




已婚的女子:~人。少(shào )~。妻,与“夫”相对:夫~。儿媳:~姑(婆媳)。媳~。泛指女性:~女。~孺(妇女儿童)。~幼。……



汉语拼音:chǎn fù






  1. 在分娩期或产褥期中的妇女。

    北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·插梨》:“《吴氏本草》曰:‘……产妇蓐中,及疾病未癒,食梨多者,无不致病。’” 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·草四·苧麻》﹝发明﹞引 陈藏器 曰:“苧性破血,将苧麻与产妇枕之,止血运。”《说唐》第五四回:“家中有产妇,此是他身下的草,有了血迹,要去抛在河内。” 艾青 《黎明的通知》诗:“请叫醒每个人,连那些病者和产妇。”



  1. The literacy rate is less than half that of the north, and infant and maternal mortality rates are high.


  2. If mothers did not ready for the children said, will choose to abort a pregnancy, abortion should choose which time is better?


  3. With the electric system, safe, reliable, easy to operate, low noise, maternal and I can be assisted operation characteristics.


  4. Upon their arrival, the doctor said he had invented a new machine that would transfer a portion of the mother's labour pain to the father.


  5. Therefore, the doctor for the deceased woman could be so natural for her death.


  6. The hospital prepared for the maternal thing can be said to be very intimate, including: from clothing to use, all disposable items.


  7. The researchers say the maternal death rate has been falling almost one and a half percent a year since nineteen ninety.


  8. Conclusions: Hysterectomy is an effective procedure for abnormal uterine hemorrhage, but the time of operation should be considered.


  9. Objective: To understand the psychological state of anxiety and depression in primiparas before and after delivery.


  1. 产妇发病率

    maternal morbidity.

  2. 产妇死亡率

    maternal mortality rate.

  3. 产妇安复方

    complex Chanfuan.

  4. 高龄初产妇

    elderly primipara

  5. 产妇康颗粒

    Chanfukang Granules.

  6. 初产妇配偶

    Spouses of primiparas.

  7. 高龄孕产妇

    elder preganat and parturien women

  8. 孕妇, 产妇权利

    maternity rights

  9. 产妇保健机构

    a maternal health clinic.

  10. 产妇保健医院。

    to low income women.

  11. 产妇卫生保健服务

    Maternal health services

  12. 降低孕产妇死亡率

    improving maternal mortality rates.

  13. 其中经产妇843例,未产妇170例。

    Among them843 were parous women and170 nulliparous women.

  14. 降低婴儿和产妇死亡率。

    ? Reduce infant and maternal mortality.

  15. 调度员请问产妇的住址

    Please tell me the address of the pregnant woman.

  16. 正常分娩产妇的心理护理

    Normal parturition puerpera of mental nursing

  17. 产妇营养配餐的效果评价

    Evaluation of Effect of Nutritional Diet on Parturient

  18. 照顾刚当上妈妈的产妇

    and looking after brandnew mothers.

  19. 产妇健康教育卡应用体会

    Experience on application of health education cards for parturient

  20. 月子中心产妇的健康教育

    Application of health education in the parturients of confinement center

  21. 产妇和新生儿保健国际大会

    International Congress for Maternal and Neonatal Health

  22. 产妇奶不通,父亲使劲吸。

    Puerpera grandma is illogical, father all his strength suck.

  23. 产妇腋温测量时间的探讨

    Timing for Armpit Temperature Taking in Lyingin Women.

  24. 产妇感到小腹下坠或腰痛。

    Women are falling lower abdomen or lower back pain.

  25. 特别是对有并发症的产妇。

    Specially to has the complication parturient woman.

  26. 高龄初产妇的心理护理分析

    Analysis on psychological care for elderly primipara

  27. 产妇产后,需要温补气血。

    A woman after childBirth needs to warm and nourish qi and Blood.

  28. 畸胎妊娠孕产妇的心理护理

    Mental Nursing of the Pregnant Women Gestated Abnormal Fetus

  29. 产妇感到大腿称重是正常反应。

    Une sensation de jambes lourdes est normale.

  30. 出生率, 死亡率和产妇死亡率都已下降。

    There has been a decline in the birth, death and maternal mortality rates.


  1. 问:产妇拼音怎么拼?产妇的读音是什么?产妇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产妇的读音是chǎnfù,产妇翻译成英文是 woman who is in labour or who has just given birth...

  2. 问:产妇木拼音怎么拼?产妇木的读音是什么?产妇木翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产妇木的读音是Chǎnfùmù,产妇木翻译成英文是 Ubumeki

  3. 问:产妇权利拼音怎么拼?产妇权利的读音是什么?产妇权利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产妇权利的读音是chǎnfùquánlì,产妇权利翻译成英文是 maternity rights

  4. 问:产妇死亡率拼音怎么拼?产妇死亡率的读音是什么?产妇死亡率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产妇死亡率的读音是chǎn fù sǐ wáng lǜ,产妇死亡率翻译成英文是 maternal mortality rate

  5. 问:产妇分娩津贴拼音怎么拼?产妇分娩津贴的读音是什么?产妇分娩津贴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:产妇分娩津贴的读音是chǎn fù fēn miǎn jīn tiē,产妇分娩津贴翻译成英文是 maternity benefit



在分娩期或产褥期中的妇女。 北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·插梨》:“《吴氏本草》曰:‘……产妇蓐中,及疾病未愈,食梨多者,无不致病。’” 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·草四·苎麻》﹝发明﹞引 陈藏器 曰:“苎性破血,将苎麻与产妇枕之,止血运。”《说唐》第五四回:“家中有产妇,此是他身下的草,有了血迹,要去抛在河内。” 艾青《黎明的通知》诗:“请叫醒每个人,连那些病者和产妇。”