




1. 远 [yuǎn]2. 远 [yuàn]远 [yuǎn]距离长,与“近”相对:~方。~道。~程。~景。~足(较远的徒步旅行)。~见(远大的眼光)。~虑。~谋。~客。遥~。~走高飞。舍近就~。时间长:~古。~祖。长~。永~。关系疏,不亲密……


液体移动:~水。~汗。~血。~泪。~程。~泻。~质。~水不腐。汗~浃背。随波逐~(随着波浪起伏,跟着流水漂荡,喻没有主见,随着潮流走)。像水那样流动不定:~转(zhuǎn )。~通。~寇。~浪。~离。~散。~失。~沙。~露。~萤。传播:~言……


1. 长 [cháng]2. 长 [zhǎng]长 [cháng]两端的距离:~度。长度大,与“短”相对,指空间,亦指时间:~短。~空。~短句(词的别名)。~夜(a.漫长的黑夜;b.喻黑暗的日子)。~风破浪(喻志趣远大)。~歌代哭(以歌代哭……



汉语拼音:yuán yuǎn liú cháng









  • 【解释】:源头很远,水流很长。比喻历史悠久。
  • 【出自】:唐·白居易《海州刺史裴君夫人李氏墓志铭》:“夫源远者流长,根深者枝茂。”
  • 【示例】:剥削阶级的幸福观,是~,影响仍然是相当深广的。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;含褒义


  1. At a ceremony to launch this special year in Beijing, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said the two nations had a profound friendship.


  2. With names enduring for centuries it is possible that the sign above the door is as old as the pleasure of drinking itself.


  3. To some degree, many live out these stories, largely unaware of how much the old tales may be shaping our lives.


  4. Google, as you know, has a well-known history of infringing on the privacy rights of America's Internet users.


  5. He said that the two countries are friendly close neighbors and the friendship between the two peoples goes back to ancient times.


  6. The arrival of these two pandas highlights the enduring nature of the US-China relationship and our long-standing friendship.


  7. In utopian ideology with a distant source, the city takes an important position and is often considered as the symbol of the state.


  8. Caglayan said the two peoples had a long history of friendship, and Turkey attached great importance to developing ties with China.


  9. Chinese accounting history can be described as a long history, China has so far the earliest history of the world's accounting activities.


  1. 中华文明源远流长。

    Chinese civilization has a long history.

  2. 这一习俗源远流长。

    This custom has been practised from early times.

  3. 我国成文法制源远流长

    China Statute Law System Having a Long Source

  4. 这表明该传统源远流长。

    It indicates the antiquity of the tradition.

  5. 黄岩蜜桔文化源远流长

    Long history of oranges civilization in Huangyan of Zhejiang Province

  6. 典当业在我国源远流长。

    The pawn business a long history in China.

  7. 华夏血脉,源远流长母亲河。

    The veins of the Chinese people are deeply rooted in their mother river.

  8. 慈溪青瓷文化的源远流长。

    The long history of Cixi Celadon Culture.

  9. 滨州历史悠久,文化源远流长。

    Binzhou a long history and civilization.

  10. 然而, 这一错误观念源远流长。

    The misconception, however, has a very long history.

  11. 古罗马帝国的历史源远流长。

    eruditeIts an erudite book on the history of the Roman Empire.

  12. 为其源远流长的世系而骄傲。

    proud of his long pedigree

  13. 古镇七宝, 酒文化源远流长。

    The ancient town of Seven Treasures had a wine culture that was well established long time ago.

  14. 灿烂的中华舞蹈文化, 源远流长。

    The brilliant culture of Chinese dance found its root in the depths of history.

  15. 从华文教育看中华文化源远流长

    The Long History of Chinese Culture From Chinese Education

  16. 她为自己源远流长的家世而自豪。

    She was proud of her long pedigree.

  17. 中华民族的饮食文化源远流长, 博大精深

    Chinese cuisine culture has a long history and also a profundity for its variety

  18. 一个源远流长, 高雅而有力的信息。

    and ancient, exquisite, powerful message.

  19. 理性主义传统在西方可谓源远流长。

    Rationalistic tradition had been from Ancient Greek in western philosophy.

  20. 中华文学实可谓源远流长,历尽沧桑。

    Chinese literature has a very long history and has witnessed some turbulent times.

  21. 土生土长的福州道教,历史悠久,源远流长。

    Taoism born in Fuzhou has a long history.

  22. 我们两国人民的友谊源远流长。

    The friendship between our two peoples goes back to ancient times.; The river of our friendship runs a long course from a remote source.

  23. 中马人民之间的友好交往源远流长。

    The amities between Chinese and Mahican are of long standing.

  24. 中意两国人民的友好关系源远流长。

    The friendship between Chinese and Italian people has a long history.

  25. 侠义精神源远流长,几千年来不绝如缕。

    Errantry spirits have existed for thousands of years.

  26. 我国酿酒历史悠久, 源远流长, 技艺纷呈。

    Wine has a long history in China, has a long history, arts scene.

  27. 源远流长的中医文化,有着深厚的文化底蕴。

    Ancient Chinese medicine culture, with deep cultural inside information.

  28. 古今中外对隐喻的研究历史可以说源远流长。

    Metaphor study has a long history.

  29. 金棕树虽然不是历史悠久, 但确源远流长。

    The history of Apalm maybe is not so long, but its source is quite distant.

  30. 杭州金鱼文化源远流长,金鱼与杭州已融为一体。

    Goldfish culture has a long history of Hangzhou, Hangzhou has been integrated with the goldfish.


  1. 问:源远流长拼音怎么拼?源远流长的读音是什么?源远流长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:源远流长的读音是yuányuǎnliúcháng,源远流长翻译成英文是 have a long history



源远流长,河流的源头很远,水流很长。常比喻历史悠久,根底深厚。语本 唐 白居易 《海州刺史裴君夫人李氏墓志铭》:“夫源远者流长,根深者枝茂。”《明史·徐贞明传》:“ 卢沟 发源於 桑乾 , 滹沱 发源於 泰戏 ,源远流长。” 清 陈梦雷 《送官子之盖州序》:“ 盖 固滨海地也,海之为德坎而能下窈乎,深以有容,其源远流长。”