


1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……




1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……


就是:知识~力量。当时或当地:~日。~刻。~席。~景。在~。~兴(xìng )。就,便:黎明~起。假如,倘若:~使。~便(biàn )。~或。~令。靠近:不~不离。到,开始从事:~位。……



汉语拼音:kě wàng ér bù kě jí








  • 【解释】:即:接近。能望见,但达不到或不能接近。常比喻目前还不能实现的事物。
  • 【出自】:唐·宋之问《明河篇》:“明河可望不可亲,愿得乘槎一问津。”明·刘基《登卧龙山写怀二十八韵》:“白云在青天,可望不可即。”
  • 【示例】:视吾贞昉,则若威风之翔千仞,~,得与失又为何如哉。


  1. But now, the goal is in front of him, but as the water on the moon, unattainable.


  2. Drugs, treatment and access to top-notch doctors are expensive and beyond the reach of average Chinese.


  3. That must appear to him too impossible a piece of luck. He must wonder at the way they had taken him up.


  4. The world and angels, just like two parallels, separated with each other, hold a visble yet untouchable distance between each other.


  5. Your future and your goals sometimes feel very far away.


  6. When I say that there will soon be a high tide of revolution in China, I am emphatically not speaking of something illusory, unattainable .


  7. The stuff that happens naturally there doesn't happen in China, where there's a need for an organized approach to innovation.


  8. The future is a carrot on a stick, always just beyond your grasp.


  9. and if we lived for centuries and were endowed with the powers of a god, we should find ourselves not much nearer what we wanted at the end.


  1. 可望而不可即。

    Within sight but beyond reach.

  2. 可望而不可即。

    Within sight but beyond reach.

  3. 这个目标可望而不可即。

    This goal is unattainable.

  4. 这个目标可望而不可即。

    This goal is unattainable.

  5. 政治解决方案依然可望而不可即。

    A political settlement remains tantalisingly out of reach.

  6. 大多数人可望而不可即的大笔钱款

    silly money

  7. 对我们来说,那是可望而不可即的。

    For us, it's something that we may aspire to but can never attain.

  8. 未来是棒上的胡萝卜, 总是可望而不可即。

    The future is a carrot on a stick, always just beyond your grasp.

  9. 未来是棒上得胡萝卜,总是可望而不可即。

    The future is a carrot on a stick, always just beyond your grasp.

  10. 我们所期望的社会目标并非可望而不可即。

    The social goals to which we all aspire are not beyond our reach.

  11. 世界冠军称号对我来说是可望而不可即的。

    The world championship was for me at the end of the rainbow.

  12. 登上月球, 对古人来说是可望而不可即的幻想。

    Previous generations would never have believed that man could go to the moon.

  13. 登上月球,对古人来说是可望而不可即的幻想。

    Previous generations would never have believed that man could go to the moon.

  14. 他追求不到可望而不可即的权力和财富, 受尽了折磨。

    He was tantalized by visions of power and wealth.

  15. 登上月球,对古人来说是可望而不可即得幻想。

    Previous generations would never have believed that man could go to the moon.

  16. 山是地面向那可望而不可即者所表现的绝望姿态。

    Hills are the earth's gesture of despair for the unreachable.

  17. 而这种团结现在却是可望而不可及。

    And unity is miles away.

  18. 此类资产都是可望而不可及的。

    Such assets are its to throw away.

  19. 现在这个目标不再可望而不可及了。

    Now that objective is no longer tantalizingly out of reach.

  20. 对我们来说,那是可望而不可及的。

    For us, its something that we may aspire to but can never attain.

  21. 在远景里的这些财富是可望而不可及的。

    These fortunes in perspective look such a long way off.

  22. 此刻海螺不再是一个可望不可即的东西了。

    Now the shell was no longer a thing seen but not to be touched.

  23. 对许多人来说,退休是一个可望不可即的梦。

    For many, retirement an unobtainable dream.

  24. 富人和名人的世界还是和以前一样可望而不可及。

    The world of wealth and distinction was quite as far away as ever.

  25. 美国经济已经展现出欧洲各国政府可望不可即的活力。

    The US economy has already shown a vibrancy that European governments would die for.

  26. 这个女子, 在他心里, 真的就是可望而不可及的仙子。

    This woman , Nike Mercurial Vapor Superfly III FG, in his in the mind, really is an inaccessible beautiful woman.

  27. 以往文物瑰宝、高雅艺术可望而不可及的时代已经过去。

    The epoch, in which treasures of cultural relics and elegant arts are within sight but beyond reach, has passed.

  28. 学校教育的全方位开放 目前还是一件可望而不可及的事。

    Radical openness is still a distant future in the field of school education.

  29. 如果没有发展, 不尊重人权, 那么, 稳定与安全就可望而不可及。

    In the absence of development and respect for human rights, stability and security become elusive.

  30. 在他的幻梦中,那岛屿似乎成了可望而不可及的阿卡狄亚了。

    In his fancy the Island seemed an unattainable Arcadia.


  1. 问:可望而不可即拼音怎么拼?可望而不可即的读音是什么?可望而不可即翻译成英文是什么?

    答:可望而不可即的读音是kěwàng'érbùkějí,可望而不可即翻译成英文是 unattainable