




1. 喝 [hē]2. 喝 [hè]3. 喝 [yè]喝 [hē]把液体饮料或流质食物咽下去:~水。~酒。~茶。~粥。特指喝酒:~醉了。喝 [hè]大声喊叫:~彩。~问。喝 [yè]声音嘶哑、噎塞:“儿生,号啼之声鸿朗高畅者寿,嘶~湿下者夭……



汉语拼音:yāo he








  1. 大声喊叫。

    《西游记》第十五回:“哏哏的吆喝,正难息怒。” 丁玲 《粮秣主任》:“他们跟着扩音器送来的音乐,跟着打夯的吆喝,跟着碾路机的轧轧声跑得更欢了。”

  2. 犹呼唤。

    《红楼梦》第一一○回:“ 凤姐 急忙进去,吆喝人来伺候,胡弄着将早饭打发了。” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第二部二八:“你先去吆喝 李大个子 他们来开个小组会,布置一下,再召集积极分子会议。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》十八章:“ 石得富 已经被他吆喝来的同志们围拢起来了。”

  3. 呵斥;喝令。

    《儿女英雄传》第五回:“这等人,喜欢的时节,付之行云流水也使得;烦恼的时节,狗一般的可以吆喝出去。” 萧军 《羊·羊三》:“看守们背上加了步枪,拖着藤杖在地上,悠闲的相互说着,高声吆喝着偷懒的人。”

  4. 大声驱赶;大声驱逐。

    梁斌 《红旗谱》五六:“ 朱老忠 吆喝牲口,车子慢慢走过 曹锟 花园。” 李瑛 《正月十五》诗:“那是谁家老大娘,吆喝着毛驴兴致高。” 王汶石 《风雪之夜》:“那是吆喝雁的人,不过在村边麦地里赶一赶雁罢了,他连河滩也不敢去哩。”



  1. If the children made a chatter he shouted at them in a way that made their mother's blood boil.


  2. He's angry with me 'cause I yelled at him for beating up the other cats.


  3. "Receipts, receipts" they brazenly shout, trying to hawk fake paid invoices from hotels, restaurants or office supply companies.


  4. There she is at the pumpkin patch shouting at him for being a substandard father.


  5. It is still vivid and clear to me that an old man wandered along the street with shouting'abrading the scissors! '


  6. However, she "did not want to hear other people crying. "


  7. All this has meant costs have mounted, and the Nano will have to be a loss-leader for a long time.


  8. He and his friend shouted at a thief and scared him away after they spotted him trying to steal from a woman riding a bicycle.


  9. I ease into bed and my wife STILL wakes up and yells at me for staying out so late!


  1. 对某人吆喝

    bawl at sb.

  2. 赔本赚吆喝

    earn at a loss.

  3. 牲口不听吆喝。

    The animal wouldn't obey its driver.

  4. 沿街吆喝着生意

    cry out for customers along the street

  5. 给我们一声吆喝

    Givin us a yo heave ho

  6. 他大声向我吆喝。

    He bawled at me.

  7. 他吆喝鼹鼠过来取暖。

    He hailed the Mole to come and warm himself.

  8. 他吆喝着挤过人群。

    He blustered his way through the crowd.

  9. 走的时候吆喝一声。

    Give us a shout when it's time to leave.

  10. 教练吆喝赛跑运动员加油。

    The coach yelled to the runner to go it

  11. 电幕上没有吆喝声。

    There was no yell from the telescreen.

  12. 一声吆喝划破了沉寂。

    A cry broke the silence.

  13. 你没听见她在吆喝你吗?

    Don't you hear her calling?

  14. 我要能让山羊吆喝的

    Something to make the mountain goats yodel

  15. 花我们的钱,还对我们吆喝?

    Costing us money, telling us what to do?

  16. 在背后拿着鞭子吆喝人

    Involve whooping people on the behind with a belt.

  17. 老太太对那男孩大声吆喝。

    The old lady shouted at the boy.

  18. 观众们,互相吆喝以巨大的喧闹!

    Les spectateurs, sinterpellent a grand fracas!

  19. 用于停下的命令, 如吆喝马

    used as a command to stop, as to a horse

  20. 我吆喝时那马扬起了头。

    The horse perked up its head when I shouted.

  21. 她大声吆喝他把大门关上。

    She shouted at him to shut the gate.

  22. 随你怎么吆喝地球上的犹太人。

    You call any Jew on this planet anything you like.

  23. 停用于吆喝马等停下的命令

    Used as a command to stop, as to a horse.

  24. 他和你一样,也得听别人吆喝。

    He's under the boot as much as you.

  25. 教练站在场外向他的运动员吆喝。

    The coach stood on the sideline s shouting to his players.

  26. 教练站在场外向他得运动员吆喝。

    The coach stood on the sideline s shouting to his players.

  27. 他不住地挥着鞭子, 吆喝骡子。

    He continually cracked his whip and shouted at the mule.

  28. 小贩的吆喝盖住了来往车辆的喧嚣。

    The hucksters cried above the traffic sounds.

  29. 那个赶车的土人始终吆喝着, 叫吼着。

    All the time the native driver yelled and howled.

  30. 那个赶车得土人始终吆喝着,叫吼着。

    All the time the native driver yelled and howled.


  1. 问:吆喝拼音怎么拼?吆喝的读音是什么?吆喝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吆喝的读音是yāohe,吆喝翻译成英文是 call out



“吆喝”是个多义词,它可以指吆喝(解词), 吆喝(萧乾所著散文), 吆喝(大声喊叫或叫卖)。