


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……


1. 戏 [xì]2. 戏 [hū]戏 [xì]玩耍:游~。儿~。嬉~。~豫(嬉游逸乐)。二龙~珠。嘲弄,开玩笑:~言。~弄。~谑(用诙谐有趣的话开玩笑)。演员在舞台上化装表演故事的艺术:~剧。~文。~码(戏曲演出的节目)。~剧性。指具体剧……



汉语拼音:shuō xì






  1. 戏曲术语。旧时戏曲艺人教戏,一般都由教的人口述“总讲”,解说剧情,带领念唱,并作示范动作,习称“説戏”。

    老舍 《四世同堂》二四:“有的是来给 若霞 说戏,或来跟她学戏。” 邓友梅 《那五》十一:“过了两天, 胡大头 来了,说是来东城票房说戏,顺便把衣裳给 武老头 带回去。”



  1. Going through the script, he really listened to what we had to say about our characters, but he also offered a lot of help and guidance.


  1. 导演一幕一幕地给我们说戏。

    The director took us through the play scene by scene.

  2. 我得乘船到那水箱里,爬上甲板和演员说戏。

    I have to get to the tank with a boat climbing on board to talk to these actors.

  3. 舟山闲话戏说

    Joking Remarks on Zhoushan Digression

  4. 这出戏说的是一桩神秘的凶杀案。

    The play is a murder mystery.

  5. 因为你所击打的, 他们就逼迫。你所击伤的他们戏说他的愁苦。

    For they persecute those you wound and talk about the pain of those you hurt.

  6. 然而她坚持说这场戏拍起来并不难。

    But it was not, she insists, a difficult scene to shoot.

  7. 他们说这台戏下个月要出去巡回演出。

    They say this show is going on the road next month.

  8. 定格动画是静态动画, 也就是我们常说的木偶戏。

    Animation is a static frame animation, which is often said of our puppet shows.

  9. 他架子十足,狂妄地对导演说这场戏该怎么演才对。

    He was hurling his weight around telling the director how the scene should be played.

  10. 卡罗尔一个劲儿暗示说,这个戏经过删节以后就会更加精采。

    Carol hinted that the play would be improved by cutting.

  11. 有人说,有的地方戏不好,连本地人也反对。

    Some say that a few local operas are so bad that even the local people disapprove of them.

  12. 人们说爱情这场戏里总是有一个主角和一个配角。

    In this drama of love, there is always a protagonist and a supporting role.

  13. 今晚去看戏,你说好吗?

    What do you say to going to the theatre tonight?

  14. 她难得上剧院看场戏 即便不能说从来不去。

    She seldom, if ever, goes to the theatre.

  15. 她对邻座的人轻声说她觉得这出戏太长了。

    She whispered to her neighbour that she thought the play was too long.

  16. 没有告诉 你,我现在演得戏与上次我说过得不同。

    I'm a different sort of a show than the one I said I was in.

  17. 唐参军戏补说

    The Epexegesis about the Drama of CanJun in Tang

  18. 说真的,能跳过前戏吗

    Actually,can we skip the foreplay?

  19. 说真的,能跳过前戏吗?

    Actually, can we skip the foreplay?

  20. 说真的,能跳过前戏吗?

    Actually, can we skip the foreplay?

  21. 不得不说的还有那场野外的戏。

    Have to say of there is also that balefire drama.

  22. 你是说,我们不得不再演一次戏?

    You mean, we have to stage this charade once more?

  23. 你说的话把他的骗人把戏拆穿了。

    What you say knocks the bottom out of his attempt to deceive us.

  24. 俗话说得好, 老狗学不会新把戏。

    Can't learn an old dog new tricks, as the saying is.

  25. 这么说来,我们都应该去看这出戏。

    Then we shall all go and see it.

  26. 这位校长说,他难得有空去看戏。

    The schoolmaster said that he was able to go to a play only once in a blue moon.

  27. 我对自己发誓说再也不会演古装戏了!

    I swore to myself I would never do a costume drama again!

  28. 这么说, 杰德又在搞美人计的老把戏了。

    So Jed is up to the old badger game again.

  29. 说了这么多, 你确实得相信这场戏很牛!

    Well after saying so much you should believe. the show rocks!

  30. 应该说已没有人再会投资这种公式以外的戏!

    In that case, perhaps nobody would invest on anything other than that formula!


  1. 问:说戏拼音怎么拼?说戏的读音是什么?说戏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:说戏的读音是shuōxì,说戏翻译成英文是 explain the story or make demonstrations...