




1. 张 [zhāng]张 [zhāng]开,展开:~开。~目(a.睁大眼睛;b.助长某人的声势称“为某人~~”)。~榜。铺~。~灯结彩。纲举目~。商店开业:开~。拉紧:紧~。~力。扩大,夸大:夸~。放纵,无拘束:乖~。嚣~。料理,应酬:~……








汉语拼音:dōng zhāng xī wàng








  • 【解释】:张:看。形容这里那里地到处看。
  • 【出自】:明·冯梦龙《古今小说》卷一:“三巧儿只为信了卖卦先生之语,一心只想丈夫回来,从此时常走向前楼,在帘内东张西望。”
  • 【示例】:见范进抱着鸡,手里插个草标,一步一踱的,~,在那里寻人买。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、状语;含贬义


  1. With her luggage in her hands, the girl stood looking round in all directions, but apparently no one had come to meet her.


  2. Indeed, the policeman was just looking around as if trying to find who left the copy there, and yet he just could not see me.


  3. She wondered if John was still on his knees, or had risen, with a child's impatience, and was staring around the church.


  4. The scrutiny had been made with such an air of innocence, in such a gaping, indolent, boyish manner.


  5. We put him on a bar to take photographs, and when we were finished he stood there looking around as though he wanted more photos taken.


  6. But the colonel never once glanced at Rostov, and looked, as he always did at the front, stern and solemn.


  7. At last, after several blocks of walking, she felt that this would not do, and began to look about again, though without relaxing her pace.


  8. Balagencang however ground of as if nothing happened from king father beside go by, gaze around , what still see him is lively.


  9. Well, McMug remembered what Mama told him. He pressed the corner of the lid tightly, continued looking out through the window.


  1. 别东张西望!

    Stop gazing around!

  2. 他开始四处东张西望。

    He started to look around.

  3. 醒着的婴儿东张西望。

    The baby awake is looking here and there.

  4. 考试时,不许东张西望。

    During exams it is not permitted to look around.

  5. 专心学习,别东张西望的。

    Concentrate your mind on study. Don't look around.

  6. 她看得见他东张西望。

    She could see him looking around.

  7. 他们停下脚来东张西望。

    They stopped for a moment looking about.

  8. 他东张西望,也没找到出租车。

    He looked in all directions, but couldn't find a taxi.

  9. 他东张西望,也没找到出租车。

    He looked in all directions, but couldn't find a taxi.

  10. 她东张西望的, 看上去很焦急。

    She glanced this way and that and looked very anxious.

  11. 穿越红灯前,停下来并且东张西望。

    You stop and look both ways before driving through a red light.

  12. 她正着急地在树林里东张西望。

    She was peering about anxiously among the trees.

  13. 我在这里讲学你却在底下东张西望?

    I'm talking up here, and you're looking away ?

  14. 所以我觉得有点烦到处东张西望。

    So I was this kind of bored and I was looking around.

  15. 本尼东张西望,脸上尽是迷茫的表情。

    Benny looked around, a bewildered expression on his face.

  16. 本尼东张西望,脸上尽是迷茫得表情。

    Benny looked around, a bewildered expression on his face.

  17. 闯红灯时既不停下来,也不东张西望。

    You don't stop or look both ways before driving through a red light.

  18. 卡尔还在警惕而焦急地东张西望。

    Karl was still peering round with sharp, anxious looks.

  19. 我们必须留心那个老是东张西望的陌生人。

    We must keep an eye open for the stranger who is looking back and forth all the time.

  20. 你必须监视住那个老是东张西望的人。

    You must keep an eye on the stranger who is looking back and froth all the time.

  21. 许多游客在大街上伸长了脖子东张西望。

    There were lots of tourists rubbernecking in the street.

  22. 东张西望,道听途说,决然不能掌握多门知识。

    Certainly, no allround knowledge can be acquired merely by glancing this way and that way and relying on hearsay.

  23. 他看到那些人的眼睛东张西望地搜索着他。

    He saw the men's eyes turning hither and thither in quest of him.

  24. 他重复说,双臂交叉,东张西望,就是不看我。

    Repeated, crossing his arms and looking everywhere but at me.

  25. 我在电梯里东张西望, 可就是找不到铭牌。

    I gaze around in the lift, but can not find the data plate.

  26. 当外出觅食时,它总是东张西望的 寻找新的便便。

    On the outward path, he's always on the lookout for a new blob of dung.

  27. 东张西望,道听途说,决然得不到什么完全的知识。

    Certainly, no allround knowledge can be acquired merely by glancing this way and that and listening to hearsay.

  28. 看见苔丝站在那儿东张西望,他就走了过去。

    Seeing Tess standing at gaze he went across to her.

  29. 她在车站东张西望了一会,没有看见接她的人。

    Standing outside the station, she looked round in all directions, but apparently no one had come to meet her.

  30. 避免东张西望或用手指敲桌子等表现紧张的举动。

    Avoid looking around the room, tapping your fingers, or other nervous movements.


  1. 问:东张西望拼音怎么拼?东张西望的读音是什么?东张西望翻译成英文是什么?

    答:东张西望的读音是dōngzhāngxīwàng,东张西望翻译成英文是 look in all directions


