


不争,尽(jǐn)着旁人:~步。~位。谦~。请:~茶。许,使:不~他来。任凭:~他闹去。被:~雨淋了。索取一定代价,把东西给人:出~。转(zhuǎn )~。闪避:~开。当仁不~。责备,谴责:“二世使人~章邯”。古同“攘”,侵夺。……





汉语拼音:ràng wèi









  1. 让出官爵或职位。

    《史记·太史公自序》:“能忍訽於 魏齐 ,而信威於彊 秦 ,推贤让位,二子有之。”《三国志·魏志·王朗传》:“ 朗 荐光禄大夫 杨彪 ,且称疾,让位於 彪 。” 巴金 《探索集·作家》:“到该让位的时候,我绝不‘恋栈’。”

  2. 推让坐位。




  1. A growing number of followers would like to see him step down in favour of the younger interior minister, Roberto Maroni.

  2. So it is with some sadness that I note that America's age of indulgence seems to be giving way to an era of frugality.

  3. If one were to draw the correct historical analogy, the potential eclipse of the dollar is just a decade away.

  4. In 2010, when Mark V. Hurd was pushed out of H. P. he said he would "move aside. "

  5. The latter seems to be giving way to SOAP, which has support for message-oriented as well as procedural approaches.

  6. To his credit, Mr Erdogan was the first Muslim leader to tell Egypt's Hosni Mubarak to step down.

  7. The secretary is proposing to stand down in favour of a younger man.

  8. Uncle left his position of the board of directors as he felt that he should move over in favour of a younger man.

  9. We have consistently said that President Assad must lead a democratic transition or get out of the way.


  1. 让位给某人

    aBdicate the throne in sB.s favor

  2. 风俗画让位给景观。

    Genre painting gives way to landscape.

  3. 让位给某人/ 某物

    to make way (for somebody/ something)

  4. 我还没有准备让位。

    I'm not ready to step aside yet.

  5. 木兰让位, 马良上阵。

    Move over Mulan, here comes Ma Liang.

  6. 木兰让位,马良上阵。

    Move over Mulan ,here comes Ma Liang .

  7. 给新的小丑让位吧

    Make some room for a new harlequin

  8. 旧方法应让位给新方法。

    Old methods must give place to new.

  9. 她应对她的仓促让位负责。

    he is responsible for the precipitation of his own demise.

  10. 老领导主动让位给年轻人。

    The old leader stepped down in favour of someone younger.

  11. 老领导主动让位给年轻人。

    The old leader stepped down in favour of someone younger.

  12. 老的必须让位于新的。

    The old must abdicate new.

  13. 老得必须让位于新得。

    The old must abdicate new.

  14. 没人让位给那位老人坐。

    Nobody offers seat to that elder.

  15. 让位通过退位或遗嘱方式转让

    To transferby abdication or will.

  16. 那位法官生病时不得不让位。

    When the judge became ill, he had to step down.

  17. 武器必须让位给对话和谈判。

    Weapons must give way to dialogue and negotiations.

  18. 他迫于压力,不得不让位给部下。

    He had to give up his position to a subordinate.

  19. 背人将让位给他的太阳致敬。

    To salute the sun for whom I must make way.

  20. 方言是不是应该让位给华语呢

    Should dialects give way to Mandarin

  21. 他退休了,让位给一位年轻人。

    He retired and made place for a young person.

  22. 我认为我应该让位给年青人了。

    I feel that I should give place to a younger man.

  23. 是我们让位给年轻人的时候了。

    It's time we gave place to younger people.

  24. 让位移小于10毫米是不容易的。

    It is not easy to let the displacement less than 10 milimetre.

  25. 这位老干部主动让位,退居二线。

    The veteran cadre retired from the leading post of his own accord to assume an advisory post

  26. 武力的法则必须让位给法律的力量。

    The law of force must yield to the force of law.

  27. 老年人退了休就让位给年轻人。

    When older men retire they make way for younger men to take their places.

  28. 吉米让位了, 一个年轻人取代了他。

    Jimmy was moved over and a young man took his position.

  29. 吉米让位了,一个年轻人取代了他。

    Jimmy was moved over and a young man took his position.

  30. 他该退休、为年轻的教授让位了。

    It's time he retired and made way for some younger professor.


  1. 问:让位拼音怎么拼?让位的读音是什么?让位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:让位的读音是ràngwèi,让位翻译成英文是 step down; give up one’s seat

  2. 问:让位给拼音怎么拼?让位给的读音是什么?让位给翻译成英文是什么?

    答:让位给的读音是ràng wèi gěi,让位给翻译成英文是 give way to




【拼音】ràng wèi

【释义】 1、让出官位或职位。《史记·太史公自序》:“能忍訽於魏齐,而信威於强秦,推贤让位,二子有之。”《三国志·魏志·王朗传》:“朗荐光禄大夫杨彪,且称疾,让位於彪 。”《东周列国志》第七回:“乃告以让位,激成弑逆之恶,岂非优柔不断,自取其祸!” 巴金《探索集·作家》:“到该让位的时候,我绝不‘恋栈’。” 2、推让坐位。《儒林外史》第八回:“彼此施了礼,让位坐下。” 3、模具术语。让位孔