




1. 抹 [mǒ]2. 抹 [mò]3. 抹 [mā]抹 [mǒ]涂:涂~。~粉(喻美化或掩饰)。~黑(喻丑化)。~子(瓦工用来抹灰泥的器具。亦称“抹刀”)。揩,擦:~拭。哭天~泪。除去,勾掉,不计在内:~煞。轻微的痕迹:“林梢一~青如画”……



汉语拼音:cā mǒ







  1. 揩拭。

    《红楼梦》第四十回:“ 李紈 清晨起来,看着老婆子丫头们扫那些落叶,并擦抹桌椅。”《儿女英雄传》第二一回:“ 褚一官 一面答应,便同 华忠 等把桌子擦抹乾净出去。” 曹禺 《北京人》第三幕:“﹝ 陈奶妈 ﹞提起袖口擦抹眼角,走到方凳子前坐下。”



  1. From the side of the mirror to see a mirror, procuratorial clean effect is satisfied, when necessary key wipe again.


  2. It began with a light grazing and tender tentative forays that secreted the unique flavour of our skins.


  3. Directions: Several times a day with a small amount after washing your face in lukewarm water.


  4. When an ordinary cloth is used to rub grease off the glass , the grease becomes an additional coating with varying thickness .


  5. Just make sure you wipe the counter down a second time with water; this way the counter will not be sticky.


  6. he wiped his eyes with a big handkerchief.


  7. If meet fruit juice besmirch, with pink of 1 teaspoon soda and clear water smooth, reoccupy cloth is touched brush, besmirch can drop .


  8. mesa, books, documents up sundry, mesa wipe clean.


  9. Who often dust the sideboard in the morning?


  1. 擦抹我的翅膀。

    Shall brush my wing.

  2. 谁常常早上擦抹餐具柜?

    Who often dusts the sideboard in the morning ?

  3. 擦抹擦掉或消除的动作或事例

    The act or an instance of erasing.

  4. 收拾台面文件,书报,杂物,台面擦抹干净。

    mesa, books, documents up sundry, mesa wipe clean.

  5. 往海绵上倒一点可乐, 擦抹台子。

    Pour a little bit of the soda onto a sponge and wipe the counter down.

  6. 用法每日数次, 温水洗后擦抹。

    Directions Several times a day with a small amount after washing your face in lukewarm water.

  7. 擦抹粉块以白垩擦或覆盖, 如弹子棒梢

    To rub or cover with chalk, as the tip of a billiard cue.

  8. 他不时地用一块大手帕擦抹眼睛。

    And every now and then he wiped his eyes with a big handkerchief.

  9. 女招待把饭桌抹擦干净。

    The waitress tidied the table.

  10. 抹擦脸油时手指伸到鼻子导致流鼻血。

    I was putting lotion on my face when my finger went up my nose causing a nose bleed.

  11. 擦, 抹, 揩擦的行为或事例

    The act or an instance of wiping.

  12. 擦干后抹均润滑油。

    Dry them off re lube them with a touch of oil or grease.

  13. 通过抹或擦的动作来消除。

    deletion by an act of expunging or erasing.

  14. 擦掉,抹去

    To scrape or shave off.

  15. 她通常擦粉前先在脸上抹雪花膏。

    She usually uses foundation cream before putting on face powder.

  16. 手指飞舞,胶擦频抹,笔记本上激扬文字。

    Fingers flew, erasers erased, notebooks were filled in furious fashion.

  17. 抹上之后,立刻用毛巾或湿巾擦试干净。

    Rub it on, then immediately wipe it off with a washcloth or tissue.

  18. 抹上之后,立刻用毛巾或湿巾擦试乾净。

    Rub it on, then immediately wipe it off with a washcloth or tissue.

  19. 擦,拭为清洁或干燥用布或纸轻轻地抹或摩擦

    To subject to light rubbing or friction, as with a cloth or paper, in order to clean or dry.

  20. 她的唇下闪出一抹油腻的光泽, 但她没有去擦。

    A bit of grease shone on her bottom lip, but she didnt wipe it away.

  21. 最后以抹银布轻擦表面,令这饰物重现光泽!

    Finally wipe with a polish cloth and your jewelery will shine again!

  22. 用一张潮湿的厨房用纸巾擦净, 然后立刻用干布抹干。

    Wipe with a slightly damp paper towel, then immediately buff dry with a clean cloth.

  23. 用一张潮湿得厨房用纸巾擦净, 然后立刻用干布抹干。

    Wipe with a slightly damp paper towel, then immediately buff dry with a clean cloth.

  24. 她抹了一点口红,又擦掉了,但却留下了一丝粉红色。

    She applied a little lipstick, wiped it off, but it left a pink tinge.

  25. 擦除,清洗,抹除

    To erase

  26. 擦去, 抹掉使淡薄, 使逐渐消失

    efface rub or wipe sth out cause to fade

  27. 擦, 涂, 抹用油, 油膏或类似物质涂

    To apply oil, ointment, or a similar substance to.

  28. 她擦得很起劲却没有把污迹抹掉。

    She wiped vigorously but the stain remained.

  29. 隐形的擦茶器抹掉了墙壁上的俄文字母。

    An invisible eraser wipes the Russian graffiti off the wall.

  30. 让我擦亮你的双唇, 再添上一抹嫣然绯红。

    Brush me across lips and I'll make them blush.


擦抹揩拭。《红楼梦》第四十回:“ 李纨 清晨起来,看着老婆子丫头们扫那些落叶,并擦抹桌椅。”《儿女英雄传》第二一回:“ 褚一官 一面答应,便同 华忠 等把桌子擦抹乾净出去。” 曹禺 《北京人》第三幕:“﹝ 陈奶妈 ﹞提起袖口擦抹眼角,走到方凳子前坐下。”