







汉语拼音:xiǎo pī





  1. He gathered about him a small circle of believers and presently began to preach in the town against the prevalent idolatry .


  2. This problem seemed to affect a small batch of superchargers and other then that has not been a big problem on units outside this one batch.


  3. Its bold move is just one sign of growing fragmentation in a market once dominated by the Big Three and a small clutch of Japanese rivals .


  4. We are generating work and will start sending it out in small batches shortly.


  5. In the business card printing and membership card making mass product, version could be used for baking, to increase the printing plates.


  6. The bailout might have a limited impact precisely because large amounts of bad assets are concentrated in a handful of large banks.


  7. And he ordered the construction of several super weapons, including the dreaded Galaxy Gun and a small fleet of World Devastators.


  8. Clinical trials involving a small group of human volunteers have been approved after a new drug was proven to be effective on monkeys.


  9. Stock can only be borrowed from a small clutch of brokers, a group not renowned for holding huge quantities of shares.


  1. 一小批游客

    a little group of tourists.

  2. 小批订货往年也蒙欢送。

    A small order this year also welcome.

  3. 小批订货今年也受欢迎。

    A small order this year is also welcome.

  4. 他劝服了一小批志愿者来帮忙。

    He persuaded a small band of volunteers to help.

  5. 论单件小批产品的大型综合计划管理

    Comprehensive Plan Management on Single Parts and Small Ordered Product

  6. 平均指数反映一小批成分加权表现的一类指数。

    A type of index reflecting the weighted performance of a small number of components.

  7. 相对来说,你总会发现有一小批人坚持用鼠标从不碰键盘。

    In contrast, you will always find a smaller set of users who are not touch typists and hence embrace the mouse as a pointandclick nirvana.

  8. 这批小球员大有希望。

    These young footballers show a lot of promise.

  9. 这批小球员大有希望。

    These young footballers show a lot of promise.

  10. 婚姻可以治愈一大批小毛

    Marriage cures a multitude of indispositions.

  11. 一批小饭店将停业整顿。

    Some small restaurants will be closed while being brought up to standard.

  12. 这些进口的牛已经生下第一批小牛。

    The imported cows have given birth to their first calves.

  13. 每批产品起定量比较多,现在我们能否小批量多品种定货?

    Our product lacks variety, such as no pillow, embroider product besides the narrowspan price.

  14. 我们主张用小容器包装这批货。

    We advocate using smaller container to pack the goods.

  15. 我喜欢你的小露露娃娃。一批6, 000个多少钱

    I love your little Lulu dolls.How much for a batch of 6, 000

  16. 先完成你的最重要事项, 然后在同一时间批处理这些小任务。

    Do your MITs first, and then do all the small tasks at the same time.

  17. 我方歉难供应你方所要求的小批数量。

    We unable to supply you with the small quantity you require.

  18. 我方歉难供给你方所要求的小批数目。

    We regret that we are unable to supply you with the small quantity yu require.

  19. 我方很难供应你方所要求的小批数量。

    We regret that we are unable to supply you with the small quantity you require.

  20. 有小批抗议者与防暴警察发生正面冲突, 投掷石块和燃烧弹。

    Smaller groups of protesters have engaged riot police directly, hurling stones and firebombs.

  21. 饭厅很小,所以午饭分两批吃。

    The dining hall is small, so there are two sittings for lunch.

  22. 小的剧院将首当其冲,第一批被迫歇业。

    The small theatres will be first for the chop.

  23. 小王,你把这批货发运到山东吧。

    Would you please send this load of goods to Shandong.

  24. 小王,你把这批货发运到山东吧。

    Would you please send this load of goods to Shandong.

  25. 飞行小队组成美国空军中队分队的一批飞机

    A number of aircraft in the U.S. Air Force forming a subdivision of a squadron.

  26. 数不清得小商店里陈列着一批廉价得塑料制品。

    Innumerable small shops presented a collection of cheap plastic goods.

  27. 他从没损失过一只小船或被迫抛弃一批货物。

    He had never lost a boat or even been forced to dump a cargo.

  28. 数不清的小商店里陈列着一批廉价的塑料制品。

    Innumerable small shops presented a collection of cheap plastic goods.

  29. 几个螺丝批和两个不同的切割面给这个小工具的效用吨。

    Several screwdrivers and two different cutting surfaces give this little tool a ton of usefulness.

  30. 他家雇用了一批民工,准备把房子翻盖成两层的小楼。

    His family hired some laborers and planned to add another floor to their house.


  1. 问:小批生产拼音怎么拼?小批生产的读音是什么?小批生产翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小批生产的读音是xiǎo pī shēng chǎn,小批生产翻译成英文是 limited product

  2. 问:小批装油拼音怎么拼?小批装油的读音是什么?小批装油翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小批装油的读音是xiǎo pī zhuāng yóu,小批装油翻译成英文是 bu1k reduction

  3. 问:小批评家拼音怎么拼?小批评家的读音是什么?小批评家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小批评家的读音是,小批评家翻译成英文是 criticaster

  4. 问:小批试产拼音怎么拼?小批试产的读音是什么?小批试产翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小批试产的读音是xiǎo pī shì chǎn,小批试产翻译成英文是 pilot run

  5. 问:小批量生产拼音怎么拼?小批量生产的读音是什么?小批量生产翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小批量生产的读音是xiǎo pī liàng shēng chǎn,小批量生产翻译成英文是 short run production

  6. 问:小批量托运人拼音怎么拼?小批量托运人的读音是什么?小批量托运人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小批量托运人的读音是xiǎo pī liàng tuō yùn rén,小批量托运人翻译成英文是 low-volume shipper

  7. 问:小批量生产试验拼音怎么拼?小批量生产试验的读音是什么?小批量生产试验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小批量生产试验的读音是xiǎo pī liàng shēng chǎn shì yàn,小批量生产试验翻译成英文是 Limited Production Test