







汉语拼音:kè xià








  1. 现在;目前。

    《水浒传》第八六回:“与汝突骑五千,精兵二万,就做先锋,即便会同 太真 駙马、 李金吾 ,刻下便行。” 清 严有禧 《漱华随笔·张太宰》:“刻下父母俱存,大小无恙,光景已佳。” 李劼人 《死水微澜》第五部分十一:“刻下制军正在求贤,你很可以把你的意思,写个条陈递上去。”



  1. Professor David Cumming and Dr Qin Chen etched the Christmas tree image on to a minute piece of glass.


  2. Little boys like to carve a checkerboard pattern down the length of a new pencil and all the way around it.


  3. Whether sixty or sixteen. Enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.


  4. Mironov may be my favorite mad scientist since the chemist who had the periodic table engraved on one of his hairs.


  5. The desire to mark one's desk is not limited to the snotty-nosed schoolchild with a penknife.


  6. Now, when the year heartlessly engraves the scar on her face the time, only then discovered old is a how fearful devil.


  7. India is a very small fry in front of him.


  8. Although the "flying" So abstract, Athens so far, but, in my little mind, but it has carved a proud name: the motherland!


  9. When the boat stopped, the man jumped into the water to look for his sword.


  1. 她刻下他最后的单纯,

    Into the calmness of her saved as a flower

  2. 他们在上面刻下献给上帝的字样。

    They engraved on it,'dedicated to the lord'.

  3. 在她脸上刻下一道道深深的皱纹

    to etch her face full of deep lines

  4. 刻下爱的见证的小树,已长成大树。

    The sapling that bears our mark of love has grown into a big tree

  5. 会让你觉得他刻下的信息很真诚。

    Makes you think the message he carved is sincere.

  6. 单位要他去上海出差,而且要求他刻下出发。

    The work unit is sending him on a business trip and has ordered him to leave right away.

  7. 单位要他去上海出差,而且要求他刻下出发。

    The work unit is sending him on a business trip and has ordered him to leave right away.

  8. 爱是在一棵树上刻下你们姓名的缩写。

    Love is engraving your initial on tree.

  9. 她的精心化妆掩饰了脂粉下面岁月刻下的痕迹。

    Her careful make up hid the signs of age beneath.

  10. 其最初形式是以巴比伦楔形文字写就,或者说刻下的。

    In its original guise, it was written or rather carved in babylonic cuneiform.

  11. 可能是某人以讽喻的口气,刻下此话暗示文化的死亡。

    It could be someone in a kind of an allegorical mood inscribing on the gravestone the death of culture.

  12. 岁月在人脸上刻下皱纹,缺少热情使一个人的灵魂苍老。

    Age may wrinkle the face, but lack of enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.

  13. 船停下来后, 这个人根据自己刻下的记号, 跳到水里去找剑。

    When the boat stopped, the man jumped into the water to look for his sword.

  14. 时间刻不下你的容貌模糊了记忆。

    Moment of time no less than the memory of your face blurred.

  15. 我们很少能注意到 这一刻与下一刻的不同,云彩的来去

    We so rarely note how different it is from moment to moment, with clouds coming and going.

  16. 时间如水从指尖流过, 浸漫在皮肤上却刻不下岁月的印痕。

    The time like water has flowed from the fingertip, soaks inundates on the skin actually cannot engrave the year mark.

  17. 这一刻全力以赴,下一刻便可占尽先机。

    Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.

  18. 下一刻你将抛弃谁?

    Whos next be your bate

  19. 下一刻,她又很生气。

    The next,she was angry.

  20. 下一刻,她又很生气。

    The next, she was angry.

  21. 我要努力使下一刻比此刻更好。

    I will always strive to make the next hour better than this one.

  22. 你在看电视上的重播,下一刻,你就死了。

    You were watching reruns on television the next minute, youre dead.

  23. 下一刻他们连我的名字怎么写都不记得了

    The next, they don't even know how to spell your name right.

  24. 它们帮你利用现在的时刻, 但下一刻呢, 你要怎么办?

    They may help you to harness the power of now, but do they carry you forward to the next moment

  25. 用楔形文字刻下了永远

    The curved cuneiform characters for forever

  26. 在石头上刻下她的名字

    Chipped her name in the stone.

  27. 他建的城会刻下我的名字。

    The city that he builds shall bear my name.

  28. 是谁在绝望中刻下了沧桑?

    BE who engraved to descend a vicissitudes of life in the despair?

  29. 他在岩石上刻下姓名的首字母。

    He scratched his initials on the rock.

  30. 他在岩石上刻下姓名的首字母。

    He scratched his initials on the rock.


  1. 问:刻下拼音怎么拼?刻下的读音是什么?刻下翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刻下的读音是kèxià,刻下翻译成英文是 At present; now.


刻下是一个词语,拼音是kè xìa,意思指现在;目前。