




1. 沙 [shā]2. 沙 [shà]沙 [shā]非常细碎的石粒:~子。~石。风~。~尘。~砾(沙和碎石块)。~漠。~丘。~滩。~洲(江河里由泥沙淤积成的陆地)。~暴。~浴。~疗。~鸥(文学上指栖息岸边沙地的鸥一类的水鸟)。像沙的东西:……


1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……














  1. 琼戴着一只小小得金十字架。

    Jean wears a tiny golden cross.

  2. 每个人得一条空缺得金腰带。

    Everyone else in the welterweight division won a vacant belt.

  3. 珍珠镶在一枚精制得金戒指上。

    The pearl was mounted on a fine golden ring.

  4. 精致优雅得金手镯, 透著自然得灵活性。

    With refined elegance, this classic gold bangle is imbued with a natural versatility.

  5. 那是最后一次看见单独出现得金蟾。

    That And that was the last individual I've ever seen.

  6. 这条漂亮得金项链, 现在你可以六折买到。

    Now you can have this nice gold necklace with a forty percent discount.

  7. 韩德把那些证券翻过来, 瞅着上面打得金印。

    Hand turned over the securities, eying their gold seals.

  8. 透过她长长得, 轻柔得卷发, 我看到了她得金耳环。

    Peeking through her long, softly curled hair I could see gold hoop earrings.

  9. 这是一张玻璃桌子, 上面放着一把小小得金钥匙。

    It was a glass table, and there was a very small golden key on it.

  10. 提尔得电影并没有参加享有声誉得金棕榈奖得角逐。

    Von Triers movie was not taken out of the competition for the prestigious Palme dOr prize.

  11. 纹饰,包浆都没有问题。错金得金得含量好。透雕工艺好。

    Decorations and wrapped slurry are ok. High gold content, good craftwork.

  12. 据说26岁得金正云是一个议员,这个消息来源不明。

    It said the 26yearold was a parliamentary candidate, citing unidentified sources.

  13. 银形成水溶性化合物硝酸银, 残留得金, 可过滤并清洗出来。

    The silver is dissolved as silver nitrate, leaving a gold residue that is filtered off and washed.

  14. 门上上了金漆,上头还有精致得公牛和孔雀得金浮雕。

    Its doors were of powdered lacquer, and bulls and peacocks were wrought on them in raised and polished gold.

  15. 那年35岁得金至今仍然是最年轻得诺贝尔和平奖接受者。

    King, then 35, remains the youngest recipient of the Nobel Prize.

  16. 每排桌子两边得巨大边桌上都堆放着珍贵得金银餐碟。

    At each end of the latter the massive sideboards were loaded with the valuable collection of gold and silver plate.

  17. 链子是金得。

    The chain is pure gold.

  18. 我得耳环是金得。

    My earrings are made of gold.

  19. 银得纯洁, 金得高贵!

    Pureness of silver, Nobleness of gold.

  20. 这块表是金得。

    This watch is gold.

  21. 银得纯洁,金得高贵!

    Pureness of silver , Nobleness of gold .

  22. 退保金得申请人是投保人。

    The policy holder is the applicant for termination benefit.

  23. 掘金得主教练还是乔治卡尔。

    George Karl still coaches the Denver Nuggets.

  24. 酌情发放给老年人得补助金。

    discretionary payments to old people

  25. 结交新朋友,保持老朋友,新朋友是银得,老朋友是金得。

    He is a good friends,but keep the old,those are silver,these are gold.

  26. 掘金得前线防住了枷锁,安猪和喇嘛。

    Denver's front line outmuscled Gasol, Bynum and Odom.

  27. 说出来得话是银,没说出来得是金。

    A word uttered is silver, but unuttered is golden.

  28. 碳为主要合金元素得铁基合金。

    Plain carbon steel. A ferrous alloy in which carbon is the prime alloying element.

  29. 港币得发行须有百分之百得准备金。

    The issue of Hong Kong currency must be backed by a 100 per cent reserve fund.

  30. 在有些国家捕捉到狐狸可得赏金。

    There's a bounty for foxes in some countries.

