读音是什么?楼面板条翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楼面板条的读音是lóu miàn bǎn tiáo,楼面板条翻译成英文是 floor batten

  8. 问:楼面标高拼音怎么拼?楼面标高的读音是什么?楼面标高翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楼面标高的读音是lóu miàn biāo gāo,楼面标高翻译成英文是 finish floor level

  9. 问:楼面洞口拼音怎么拼?楼面洞口的读音是什么?楼面洞口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楼面洞口的读音是lóu miàn dòng kǒu,楼面洞口翻译成英文是 chase hole

  10. 问:楼面活载拼音怎么拼?楼面活载的读音是什么?楼面活载翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楼面活载的读音是lóu miàn huó zǎi,楼面活载翻译成英文是 floor live load

  11. 问:楼面温度拼音怎么拼?楼面温度的读音是什么?楼面温度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楼面温度的读音是lóu miàn wēn dù,楼面温度翻译成英文是 floor temperature

  12. 问:楼面系统拼音怎么拼?楼面系统的读音是什么?楼面系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楼面系统的读音是lóu miàn xì tǒng,楼面系统翻译成英文是 floor system

  13. 问:楼面荷载拼音怎么拼?楼面荷载的读音是什么?楼面荷载翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楼面荷载的读音是lóu miàn hè zǎi,楼面荷载翻译成英文是 floor load

  14. 问:楼面荷重拼音怎么拼?楼面荷重的读音是什么?楼面荷重翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楼面荷重的读音是lóu miàn hè zhòng,楼面荷重翻译成英文是 floor load

  15. 问:楼面面积拼音怎么拼?楼面面积的读音是什么?楼面面积翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楼面面积的读音是lóu miàn miàn jī,楼面面积翻译成英文是 floor space

  16. 问:楼面高度拼音怎么拼?楼面高度的读音是什么?楼面高度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楼面高度的读音是lóu miàn gāo dù,楼面高度翻译成英文是 floor depth

  17. 问:楼面反应谱拼音怎么拼?楼面反应谱的读音是什么?楼面反应谱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楼面反应谱的读音是lóu miàn fǎn yìng pǔ,楼面反应谱翻译成英文是 floor response spectrum

  18. 问:楼面小搁栅拼音怎么拼?楼面小搁栅的读音是什么?楼面小搁栅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楼面小搁栅的读音是lóu miàn xiǎo gé zhà,楼面小搁栅翻译成英文是 floor sleeper

  19. 问:楼面磨耗层拼音怎么拼?楼面磨耗层的读音是什么?楼面磨耗层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楼面磨耗层的读音是lóu miàn mó hào céng,楼面磨耗层翻译成英文是 wearing floor

  20. 问:楼面覆面层拼音怎么拼?楼面覆面层的读音是什么?楼面覆面层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楼面覆面层的读音是lóu miàn fù miàn céng,楼面覆面层翻译成英文是 floor cover



lóu miàn (楼面) 指楼房楼上一层的面积。《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三二回:“走到一家门前, 端甫 带着我进去,一直上到楼上。这一间楼面,便隔做了两间。” 建筑专业术语,特指楼层的地上表面,位于屋顶层的楼面则称为屋面。
