











汉语拼音:yǎn míng shǒu kuài








  • 【解释】:看得准,动作敏捷。
  • 【出自】:元·无名氏《盆儿鬼》第三折:“想起俺少时节,眼明手捷,体快身轻。”
  • 【示例】:到了此时,我方才佩服那广东人的~,机警非常。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作作谓语、定语、宾语;含褒义


  1. na.
  2. quick of eye and deft of hand;alert;clearly discerning, swift-handed;nimble;One'

  3. s eye was clear and one'

  4. s hand swift.;see things clearly and act speedily;sharp-eyed, quick-handed;sharp-eyed and quick-moving

  1. 不仅要眼明, 还要手快, 不然这只讨厌的鹦鹉也会嘲笑你!

    We should not only eye out, but also deft on hand, otherwise this obnoxious parrot will ridicule you!

  2. 陆莳千眼明手快, 抓住一块排珠大的魔石心丢进空间手镯。

    Six Shis thousand eyes are apparently quick moving, hold tight a bread of row bead the greatly evil stone heart throw into space bracelet.

  3. 我以为我手快, 詹姆斯对老马夫说, 可是你比谁都快。

    I thought I was quick, 'James told the old stableman, 'but you're quicker than anyone.

  4. 那只手,快,那只手。

    The hand, quick, the hand.

  5. 幸亏他手疾眼快, 一下子拔掉了电源。

    Luckily he was quick off the mark, and took the plug out of the socket at once.

  6. 幸亏他手疾眼快,一下子拔掉了电源。

    Luckily he was quick off the mark, and took the plug out of the socket at once.

  7. 西班牙和爱尔兰的消费者收手最快。

    Consumers are pulling back fastest in Spain and Ireland.

  8. 西班牙和爱尔兰得消费者收手最快。

    Consumers are pulling back fastest in Spain and Ireland.

  9. 我试了一个月了为了掰开铰链手都快废了。

    Been trying out for a month, man. I almost broke my hand trying to work the hinge.

  10. 上手也太快了吧。

    Maybe we're too good at this.

  11. 奥瑟罗 要活命的快住手!

    Othello. Hold, for your lives!

  12. 道理讲得头头是道,看来我们要求得东西快到手了。

    It looks as if we will get all we have asked for, because, this is a very powerful bit of reasoning.

  13. 道理讲的头头是道,看来我们要求的东西快到手了。

    It looks as if we will get all we have asked for, because, this is a very powerful bit of reasoning.

  14. 鱼儿有两次都快到手了, 但两次带着钓线溜跑了。

    Twice the fish was nearly his and twice It'streaked away, taking line with it.

  15. 采用龙门式机械手,输送速度快。

    Using the gantry Gate manipulator, transfering quickly.

  16. 别动手动脚,手放墙上,快点

    Hey, get off. Against the wall now!

  17. 晚上我回家的时候,耳朵,手,鼻子都快冻掉了。

    My ears, hands and nose almost frozen out when I gone home.

  18. 不过别发展太快,你手还生着咧。

    But don't go too fast. You're out of practice.

  19. 父亲眼急手快, 急忙扶住了她。

    Father quickly caught her.

  20. 魔女可会轻易放过快将到手的灵魂呢?

    If nonstop entertainment is your hearts desire, Bedazzled delivers nonstop devilish fun!

  21. 跑步速度不快的棒球手可以凭有力的打击来弥补。

    A baseball player who is not a speedy runner can compensate by powerful hitting.

  22. 跑步速度不快得棒球手可以凭有力得打击来弥补。

    A baseball player who is not a speedy runner can compensate by powerful hitting.

  23. 跑动速度不快的棒球手可以凭有力的击球来弥补。

    A baseball player who is not a speedy runner can compensate by powerful hitting.

  24. 布里,快瞧瞧我的手。

    Hey,Bree.Look what happened to my hand.

  25. 布里,快瞧瞧我的手。

    Hey, Bree. Look what happened to my hand.

  26. 接着,他的手伸了出来,快如出击的游蛇,一把拽住了她的手臂。

    Then, quick as a striking snake, his hand shot out and grabbed her arm.

  27. 本快,举起手来,你已经被抓住了,再跑我就打死你。

    Ben Die alien maggot! Gothar sword. Gothar sword.

  28. 为了示意会议快点结束,用手扯着耳朵做个鬼脸。

    To signal the end of a conversation, clamp your hands over your ears and grimace.

  29. 鼠标控制眼镜移动,眼明手快哦。

    Mobile mouse control glasses, oh astute enough to win.

  30. 变戏法手要快。

    A juggler must have deft fingers.


  1. 问:眼明手快拼音怎么拼?眼明手快的读音是什么?眼明手快翻译成英文是什么?

    答:眼明手快的读音是yǎnmíngshǒukuài,眼明手快翻译成英文是 quick of eye and deft of hand—to response fast...


眼明手快 ,汉语词汇。拼音:yǎn míng shǒu kuài。意思是形容人在处理事情时,可以迅速判断并作出正确的行动。