


1. 溺 [nì]2. 溺 [niào]溺 [nì]淹没:~水。~死。沉迷不悟,过分,无节制:~爱。沉~。溺 [niào]同“尿1”。……





汉语拼音:nì shuǐ







  1. 淹在水里。

    《东观汉记·盖延传》:“ 永 军反走,溺水者半。” 清 俞樾 《茶香室丛钞·昭王南征》:“ 沔水 又东谓之 郑公潭 ,言 郑武公 与王同溺水于是。” 茅盾 《昙》五:“她好像一个溺水的人,连碰在手头的仅有的一块木板也滑失了!”



  1. It was brave of him to risk his life to save the drowning child.


  2. I would see she was a drowning woman searching for buoy desperately, if i have look close. It's fortunate to her that she found one.


  3. Yes, but I can only swim about the length. After that I swim like a brick, down. Then I need a lifeguard to rescue me from drowning.


  4. "There have been a number of reported cases where people have been rescued from icy water and restored to health, " he said.


  5. Adequate enforcement and verification of closure systems is often necessary to achieve reductions in drowning rates.


  6. Like be drowned of the person grasp the only a piece of kickboard, her tears, Hua of for a meantime, then streamed down.


  7. Grasping at help like a drowning swimmer tends to scare away the resources you've already got, as well as potential assistance.


  8. In real life the drowning woman was his wife Francine, who tried to live with his numerous affairs but eventually had a nervous breakdown.


  9. Unfortunately, a few days later after this incident, the boy had an accident and was drowned. His heartbroken father wrote. . .


  1. 挽救溺水儿童

    save a child from drowning.

  2. 当我溺水时

    when I drowned.

  3. 使溺水者苏醒

    to resuscitate a drowned man.

  4. 我们都是溺水的鱼。

    We are fish and we drown.

  5. 我们都是溺水得鱼。

    We are fish and we drown.

  6. 他救起了溺水儿童。

    He saved a child from drowned.

  7. 怎样防止中提琴手溺水?

    How do you keep a violist from drowning

  8. 溺水的人稻草也抓。

    a drowning man wig catch at a straw.

  9. 溺水者白费心机地呼救。

    The drowning man called in vain for help.

  10. 他溺水后被救了上来。

    He was saved from drowning.

  11. 狗把溺水得孩子救出。

    The dog rescued the child from drowning.

  12. 狗把溺水的孩子救出。

    The dog rescued the child from drowning.

  13. 溺水者见稻草也抓。

    A drowning man will catch a straw.

  14. 指导学生进行溺水紧急救护

    Instruct the students in the first aid for drowning

  15. 这样待着,你肯定会溺水!

    If you stay here, you'll definitely drown!

  16. 这样待着,你肯定会溺水!

    If you stay here, you'll definitely drown!

  17. 你知道孩子很容易溺水的。

    You know kids are drawn to water.

  18. 你知道孩子很容易溺水的。

    You know kids are drawn to water.

  19. 我在休闲室,我听说你溺水。

    I was in the lounge. I heard you drowning.

  20. 我游泳时痉挛,差点溺水。

    I got a cramp while swimming and almost drowned.

  21. 待到狗溺水,众人给水喝。

    When a dog is drowning, every one offers him drink.

  22. 狗救起了溺水的小孩。

    The dog saved the drowning child.

  23. 狗救起了溺水得小孩。

    The dog saved the drowning child.

  24. 他救起了一名溺水儿童。

    He saved a child from drowning.

  25. 溺水的人连稻草也要抓。

    A drowning man plucks at a straw.

  26. 你拯救溺水的人,真是勇敢。

    It is courageous of you to try and save the drowning man.

  27. 溺水者连稻草也要抓。

    Eg. A drowning man will clutch at a straw.

  28. 他们试著使溺水的人复苏。

    They tried to resuscitate the drowned man.

  29. 溺水是我最恐惧得事情之一。

    Drowning is one of my greatest fears.

  30. 溺水是我最恐惧的事情之一。

    Drowning is one of my greatest fears.


  1. 问:溺水拼音怎么拼?溺水的读音是什么?溺水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溺水的读音是nìshuǐ,溺水翻译成英文是 sinking; to drown

  2. 问:溺水肺拼音怎么拼?溺水肺的读音是什么?溺水肺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溺水肺的读音是nì shuǐ fèi,溺水肺翻译成英文是 drowned lung

  3. 问:溺水恐怖拼音怎么拼?溺水恐怖的读音是什么?溺水恐怖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溺水恐怖的读音是nì shuǐ kǒng bù,溺水恐怖翻译成英文是 aquaphobia