







汉语拼音:móu lüè








  1. 计谋策略。

    《后汉书·崔駰传》:“时 鲜卑 数犯边,詔三公举威武谋略之士,司空 黄琼 荐 寔 ,拜 辽东 太守。” 宋 周煇 《清波别志》卷下:“以 太宗 之神武, 赵普 之谋略, 彬美 之为将,百战百胜,征伐四方。” 峻青 《海啸》第三章:“我知道,他会想出这个点子。好,有心机,有谋略。”

  2. 辛亥革命时军政府职官名。

    张难先 《都督府之组织设施及人选》:“当推 蔡济民 …… 谢石钦 等十五人,任谋略。”



  1. One such example was the rise of reengineering, a form of organizational change dictated by management strategy, of the early and mid-1990s.


  2. Pretending to keep a military threat on the table while trying to talk or bribe Iran out of going nuclear is not a bad policy.


  3. The trick to get out of the well is to stop wailing, and not let the dirt bury you, but to shake it off and take a step up.


  4. A wise man of practice should not act for the fame and seek for a certain goal by intrigue or other means.


  5. Counsel in the heart of man [is like] deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out.


  6. strategy is all about identifying an advantage or opportunity before your opponent does, and then seizing it quickly.


  7. GM insists Mr Whitacre has no long-term designs on the top job. But he obviously has firm views on its strategy.


  8. His leadership and sense of strategy made him a superb commander in chief.


  9. A cunning strategist, Swain was decorated after every battle he fought, regularly hobbling in contemplation at the front of the assault.


  1. 警察临战谋略

    the strategy in police facing battles.

  2. 缺乏敏感或谋略的

    Lacking in sensitivity or tact.

  3. 你也没什么才智谋略。

    You have no resources.

  4. 蒋介石交往与谋略

    Tricks and Deals of Jiang Gaishi

  5. 智胜在谋略上胜过

    To gain a tactical advantage over.

  6. 他对政治和谋略一窍不通。

    We was innocent of stratagems and polity.

  7. 张艺谋的电影艺术谋略

    Zhang Yimou's Resource and Astuteness of Movie Art

  8. 这个故事中蕴含着一些谋略。

    There were a few devices in the story.

  9. 浅论篮球教练员临场指挥谋略

    Strategy of basketball coach in the live instruction

  10. 他是个有谋略, 有才智的军事家。

    He is a resourceful and astute strategist.

  11. 他是个有谋略、有才智的军事家。

    He is a resourceful and astute strategist.

  12. 鉴于此,你有足够的空间进行谋略

    Because of this, you have a lot of room to manoeuvre

  13. 鉴于此,你有足够得空间进行谋略

    Because of this, you have a lot of room to manoeuvre

  14. 因不善于谋略而失败者也不乏其人。

    Because of not be good at ruse loser also there is no lack of its person.

  15. 没有什么谋略是他所不能对付的。

    There was no stratagem that he was not equal to.

  16. 孙子兵法的核心思想强调以谋略取胜。

    The Art of War emphasizes the importance of strategy to win a war.

  17. 他是个极其精明的政治谋略家。

    He is an extremely astute political tactician.

  18. 最好得谋略是知道什么时候该退出。

    Of all the stratagems, to know when to quit is the best.

  19. 最好的谋略是知道什么时候该退出。

    Of all the stratagems, to know when to quit is the best.

  20. 他既无谋略又无个人魅力来鼓舞人。

    He has neither the policies nor the personal charisma to inspire people.

  21. 为要使你谨守谋略,嘴唇保存知识。

    That thou mayest regard discretion, and that thy lips may keep knowledge.

  22. 浅谈诡道谋略在散手运动中的运用

    Discussion on the Application of Trapping Tricks in Sanshou Sport

  23. 使愚人灵明, 使少年人有知识和谋略。

    To give subtilty to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion.

  24. 没有什么谋略是他所不能对付得。

    There was no stratagem that he was not equal to.

  25. 没有人能以智慧, 聪明, 谋略敌挡耶和华。

    No wisdom, no understanding, no counsel, can avail against the Lord.

  26. 这期间,讯问的心理谋略起了重要作用。

    During this period, the psychological interrogation tactics played an important role.

  27. 他的领导与谋略使他成为一流军事指挥官。

    His leadership and sense of strategy made him a superb commander in chief.

  28. 诚实是对或错的问题,不是甚么政治的谋略。

    Honesty is a question of right and wrong, not a matter of policy.

  29. 其治国用兵,以务实为旨,远见卓识,谋略不凡。

    Wu Its ruling military, practical for purport, foresight, counsel is uncommon.

  30. 依靠了高超的谋略他们才战胜了恼羞成怒的敌人。

    Only by dint of masterful manoeuvres have they been able to defeat the infuriated enemy.


  1. 问:谋略拼音怎么拼?谋略的读音是什么?谋略翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谋略的读音是móulüè,谋略翻译成英文是 strategy



“谋略”是个多义词,它可以指谋略(塞克斯图斯所著书籍), 谋略(词语解释)。