




1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……



汉语拼音:bí tóu






  1. 鼻端;鼻尖。

    《乐府诗集·杂歌谣辞六·晋元康中洛中童谣》:“虎从北来鼻头汗,龙从南来登城看。” 唐 白居易 《自觉》诗之二:“结为肠间痛,聚作鼻头辛。” 巴金 《寒夜》四:“鼻子特别大,鼻头发红色。”

  2. 即鼻子。

    《三宝太监西洋记通俗演义》第八回:“一个妖精还是一个鼻头,一个妖精还是一张口。” 茅盾 《秋收》一:“那是高撑着两根颧骨,一个瘦削的鼻头,两只大廓落落的眼睛,而又满头乱发。”参见“ 鼻子 ”。

  3. 器物上的突起部分。一般有孔,便于系绳。


  4. 方言。称奴仆。

    清 褚人穫 《坚瓠二集·鼻头》:“ 吴下 称奴为鼻头。 嘉靖 中 王氏 僕 吴一郎 ,富而恣,以资得官,尝乘四人轿赴姻家席,孝廉 张伯起 恶之。时有关白之警…… 伯起 曰:‘关白原是一怪,身长数十丈,腰大百围,截其头,亦重数千觔,碎之而后能举也。’ 吴 曰:‘那有此事。’ 伯起 曰:‘只一个鼻头,亦用四人抬之。’ 吴 知其誚己,不终席而去。”



  1. We would slide through an underground tunnel on the back of a blind black mole with soft, silky fur and a pretty pink star for a nose.


  2. "There is no need to, as long as the thing still I can! " the drunkard red nose said with a wave of his hand.


  3. He was fat and looked shopworn around the nose and mouth .


  4. Even if it means wearing a clown suit, makeup, a wig and a red rubber nose.


  5. He stopped for a second and raised the cigarette to his nose, sniffing it.


  6. Like most other monsters, I have brown hair, two horns on my head and one sticking out of the top of my snout.


  7. It was skinned whole, from the nose to the tip of the tail, and it lay on the market butcher's slab like a white marble statue.


  8. The hands that let the kite fly can't find the lost sky. Even if tears fall down to the nose, I still raise my head to walk step by step.


  9. I looked up at her. She had piercing eyes, a pierced nose, an elegant smile. . . but nothing that rang a bell.


  1. 她皱起鼻头。

    She wrinkled her nose.

  2. 鼻头色微黑

    apex of the nose being faint black

  3. 大红鼻头怎么治疗?

    How is red nose treated ?

  4. 鼻头上的痣代表大不幸。

    Moles on the tip of the nose signify major misfortune.

  5. 我喜欢把他气得鼻头出火。

    I enjoy getting a rise out of him.

  6. 他停了一下,将香烟凑到鼻头,闻了闻。

    He stopped for a second and raised the cigarette to his nose, sniffing it.

  7. 今天早晨特别冷,他的鼻头被冻得通红。

    His nose got red this morning because of the cold weather.

  8. 今天早晨特别冷,他的鼻头被冻得通红。

    His nose got red this morning because of the cold weather.

  9. 用拇指轻按鼻头挥动四指表示轻蔑,嗤之以鼻

    thumbnail sketch

  10. 但有时确实能见到部分拉拉的鼻头是粉的。

    But I see some Labradors with a pinkish nose.

  11. 因为我有很多蜂蜜,粘在我漂亮的小鼻头。

    Cos I've got a lot of honey on my nice new nose.

  12. 结果1例鼻头缺损患者应用此法再造鼻头获得成功。

    Results One patients with nose tip defect was successfully treated with this method.

  13. 鼻头痒是什么原因呀会不会是螨虫怎么去呢

    What reason is the nose itchs Can you be mite bug How to go.

  14. 他长着一个大鼻头,为此时常被人取笑。

    He is often subjected to ridicule because of his big nose.

  15. 它们一无所知,对什么也漠不关心,只管把长鼻头扎进秣囊里。

    Damn all they know or care about anything with their long noses stuck in nosebags.

  16. 从远处看起来, 鼻头角像似小猫的鼻子倾向著大海。

    From afar, Bitou Cape looks like the nose of a kitten leaning by the sea.


  1. 问:鼻头拼音怎么拼?鼻头的读音是什么?鼻头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鼻头的读音是bítóu,鼻头翻译成英文是 Tip of the nose.; Nose.