







汉语拼音:què lì








  1. 牢固地建立或树立。

    陈其通 《万水千山》第二幕:“﹝会议﹞确立了 毛主席 的正确路线,确立了 毛主席 在全党的领导地位!”



  1. Establishing the property nature of the power of land management contract in the Property Law lays a foundation for a new rural reformation.

  2. In a year or so, you will see a variant of this as the local degree to anchor us in these locations.

  3. Make it a goal to pay off your student loans early, so that you can free up the money you have to pay towards the loans.

  4. They had to formally ascertain their authority again and install among the general public a respect for formalism and intellectualism.

  5. However, its very easy to let this slip through - especially when we have established social codes of appearance that we adhere to as well.

  6. The resurrection of Christ, and our co-resurrection with him, is the inaugurated form of the final Sabbath in eternity.

  7. Spain continued to pile on the pressure and streaked away to establish what turned out to be an unassailable 52-29 lead at the midway point.

  8. After all, if the established imperial nations did not exploit their positions, others were willing to do it instead.

  9. It's amazing how much of a discount and better treatment you receive when you're willing to commit to a long-term relationship.


  1. 国语的确立

    establishment of national language.

  2. 确立一种习俗

    to establish a custom

  3. 我们确立了关系

    We're together.

  4. 确立先例的规则

    Establishing the Rule of Precedent

  5. 已确立声望的人

    a person of established reputation

  6. 套结字确立连接。

    The socket has an established connection.

  7. 由悠久传统所确立

    entrenched by long tradition

  8. 掘出为确立死因

    Disinterment for establishment of cause of death

  9. 使处于牢固地位确立

    Entrench to establish in a strong position.

  10. 必须确立欧洲的均势。

    The equilibrium of force must be established in Europe.

  11. 未被确立的或证实的

    Not established or verified.

  12. 获确立婚生地位子女

    legitimated child

  13. 获确立婚生地位人士

    legitimate person

  14. 试论沉默权的确立

    On the establishment of reticent right.

  15. 现代词学的确立期。

    The third is the establishing period of modern theory.

  16. 他们确立了他们的支配地位。

    They established their ascendancy.

  17. 论检察官基本立场之确立

    On establishment of procurator's basic position

  18. 社会保障体系框架基本确立。

    The framework of a social security system was established by and large.

  19. 她要等我们先确立关系

    She's waiting until we're serious.

  20. 独立后, 印度确立了多党制。

    After independence, India established multiparty system.

  21. 最后确立了最佳分离条件。

    Finally the optimal experimental conditions were established.

  22. 美国总统否决权模式的确立

    The Establishment of the Model of American Presidential Veto Power

  23. 这种用法已牢牢确立起来了。

    The usage is now firmly indurated.

  24. 确立精品意识, 创立品牌期刊

    Establish Sense of Concentrated Production and Create Journal with Tenor

  25. 因为当政权依据实力确立时

    Because it makes sense when regimes rise.

  26. 清代督抚制度的确立

    On the Establishment of the System of the Governor General and Provincial Governor in Qing Dynasty

  27. 边界线确立或标志边界的线

    A line that establishes or marks a border.

  28. 主题应围绕某个问题来确立。

    Topics should be built around a certain problem.

  29. 他们早已确立了明显的优势。

    They had already established a clear superiority.

  30. 论恽代英社会主义理想的确立

    On the establishment of yun daiying's socialist ideals


  1. 问:确立拼音怎么拼?确立的读音是什么?确立翻译成英文是什么?

    答:确立的读音是quèlì,确立翻译成英文是 establish

  2. 问:确立功能拼音怎么拼?确立功能的读音是什么?确立功能翻译成英文是什么?

    答:确立功能的读音是què lì gōng néng,确立功能翻译成英文是 built function

  3. 问:确立学名拼音怎么拼?确立学名的读音是什么?确立学名翻译成英文是什么?

    答:确立学名的读音是què lì xué míng,确立学名翻译成英文是 valid name

  4. 问:确立细胞株拼音怎么拼?确立细胞株的读音是什么?确立细胞株翻译成英文是什么?

    答:确立细胞株的读音是què lì xì bāo zhū,确立细胞株翻译成英文是 established cell line

  5. 问:确立细胞系拼音怎么拼?确立细胞系的读音是什么?确立细胞系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:确立细胞系的读音是què lì xì bāo xì,确立细胞系翻译成英文是 established cell line

  6. 问:确立目标能力拼音怎么拼?确立目标能力的读音是什么?确立目标能力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:确立目标能力的读音是què lì mù biāo néng lì,确立目标能力翻译成英文是 capacity to set goal

  7. 问:确立证据程序拼音怎么拼?确立证据程序的读音是什么?确立证据程序翻译成英文是什么?

    答:确立证据程序的读音是què lì zhèng jù chéng xù,确立证据程序翻译成英文是 procedure for establishing proof

  8. 问:确立遗嘱有效性程序拼音怎么拼?确立遗嘱有效性程序的读音是什么?确立遗嘱有效性程序翻译成英文是什么?

    答:确立遗嘱有效性程序的读音是què lì yí zhǔ yǒu xiào xìng chéng xù,确立遗嘱有效性程序翻译成英文是 bill to establish will



词目:确立 拼音:quèlì 基本解释 [establish] 牢固地建立或树立 用暴力解放奴隶的信念确立之时,布朗已是三十好几的人了 详细解释 牢固地建立或树立。

陈其通 《万水千山》第二幕:“﹝会议﹞确立了 毛主席 的正确路线,确立了 毛主席 在全党的领导地位!”