


1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……





汉语拼音:xiāng jìn









  1. 差不多;接近。

    《论语·阳货》:“性相近也,习相远也。”《后汉书·逸民传·梁鸿》:“ 要离 烈士,而 伯鸞 清高,可令相近。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第十二章:“相近两万战士一天的口食,还在危险中。”

  2. 附近;邻近。

    《水浒传》第八一回:“我在外面漾过两条索去,你就相近的柳树上把索子缚了。”《醒世恒言·李玉英狱中讼冤》:“ 承祖 问了向日争战之处,直至 皋兰山 相近,思想要祭奠父亲一番。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四七回:“骗得提调进房,他却把门锁了,自己带了钥匙,然后把船驶到 澎湖 相近、浪头最大的地方,颠播了一日一夜。”



  1. One option could be the exploitation of carbohydrate-based microbial oil, as it consists of similar fatty acids to that of plant oil.


  2. The dimensional and moisture absorption of sympodial bamboo and moso bamboo were similar with that of Red Oak in United States.


  3. How difficult a language is to learn depends mostly on how much it resembles your own language.


  4. "Countries with greater gender equity are also the ones where the ratio of girls to boys doing well in math is close to equal, " she said.


  5. When you place your portlet on a page, it makes more sense if it closely matches the name of your SWT view.


  6. For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the LORD our God is in all things that we call upon him for?


  7. In this case, you know the "Add a User" dialog is close to what you want.


  8. If projectiles are sufficiently big and fast, they vaporize both themselves and a similar mass of the surface.


  9. With leverage, a buyer might be prepared to pay close to its estimated "economic value" if held to maturity.


  1. 比分相近。

    The score was very close.

  2. 质量相近。

    and hugely more difficult to transport.

  3. 我们的政见相近

    connect on politics.

  4. 相似相近或类似

    Similarity or analogy.

  5. 诗歌与音乐相近。

    Poetry belongs with music.

  6. 这些词意义相近。

    These words are close in meaning.

  7. 完全不相近的人。

    resemble the real interrogator.

  8. 他两人性格相近。

    The two of them are similar in character.

  9. 英语同法语很相近。

    English has a close affinity to French.

  10. 他们的作品风格相近。

    All their works have stylistic similarities.

  11. 相对论无规位相近似

    relativistic random phase approximation

  12. 我们的血液和海水相近。

    Our blood and sea water are akin.

  13. 窗帘的颜色和地毯相近。

    The color of the curtains approximates that of the rug.

  14. 下位的腺4,离生,相近。

    Hypogynous glands4, free, close together.

  15. 海葵海葵或与之相近的动物

    A sea anemone or a related animal.

  16. 系统温度和清洗温度应该相近。

    Systems temperature and purge temperature should be similar.

  17. 经济学和许多其它学科相近。

    Economics borders on other important academic disciplines.

  18. 使用相近频道的相邻基站。

    Nearby base stations using adjacent channels.

  19. 大多数啤酒的得分会很相近。

    Most of the beers will go into one place.

  20. 猪的器官和人类器官的大小相近。

    Pig organs are nearly the same size as human organs.

  21. 猪得器官和人类器官得大小相近。

    Pig organs are nearly the same size as human organs.

  22. 否定的命令与禁止的意思相近。

    Negative imperatives are similar to prohibitions.

  23. 三组的体重变化相近。

    Similarily, the tumor area was less in the whey protein group in comparison to either the casein or Purina groups, with some difference between casein and Purina groups.

  24. 我那位朋友的感受和我相近。

    My friend's feelings are akin to mine.

  25. 首先, 她必须和我的年龄相近。

    First, she must be close to my age.

  26. 这两个词得意思相近, 只是。

    They are often used with similar meaning, Bspeakbbeing more formal.

  27. 这两个词的意思相近,只是。

    They are often used with similar meaning, Bspeakbbeing more formal.

  28. 高收益债券表现与投资级债券相近。

    High yield bonds performance similar to investment grade.

  29. 我们预期它们彼此间会比较相近。

    We expected them to be more similar to one another.

  30. 性情相近对于感情的培养大有帮助。

    Pis a powerful aid to foster attachments.


  1. 问:相近拼音怎么拼?相近的读音是什么?相近翻译成英文是什么?

    答:相近的读音是xiāngjìn,相近翻译成英文是 close; similar to

  2. 问:相近匹配拼音怎么拼?相近匹配的读音是什么?相近匹配翻译成英文是什么?

    答:相近匹配的读音是xiāng jìn pǐ pèi,相近匹配翻译成英文是 Close-Coupled

  3. 问:相近差错拼音怎么拼?相近差错的读音是什么?相近差错翻译成英文是什么?

    答:相近差错的读音是xiāng jìn chā cuò,相近差错翻译成英文是 near miss

  4. 问:相近石韦拼音怎么拼?相近石韦的读音是什么?相近石韦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:相近石韦的读音是xiāngjìn shíwéi,相近石韦翻译成英文是 Pyrrosia assimilis

  5. 问:相近冠唇花拼音怎么拼?相近冠唇花的读音是什么?相近冠唇花翻译成英文是什么?

    答:相近冠唇花的读音是xiāngjìn guànchúnhuā,相近冠唇花翻译成英文是 Microtoena affinis


