


1. 排 [pái]2. 排 [pǎi]排 [pái]除去,推开:~出。~斥。~水。~外。~挤。~山倒海。~忧解难。摆成行列:~列。~队。~字。~印。~笔。~场。排成的行列:~头。前~。军队的编制单位,“班”的上一级。练习演戏:~戏。竹或木……





汉语拼音:pái bān






  1. 依等第班次等排列。

    唐 姚合 《和东都令狐留守相公》:“拜表出时传七刻,排班衙日有三公。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭续录·万寿节》:“王公大臣武职官等,咸蟒袍补服,於黎明时排班 圆明园 之 正大光明殿 前。”《红楼梦》第五三回:“诸子弟有未随入朝者,皆在 荣府 门前排班伺候。”

  2. 排队,排成队列。

    明 刘若愚 《酌中志·内臣职掌纪略》:“遇学生排班行走,必拱手端立让过。” 瞿秋白 《赤俄之归途》三:“人多,不得不排班等候。”



  1. I'm afraid I can't switch schedules with you at the last minute. You have to at least let me know ahead of time.


  2. Additionally, in system design of call center scheduling optimization, the paper shows the integration of a variety of technical means.


  3. The principal summoned us into a classroom and informed us about the why and how of our reassignment.


  4. As a result of the reform of traditional shift model, quality of care and satisfaction of patients, doctors and nurses is improved.


  5. Production process arrangement and supervise the implementation, the original material requisitions and production scheduling.


  6. Pilot rostering is an important project in crew rostering for airlines and a significant aspect of optimal use of human resource.


  7. Included are Automated Labor Scheduling, Monthly Status Report, Quarterly Business Review, cash management and inventory management.


  8. Both pilots retrieved their laptops, and the first officer demonstrated to the captain how the new scheduling system worked.


  9. Objective To improve the shifting in the supply department and thus to save human resources and increase the work efficiency.


  1. 连续性排班

    seamless shifting

  2. 排班考勤政策

    attendance policy.

  3. 车辆排班模型

    vehicle scheduling model

  4. 夜班排班方式

    the pattern of night shift scheduling.

  5. 护理排班表系统

    nursing scheduling system

  6. 准备员工排班表。

    Prepare monthly work schedule for staff.

  7. 快速护士排班法

    A Rapid Way of Arranging Turns of Nursing Work

  8. 排班,清点库存,监管志愿者

    scheduling, handling the inventory, overseeing the volunteers.

  9. 对手术室排班问题的探讨

    Discussion on Arrangement of Personnel Order in Operation Room

  10. 我在安排下周的排班表

    I'm making up next week's schedule.

  11. 您必须根据部门排班表工作。

    You must work when rostered on.

  12. 那里有排班的计程车,有看到吗?

    See that line of cabs there?

  13. 运用护理程序进行急诊科排班。

    To arrange staff shifting of emergency department by using nursing procedure.

  14. 分阶段飞行人员排班方法的研究

    Research of Grading Crew Rostering

  15. 基于客运量的客运排班系统初探

    Pilot Study on the System of Arranging Timetable of Passenger Transportation According to Its Amount

  16. 儿科护士排班方法的改进与效果

    The regulation and effectiveness of pediatric nurse scheduling mode

  17. 改进护士排班方法的实践与体会

    Practice and experience of modifying the method of nurses scheduling

  18. 护士排班决策支持系统模型的研究

    A Study on Nurse Scheduling Decision Support System Model

  19. 遗传算法在乘务员排班系统中的应用

    Genetic Algorithms Applied in Crew Rostering System

  20. 排班让工作人员有适当得睡眠吗?

    Did scheduling allow personnel adequate sleep?

  21. 科学地组织排班减少操作人员疲劳。

    Reduce fatigue of operation personnel by logical organization duty roster.

  22. 排班让工作人员有适当的睡眠吗?

    Did scheduling allow personnel adequate sleep?

  23. 客运专线乘务排班系统相关问题研究

    Research on the Relative Problems of Crew Scheduling System for Passenger Special Line

  24. 目的改进护士排班方法, 提高护理质量。

    Objective To improve the method of nurses scheduling and to improve the quality of nursing.

  25. 护士层级管理与连续排班的实践与思考

    Practice and thinking for nurse level management and APN Consecutive shifts.

  26. 实施整体护理中改进护士排班的做法

    The enforcing method of the improvement of shift arrangement in the holistic nursing

  27. 集体排班在急诊科护理排班中的应用探讨

    Probe into applying of collective duty arrangement in nursing duty arrangement of emergency department

  28. 贿赂一个负责排班的人,叫皮埃尔

    to some dude in scheduling named Pierre.

  29. 基于启发式遗传算法的公交车智能排班研究

    Intelligent Schedule of Public Traffic Vehicles Based on Heuristic Genetic Algorithm

  30. 几种优化算法在话务员排班系统中的应用

    Several Optimization Algorithms Applied in Staff Scheduling System


  1. 问:排班拼音怎么拼?排班的读音是什么?排班翻译成英文是什么?

    答:排班的读音是páibān,排班翻译成英文是 to arrange an order according to class and grade...