







汉语拼音:ruò shì









  1. Comparing with its huge resource, the wind power industry in China is still in a weak situation.


  2. Nevertheless, the human rights for disadvantaged groups have never been guaranteed effectively in liberal, and democratic Taiwan.


  3. Patterns in the near future, of equal-string structure and its target are vulnerable, the basic blank single continued to hold.


  4. The objective is to increase the number of strengths and decrease the number of weaknesses to the best of your abilities.


  5. The company's big weakness has always been the high cost of those sales.


  6. You cannot indulge in your own weaknesses and let others choose events and opportunities for you to get what you want!


  7. Several initiatives have been launched to help the poor and vulnerable adapt to a transforming economy.


  8. Although services exports have been lacklustre, the OBR reckons that this weakness will not persist.


  9. Does not the age of Balzac, Dickens, Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy dwarf its earnest, fitfully brilliant but ultimately punier successor?


  1. 弱势儿童教育

    vulnerable children education.

  2. 计划生育弱势群体

    weak group of family planning

  3. 弱者总是延续弱势。

    Weak people rally around fame.

  4. 关怀社会弱势群体

    be concerned about disadvantaged social groups

  5. 你的弱势缺点是什么?

    What is your disadvantage weakness.

  6. 论弱势群体与底线公平

    On weak group and base line justice

  7. 高教大众化需要关注弱势群体

    The Fates of the Puniness Groups in the Process of Mass Higher Education

  8. 弱势群体与统战工作的思考

    About the United Front Work towards Social Minority Community

  9. 一有弱势,他们就会反咬一口。

    They will turn on us at the first sign of weakness.

  10. 弱势团体家庭教育需求与服务

    Needs and Services in Family Education for Minorities

  11. 重要的是弱势群体参与发展。

    It was important that vulnerable groups should participate in development.

  12. 弱势常常只是强项的极端表现。

    Weaknesses are often just strengths taken to an extreme.

  13. 弱势群体话语生产及社会建构

    Underprivileged group discursive production and social construction

  14. 并且更加注意关心那些弱势群体

    and more attentive to taking care of the vulnerable.

  15. 浅析大众媒体弱势群体的话语权

    On the Discourse Power of Mass Media Underprivileged Groups

  16. 第二, 我们应帮助弱势的社群。

    Secondly that we help the underprivileged.

  17. 联合国如何保护社会中的弱势群体?

    How does the UN defend vulnerable groups in society?

  18. 基德是处于倒数第二弱势的。

    Kidd is in the penultimate vulnerable.

  19. 能说一下你得长处和弱势吗

    Could you tell me your strength and your weakness

  20. 论弱势群体基本权利的法律保护

    On the Protection of Basic Right of Social Vulnerable Groups

  21. 公众对弱势群体总是有同情心。

    The public always sympathize with people who are in a vulnerable position.

  22. 能说一下你的长处和弱势吗?

    Could you tell me your strength and your weakness?

  23. 论弱势群体权利的宪法司法保护

    On the judicatory defence of constitution to the rights of puny people.

  24. 联合国如何保护社会中得弱势群体?

    How does the UN defend vulnerable groups in society?

  25. 解析弱势群体亲子关系存在的问题

    Analyze the Problem that Minority Community Parentage Exists

  26. 股票也只有强势股和弱势股之分。

    Shares of stock and only the strong and weak points shares.

  27. 此情况反映董建华政府的弱势。

    The situation reflects the weakness of the Tung government.

  28. 此情况反映董建华政府得弱势。

    The situation reflects the weakness of the Tung government.

  29. 公共图书馆对弱势群体知识帮扶探讨

    A discussion on Knowledge assistance to weak groups by public library

  30. 联想的弱势一直是销售成本较高。

    The companys big weakness has always been the high cost of those sales.


  1. 问:弱势拼音怎么拼?弱势的读音是什么?弱势翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弱势的读音是ruòshì,弱势翻译成英文是 A weak power or force.; ① A falling and decre...

  2. 问:弱势地位拼音怎么拼?弱势地位的读音是什么?弱势地位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弱势地位的读音是ruò shì dì wèi,弱势地位翻译成英文是 weak position

  3. 问:弱势群体拼音怎么拼?弱势群体的读音是什么?弱势群体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弱势群体的读音是ruòshìqúntǐ,弱势群体翻译成英文是 disadvantaged groups; vulnerable groups; a gr...

  4. 问:弱势阶层拼音怎么拼?弱势阶层的读音是什么?弱势阶层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弱势阶层的读音是ruò shì jiē céng,弱势阶层翻译成英文是 underprivileged class

  5. 问:弱势内阁制拼音怎么拼?弱势内阁制的读音是什么?弱势内阁制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弱势内阁制的读音是ruò shì nèi gé zhì,弱势内阁制翻译成英文是 weak parliamentarism