


笔直,突出:笔~。~进。~拔。~立。~秀。~括(guā)(衣服、衣料等平整)。~劲(jìng )。伸直,凸出:~直。~起腰。支撑:~节(坚持节操)。很:~好。~香。量词,用于挺直物:一~机关枪。……


向前或向上移动、发展,与“退”相对:前~。上~。推~。跃~。~退。~取。~击。~驻。~行(xíng )。~而。入,往里去:~见。~谒。~谗。吃,喝:~食。~餐。滴水未~。收入或买入:~账。~货。日~斗金。奉上,呈上:~言。~奉。~献。旧式房……



汉语拼音:tǐng jìn








  1. 犹前进。多指军队直指目标进军。

    范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第四编第一章第一节:“ 宋 军却自 剑门 一路急速挺进。” 李季 《当红军的哥哥回来了》诗:“旗开得胜大进军,八路军挺进到敌人后方。” 冯牧 《不断革命的战歌和颂歌(《郭小川诗选》代序)》:“从这部篇幅并不浩繁的作品当中,我们可以看到一个坚持革命的文艺工作者是如何在斗争生活的激流中顽强挺进的。”



  1. But I've progressed a lot. I'm not just running into shots all the time any more. I know how to break someone down in there.


  2. Rasmussen said the rebels are advancing militarily in Libya, although it was unclear how much.


  3. When the air strikes began, government forces were poised to enter Benghazi. A bloodbath appeared to be inevitable.


  4. Genghiz Khan decided to leave southern China alone and swing westwards, through central Asia, to- wards the rich Moslem kingdom of Persia.


  5. Another young Twilight upstart with his top off sneaking his way into the Empire sexiest list?


  6. He was determined to work his way south into England and reclaim the British crown for his father.


  7. when matsui went down , the yankees found a savior in young melky cabrera , who helped the team continue on.


  8. If I wanted a sliver of a chance of advancing again, my brain said, "Play your strong piece first. "


  9. The British army is ready to march on the city.


  1. 大军挺进前线。

    The army pressed on to the front line.

  2. 挺进跳远决赛。

    Marion Jones advanced to the final of the long jump.

  3. 挺进叠置焊道

    string beading

  4. 军队向柏林挺进。

    The soldiers marched towards Berlin.

  5. 手球, 向奥运挺进

    The Rise of Olympic Handball

  6. 部队正朝首都挺进

    troops are advancing on the capital

  7. 部队正朝首都挺进

    troops are advancing on the capital

  8. 我感到我已挺进死亡

    I Feel as if I Am at A Dead End

  9. 节节挺进的盟军部队

    the advancing Allied troops

  10. 他们向山顶挺进。

    They breasted the mountain.

  11. 难民躲避挺进的军队

    the flight of refugees from the advancing forces

  12. 那支军队向海洋挺进。

    The army made a push toward the sea.

  13. 大军向尼罗河挺进。

    The army pushed towards the Nile.

  14. 坦克正在向敌军挺进。

    Tanks were closing in on the enemy

  15. 坦克正在向敌军挺进。

    Tanks were closing in on the enemy

  16. 但是华盛顿却向河岸挺进。

    But Washington was marching up the riverbank

  17. 不, 我意欲慢慢挺进罗马。

    No, I intend to drive into Rome very slowly.

  18. 我军已经挺进东北三省。

    The troops have pressed onward into the three provinces of the country's northeast.

  19. 1939年3月,德军挺进布拉格。

    In March 1939, the German army marched into Prague.

  20. 我军部队挺进, 敌军向后撤退。

    The enemy fell back as our troops advanced.

  21. 前卫正以全速向前挺进。

    The advance guard was pressing forward with all speed.

  22. 拿破仑驱使他的部队挺进莫斯科。

    Napoleon marched his army to Moscow.

  23. 拿破仑的军队向莫斯科挺进。

    Napoleons army advanced on Moscow.

  24. 盟军正在向敌军营地挺进。

    The Allied troops are advancing on the camp of the enemy.

  25. 联军正在向巴格达挺进途中

    Allied Forces Advance Halfway to Baghdad

  26. 师团向前挺进,挖掘新的战壕。

    Moved forward broke new ground.

  27. 美国队周三击败法国队挺进决赛。

    On Wednesday the United States defeated France to reach the final.

  28. 昨晚部队开始向那个国家挺进。

    The troops started advancing on the country yesterday night.

  29. 昨晚部队开始向那个国家挺进。

    The troops started advancing on the country yesterday night.

  30. 成功挺进世界液晶电视知名品牌队伍。

    Success into the world renowned brand LCD TV service.


  1. 问:挺进拼音怎么拼?挺进的读音是什么?挺进翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挺进的读音是tǐngjìn,挺进翻译成英文是 press on




拼音:tǐng jìn 基本解释 [boldly drive on;press onward;push forward;advance] 部队直向目标前进。通常指大部队大踏步地迅速地向某一地区前进的行动 详细解释 犹前进。多指军队直指目标进军。 范文澜 等人《中国通史》第四编第一章第一节:“ 宋军却自剑门一路急速挺进。” 李季 《当红军的哥哥回来了》诗:“旗开得胜大进军,八路军挺进到敌人后方。”冯牧《不断革命的战歌和颂歌(《郭小川诗选》代序)》:“从这部篇幅并不浩繁的作品当中,我们可以看到一个坚持革命的文艺工作者是如何在斗争生活的激流中顽强挺进的。”