


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 单 [dān]2. 单 [shàn]3. 单 [chán]单 [dān]不复杂:~纯。简~。~调(diào)。独一:~独。~一。~词。只,仅:做事~靠热情不够。奇(jī)数的:~日。~号。薄,弱:~薄。衣服被褥只有一层的:~裤。~衣。……



汉语拼音:bù dān








  1. 不止。如:我国在球类比赛中获得世界冠军的,不单是乒乓球。

  2. 不但。

    老舍 《四世同堂》三八:“对老父亲,他不单把委曲圈在心里,而且口口声声的说一切都太平了,为的是教老人心宽一点。” 沈从文 《从文自传·一个老战兵》:“他不单教小孩打拳,有时还鼓励小孩子打架。”



  1. All of a sudden, Wrigley Field was not just a place for baseball, it became the biggest party you would ever see on a Tuesday night.


  2. Not only will your date appreciate it but you will discover how much better you feel mentally, physically and emotionally.


  3. The titles . . . are attracting and punchy, but you also see that she's working kind of consciously with these reverberating references.


  4. He cut loose from the dull, familiar ways he knew. His leaving was more than disrespectful. It was a betrayal.


  5. Larijani said the United States on the Palestinian issue not only reflects the strength of the weakened, and "unable to move in Iraq. "


  6. Paul had brought with him not only Barnabas, but Titus also (v. 3), a Christian Greek, who had never been circumcised.


  7. Not just in terms of dollars and cents, economic benefit or what we get out of it.


  8. Nadra Ahmed, chairman of the National Care Homes Association, said the blame did not lie solely with care homes.


  9. International sport is no longer just a game. Enormous sums of money and previously unimaginable rewards are now on offer.


  1. 不单是为你

    Not just for you.

  2. 这不单是个时间问题。

    It is not merely a matter of time.

  3. 如果我不单要武器呢?

    What if I wanted more than weapons?

  4. 他不单赞成我,他也赞成你。

    He agrees with you, as well as with me.

  5. 不单是信用证的过错。

    The blame does not only rest with the letter of credit.

  6. 他们不单用桨划独木舟。

    They not only paddled dugout canoes.

  7. 不单在男人身上,也在女人身上

    And I want to say we've annihilated it in men as well as in women.

  8. 好莱坞不单是电影有名吧?

    Hollywood is not only famous for its movies, is it?

  9. 他觉得冷,不单是有点儿晕机。

    He felt cold, and more than a little airsick.

  10. 不,我意思是你不单是个妈。

    No.I meant you're more than just a mother.

  11. 历史不单是一连串的年月日。

    History is not just a matter of dates.

  12. 他的故事不单纯是神话。

    His stories were not pure fairy stories.

  13. 就象人类,不单是男性与女性。

    Like human, not only has man and woman.

  14. 我们不单胆大了,而且富裕起来了。

    We not only grew bold, but we grew rich.

  15. 不单是树叶, 连个虫子都不动。

    Not a leaf nor an insect stirred.

  16. 没错, 是铁打的。不单是铁, 也是水银。

    He is made of steel. Both steel and quicksilver.

  17. 没错,是铁打得。不单是铁,也是水银。

    He is made of steel. Both steel and quicksilver.

  18. 视觉造型不单单是粉饰门面。

    The visual styling is more than just window dressing.

  19. 视觉造型不单单是粉饰门面。

    The visual styling is more than just window dressing.

  20. 她的本子不单神秘, 还缺乏连贯性

    Hers would not only be secret, it would be incoherent.

  21. 不单是我,吉尔说,大家都这么说。

    It's not only me, said Jill. Everyone's been saying so.

  22. 他左脚受伤, 不得不单脚跳行。

    He had hurt his left foot and had to hop along.

  23. 超产得不单是这几个生产队。

    These are not the only production teams that have overfulfilled the output quota.

  24. 超产的不单是这几个生产队。

    These are not the only production teams that have overfulfilled the output quota.

  25. 大众传媒不单单是世界之窗。

    The mass media is not simply a window on the world.

  26. 大众传媒不单单是世界之窗。

    The mass media is not simply a window on the world.

  27. 是阿, 今日的卡片不单只有文字而已。

    Do you know, xxx, nowadays cards not only just have words.

  28. 不单是身体上的需要,有我们灵性上的需要。

    Not only our physical needs, but also our spiritual need.

  29. 权力不单是横向 在国与国间游走

    For power is not just moving laterally from nation to nation.

  30. 节约能源不单是 改造交通工具的问题

    And energy efficiency is more than just about the vehicle.


  1. 问:不单拼音怎么拼?不单的读音是什么?不单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不单的读音是bùdān,不单翻译成英文是 not merely; not simply

  2. 问:不单方接触拼音怎么拼?不单方接触的读音是什么?不单方接触翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不单方接触的读音是bù dān fāng jiē chù,不单方接触翻译成英文是 non-unilateral contract




拼音:bù dān 基本解释 1.[not the only]∶不止 超额完成任务的,不单是这个生产队 2. [not merely;not simply]∶不但 人民解放军不单是战斗的队伍,也是生产的队伍 详细解释 1. 不止。如:我国在球类比赛中获得世界冠军的,不单是乒乓球。 2. 不但。 老舍 《四世同堂》三八:“对老父亲,他不单把委曲圈在心里,而且口口声声的说一切都太平了,为的是教老人心宽一点。” 沈从文 《从文自传·一个老战兵》:“他不单教小孩打拳,有时还鼓励小孩子打架。”