


1. 厌 [yàn]厌 [yàn]嫌恶,憎恶:~恶(wù)。讨~。~倦。喜新~旧。不~其详。学而不~。满足:贪得无~。……





汉语拼音:yàn qì








  1. 厌恶而嫌弃。

    唐 赵元一 《奉天录》卷二:“况陛下承丕业之餘庆,握皇图而援籙,万方同轨,八表恃赖,岂以一小竖厌弃皇家,百六之灾得为天谴而繫圣心哉!” 宋 司马光 《太子太保庞公墓志铭》:“必待筋力不支,明主厌弃,然后乃去,是不得已,岂止足之谓邪。” 明 谢肇淛 《五杂俎·人部三》:“ 宋 人无书学,如 苏 、 黄 、 米 、 老 等,真帖初见,甚可喜,良久亦令人厌弃。” 清 俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷七:“数日后,便觉烟味大变。久之,但闻其臭,不闻其香。三月之后,自厌弃之,不戒自絶矣。” 鲁迅 《彷徨·祝福》:“她久已不和人们交口,因为 阿毛 的故事是早被大家厌弃了的。”



  1. He was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.


  2. for they have rejected the law of the LORD Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel.


  3. You may not like office work but it is no use to quarrel with your bread and butter, you have no other means of livelihood.


  4. When Jesus became conscious that his disciples were protesting about what he said, he said to them, Does this give you trouble?


  5. O LORD God, do not turn away the face of your anointed one! Remember your steadfast love for David your servant.


  6. Look at where it says that "he is despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows. "


  7. And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house.


  8. The advantage of a classical education is that it enables you to despise the wealth which it prevents you from achieving.


  9. I loathe it; I would not live alway: let me alone; for my days are vanity.


  1. 他们会厌弃他。

    They will turn their backs upon him.

  2. 厌弃伦敦就是厌弃生活。

    When you tire of London, you tire of life!

  3. 母亲对孩子的厌弃

    the rejection of the child by its mother

  4. 阿谀那厌弃我们的人。

    And flattered what repulses us.

  5. 阿谀那厌弃我们得人。

    And flattered what repulses us.

  6. 被厌弃和孤单的感觉。

    A feeling of being disliked and alone.

  7. 成功是努力的结局,厌弃的开端。

    Achievement is the end of endeavour and the beginning of disgust.

  8. 最好的智慧可能会令人厌弃。

    The finest intellect can be a bore.

  9. 厌弃自己的谋生行业是不明智的。

    It is unwise to quarrel with your bread and butter.

  10. 他不满自己说出的话, 很厌弃自己。

    He was not happy at what he had said. He was filled with disgust at himself.

  11. 对爱情千万不可装伪,也不必厌弃。

    Especially do not feign affection, neither be cynical about love.

  12. 上帝已经厌弃了自豪和傲慢的精神。

    God has an abhorrence of a proud and haughty spirit.

  13. 你既厌弃耶和华的命令, 耶和华也厌弃你作王。

    Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, he also rejected you from being king.

  14. 不要厌弃旧朋友,而只喜欢新交的朋友。

    Do not ignore old friends, and take delight in new ones.

  15. 卑微君王被人厌弃, 且成为牺牲的羔羊。

    The humble King they named a fraud And sacrificed the Lamb of God.

  16. 最后,他活该受到鄙视和厌弃,终于死了。

    At last, despised and shunned as he deserved to be, he died.

  17. 以致他的口厌弃食物, 心厌恶美味。

    So that his very being finds food repulsive and his soul loathes the choicest meal.

  18. 因为这样,我们党也厌弃对于个人的神化。

    For the same reason, our party abhors the deification of an individual.

  19. 即使我们一无所有, 众叛亲离, 阳光也不会厌弃我们。

    The sun shine will never detest or reject us even if we own nothing and be betrayed by our relatives.

  20. 他被藐视,被人厌弃,多受痛苦,常经忧患。

    He was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.

  21. 厌弃是另外一种追慕的开始,也是追慕的根源。

    This dreariness is the beginning and also the source of another pursuit.

  22. 这幅画是否会教他去厌弃自己得心灵呢

    Would the picture teach him to loathe his own soul

  23. 这幅画是否会教他去厌弃自己的心灵呢

    Would the picture teach him to loathe his own soul.

  24. 这条狗厌弃自己得病得小狗, 拒不给它喂奶。

    The dog rejected her ailing puppy and refused to nurse it.

  25. 这条狗厌弃自己得病的小狗, 拒不给它喂奶。

    The dog rejected her ailing puppy and refused to nurse it.

  26. 他们厌弃了西部的猎奇生活,马上回到欧洲去了。

    They were weary of Western adventure, and straightway retired to Europe.

  27. 从对现实状态的厌弃,进而追求心灵深渊的奇诡乐趣。

    From to realistic condition detesting and rejecting, then pursue mind abyss strange pleasure.

  28. 求你因你仆人大卫的缘故, 不要厌弃你的受膏者。

    For the sake of David your servant, do not reject your anointed one.

  29. 虽然我们得祖国多灾多难,但是谁又厌弃自己得母亲?

    Although our motherland troubled, but no one abhorrence own mother?

  30. 虽然我们的祖国多灾多难,但是谁又厌弃自己的母亲?

    Although our motherland troubled, but no one abhorrence own mother ?


  1. 问:厌弃拼音怎么拼?厌弃的读音是什么?厌弃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:厌弃的读音是yànqì,厌弃翻译成英文是 to detest and abandon



厌恶而嫌弃。 唐 赵元一 《奉天录》卷二:“况陛下承丕业之馀庆,握皇图而援籙,万方同轨,八表恃赖,岂以一小竖厌弃皇家,百六之灾得为天谴而系圣心哉!” 讨厌而放弃一件事物。