




1. 港 [gǎng]2. 港 [jiǎng]港 [gǎng]江河的支流:~汊。可以停泊大船的江海口岸:商~。军~。~口。~湾。~务。指“香港”:~府。~币。~商。港 [jiǎng]方言,指山凹或山沟(多用于地名):前头~。上~。下~。……



汉语拼音:chū gǎng



[船只] 离开港口。



  1. 船舶驶出港口。

    宋 周去非 《岭外代答·钦廉溪峒都巡检使》:“ 交 人之来,率用小舟。既出港,遵崖而行,不半里即入 钦港 。” 清 陆长春 《香饮楼宾谈·盗银》:“一日晓起,荡舟出港,见有新棺弃芦滩上。”

  2. 指发生不正当关系的男女分离。

    《金瓶梅词话》第八三回:“ 金莲 道:‘知道。’打发 月娘 出来,连忙攛掇 敬济 出港,往前边去了。”《金瓶梅词话》第八六回:“ 薛嫂 恐怕 月娘 使人来瞧,连忙攛掇 敬济 出港,骑上头口来家。”



  1. But by G--, you lost a fine sight by not being here in the morning to see the Thrush go out of harbour!


  2. A few countries may also require some sort of currency or baggage check for outgoing passengers.


  3. Why can't the captain of a vessel keep a memorandum of the weight of his anchor, instead of weighing it every time he leaves port?


  4. Clearance of goods Limitation: same day delivery, with flights the next day to their respective destinations.


  5. Does your facility weigh, mark, count and document what products are received and shipped out of your facility?


  6. The General Meigs is tiding into ( out of ) the harbor .


  7. At the gate of the departure hall , we have buses to take you to the hotel .


  8. "It's very sad to see that what's coming out is scrap metal, " Mr Skov says.


  9. The dockers loaded the ship overtime so as to send it off Early the next morning.


  1. 出港手续费

    clearance fee.

  2. 出港拖轮费

    outward towage.

  3. 出港引航费

    pilotage outwards.

  4. 出港申报表

    bill of clearance.

  5. 出港呈报表

    bill of clearance.

  6. 汽船出港了。

    The vessel steamed off.

  7. 出港许可, 出港证

    clearance permit

  8. 国际航班出港

    international departure.

  9. 驱逐出港原因

    Reason for expulsion from port

  10. 船起锚出港。

    The ship broke ground and steamed out of her port.

  11. 出港引水费

    outward pilotage.

  12. 定期班轮下周出港。

    The cruise liner will sail out next week.

  13. 到港及预计出港吃水。

    Arrival and proposed departure draughts.

  14. 出港手续费。出口港口手续费

    outward port charges

  15. 为这艘船引航出港

    pilot the ship out

  16. 我们的船今晚出港。

    Our ship leaves port tonight.

  17. 飓风袭来时船刚出港。

    The ship was just outside of the harbour when the hurricane hit.

  18. 瑞航135班机下午7点30分出港。

    Sr flight 135 departs at 730p. m.

  19. 在海关办理船只的出港手续

    clear a ship at the customhouse

  20. 你的出港航班日期是4月16日。

    The date of your outward flight is16th april.

  21. 梅格斯将军号在趁潮出港。

    The General Meigs is tiding out of the harbor.

  22. 船出港前, 牧师祈求上帝保佑这船。

    The priest blessed the ship before it left port.

  23. 这条船已经办好了出港手续。

    The ship has already cleared out.

  24. 你船现在的航向离出港船太近。

    Your present course too close to outbound vessel.

  25. 瑞航135班机下午七点三十分出港。

    SR Flight 135 departs at 730 p. m.

  26. 我们的第一艘船得到本月底才能出港。

    Our first ship won't clear till the end of the month.

  27. 滨江船厂出港航道水文泥沙条件分析

    Analysis of hydrological and Sediment Conditions in the Exit Channel of Binjiang Shipyard

  28. 请各位乘客在出港大厅等候进一步的消息。

    Passengers are kindly requested to wait in the departure lounge for a further call.

  29. 在出港大厅门口, 我们有巴士带您去宾馆。

    At the gate of the departure hall, we have buses to take you to the hotel.

  30. 出港货物时效当日交货, 配航班次日到达目的地。

    Clearance of goods Limitation same day delivery, with flights the next day to their respective destinations.


  1. 问:出港费拼音怎么拼?出港费的读音是什么?出港费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出港费的读音是chū gǎng fèi,出港费翻译成英文是 clearance fee

  2. 问:出港手续拼音怎么拼?出港手续的读音是什么?出港手续翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出港手续的读音是chū gǎng shǒu xù,出港手续翻译成英文是 outward port formalities

  3. 问:出港许可拼音怎么拼?出港许可的读音是什么?出港许可翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出港许可的读音是chū gǎng xǔ kě,出港许可翻译成英文是 clearance permit

  4. 问:出港通知拼音怎么拼?出港通知的读音是什么?出港通知翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出港通知的读音是chū gǎng tōng zhī,出港通知翻译成英文是 clearance notice

  5. 问:出港申报表拼音怎么拼?出港申报表的读音是什么?出港申报表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出港申报表的读音是chū gǎng shēn bào biǎo,出港申报表翻译成英文是 bill of clearance

  6. 问:出港许可证拼音怎么拼?出港许可证的读音是什么?出港许可证翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出港许可证的读音是chū gǎng xǔ kě zhèng,出港许可证翻译成英文是 clearance permit

  7. 问:出港通知书拼音怎么拼?出港通知书的读音是什么?出港通知书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出港通知书的读音是chū gǎng tōng zhī shū,出港通知书翻译成英文是 clearance notice


