




1. 提 [tí]2. 提 [dī]3. 提 [dǐ]提 [tí]垂手拿着有环、柄或绳套的东西:~壶。~灯。~篮。~包。~盒。~纲挈领。引领(向上或向前等):~心吊胆。~升。~挈。~携。说起,举出:~起。~出。~醒。~倡。~议。~名。~案。……



汉语拼音:hái tí








  1. 幼小;幼年。

    《孟子·尽心上》:“孩提之童,无不知爱其亲也。” 赵岐 注:“孩提,二三岁之间,在襁褓知孩笑,可提抱者也。”《汉书·王莽传上》:“百岁之母,孩提之子,同时断斩,悬头竿杪。” 唐 元稹 《莺莺传》:“余始自孩提,性不苟合。”《红楼梦》第五回:“那 宝玉 也在孩提之间,况他天性所禀,一片愚拙偏僻,视姊妹兄弟皆如一体,并无亲疏远近之别。” 何其芳 《<燕泥集>后话》:“这个名字我很喜爱,因为它使我记起了孩提时的一种欢欣。”

  2. 幼儿;儿童。

    唐 元稹 《夜坐》诗:“孩提万里何时见?狼藉家书卧满床。” 元 孟汉卿 《魔合罗》第四折:“你曾把愚痴的小孩提,教诲,教诲的心聪慧。” 清 骆秉章 《自订年谱·十九年己亥》:“﹝靖逆将军﹞唯知供应丰盛,养尊处优而已,如孩提之情性,作稚子之行为。”



  1. Even as a child, Christine Whipp, now a 46-year-old grandmother, says she was aware that somehow life was not as it pretended to be.


  2. This was one of my favorite experiences as a kid.


  3. We believe that the best learning in early childhood takes place in a secure and caring environment.


  4. When your father never says them to you when you are a child, it gets tougher and tougher for him to say those words as he gets older.


  5. Walter Cronkite is a famous American TV news show host. He began to be interested in the news since he was a kid.


  6. After all, you've been spending it yourself since you were a kid, and you've been earning it at least a few years.


  7. In the old cowboy movies I used to see as a boy, all the heroes had a sidekick.


  8. THE STORY OF MY LIFE, Helen Keller tells how unruly she was as a youny child.


  9. But it wasn't clear to me that, as I said before, it has always been an ambition to drive for Williams since I was a kid.


  1. 那么,你应该怎样重新激发你孩提般得热情呢?

    How do yo rediscover the enthusiast of your childhood

  2. 从孩提起,我就学会了给迈克尔喂饭穿衣。

    As a boy I learned to feed and clothe Mike.

  3. 隔壁的那个小孩提一个灯笼。

    The child next door carried a lantern.

  4. 小男孩提起壶盖,又往里面瞧。真奇怪!他说。

    The boy lifted the lid and peeped inside again. How queer! he said.

  5. 男人坐了下来, 开始对小男孩提的问题感到越发愤怒了。

    The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions.

  6. 男人坐了下来,开始对小男孩提得问题感到越发愤怒了。

    The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions.

  7. 那他有提起那小孩的名字吗?

    Well, did he mention the child's name?

  8. 安提戈涅是女孩谁将奋起独自夭折。

    Antigone is the girl who will rise up alone and die young.

  9. 这个小男孩能提动如此大的盒子。

    The little boy can carry so large box.

  10. 这男孩对于旷课提不出正当的理由。

    The boy couldn't give a legitimate reason for being absent from school.

  11. 这男孩对于旷课提不出正当得理由。

    The boy couldn't give a legitimate reason for being absent from school.

  12. 那个好奇得男孩接二连三地提问题。

    The curious boy bubbled questions.

  13. 那个好奇的男孩接二连三地提问题。

    The curious boy bubbled questions.

  14. 两个男孩进来。每个人都提着一个衣箱。

    Two boys entered. Each was carrying a suitcase.

  15. 老师皱眉示意那个小孩不要老是提要求。

    The teacher frowned the child down when he kept repeating his request.

  16. 这只篮子很轻, 那个小男孩能提动。

    The basket is light enough for the little boy to carry.

  17. 但是指证你的女孩没有人提到这点。

    But this was not mentioned by any of the girls who identified you.

  18. 提起那个男孩有时仍会使她失去镇静。

    Mention of the boy would still undo her sometimes.

  19. 沃诗提注视着男孩的画。过了一会儿,她说

    Vashti started at the boys squiggle. And then she said

  20. 我不愿提起,但你的小孩太调皮了。

    I hate to have to say this, but your boy is so mischievous.

  21. 在元宵节时, 小孩会在晚上提著灯笼出去。

    During the Lantern Festival, children go out at night carrying lanterns.

  22. 你遇见约翰时,不可提到他小孩去世的事。

    You mustn't allude to his baby's death when you meet John.

  23. 一提到老鼠, 这女孩就吓得脸都白了。

    The girl pales at the mention of rats.

  24. 瓦史提注视着男孩的画。过了一会儿,她说

    Vashti started at the boys squiggle. And then she said

  25. 因救了小孩的命, 消防员提到一笔奖金。

    The fireman received a reward for saving the childs life.

  26. 发言者提到了旨在挽救女孩脱离妓院的举措。

    The speaker mentioned initiatives aimed at rescuing girls from brothels.

  27. 对于这个小男孩来说提一桶水是太重了。

    A pail of water is too heavy for a small boy to carry.

  28. 我真不愿提这事,但你的小孩确实太淘气了。

    I hate to say this, but your boy is so mischievous.

  29. 阿娜是一名提夫林,是个即将成为女人的粗率女孩。

    Annah is a tiefling, a brash girl on the brink of womanhood.

  30. 阿娜是一名提夫林,是个即将成为女人得粗率女孩。

    Annah is a tiefling, a brash girl on the brink of womanhood.


  1. 问:孩提拼音怎么拼?孩提的读音是什么?孩提翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孩提的读音是háití,孩提翻译成英文是 early childhood



孩提: 2~3岁的儿童。幼儿时期· 孩提之童。——《孟子·尽心》 是古代对人年龄的称呼 指幼儿始知发笑尚在襁褓中。