







汉语拼音:shì zé






  1. 法则;规范。

    汉 刘向 《上关尹子序》:“浑质崖戾,汪洋大肆,然有式则,使人泠泠轻轻,不使人狂。” 王闿运 《采芬女子墓志铭》:“幼已明诗,永言式则,词必久虑,容无愠色。”



  1. And upper-class aristocratic women or his wife to meet before hand if the woman did sag type, then kiss the fingers gently lift.


  2. If more than one handler is attached that matched the criteria, only the first handler in the event handler store is removed.


  3. Latticework style front simple code of colors, more money changes image more prominent.


  4. No error will be reported if a serializer was found but it failed to produce an expression.


  5. If we provide no element initializers for an array of class type, then the default constructor is used to initialize each element.


  6. For solution of heat transfer equation in fuel rods, the implicit scheme of through counting in combination with method of running is used.


  7. The genetic study tries to explain the underlying mechanisms of ore formation so that they can be applied to orefinding more universally.


  8. The second type is on the ground floor and tub edge, feet bouncing back and forth.


  9. London opening ceremony is pure trash. Beijing openingceremony on the other hand, was spectacular.


  1. 第二式则在地下及浴缸边,双脚来回弹跳。

    The second type is on the ground floor and tub edge, feet bouncing back and forth.

  2. 对于介入式链表则不会这样。

    The same doesn't hold for an intrusive list.

  3. 如果该行与正则表达式匹配,则打印该行。

    If the line matches the regular expression, then you print out that line.

  4. 而电子式电能表则能准确反映出被测电能值。

    And the data also explains electron type electric energy meter can reflect accurately the total value.

  5. 提供正则表达式得编程语言方面得概述。

    Provides an overview of the programming language aspect of regular expressions.

  6. 提供正则表达式的编程语言方面的概述。

    Provides an overview of the programming language aspect of regular expressions.

  7. 这是一个正则表达式用来确定一个目标网址。

    Here's a regular expression used to define a goal URL.

  8. 这些重写规则表明了正则表达式得功能。

    These rewriting rules demonstrate the power of regular expressions.

  9. 这些重写规则表明了正则表达式的功能。

    These rewriting rules demonstrate the power of regular expressions.

  10. 一个基于正则表达式的生物数据抽取方法

    ReDE A Regular ExpressionBased Method for Extracting Biological Data

  11. 基于正则表达式的话务报告处理软件的实现

    Realization of traffic report processing software based on regular expression

  12. 由有穷自动机构造正则表达式的新算法

    A new algorithm of regular expression formulated from finite automata

  13. 但是您现在已了解了正则表达式的基本知识。

    But now you know the ABCs of regular expressions.

  14. 我的一个利用有限状态机的正则表达式的实现。

    I use a finite state machine in the regular expression is achieved.

  15. 正则表达式的优化是一个相当广泛和细致入微的话题。

    Regex optimization is a fairly broad and nuanced topic.

  16. 正则表达式得优化是一个相当广泛和细致入微得话题。

    Regex optimization is a fairly broad and nuanced topic.

  17. 此正则表达式序列匹配一个用八进制符号表示的字符

    The sequence of characters matching the regular expression is a character in octal notation

  18. 这是包含被替换值替换了适当正则表达式匹配项的字符串。

    This is the string that has the appropriate regular expressions matches replaced with the replacement value.

  19. 美国式则与此相反,以月为先,日期则在后。

    American type then and this is contrary, taking month as first, date at after.

  20. 四则运算算式组合库

    Combination of four computing algorithm library

  21. 一则水门事件式丑闻

    a Watergate

  22. 藻浜岸线段则布设专题式旅游,文化服务设施。

    Service facilities for tourists and cultural facilities are to beup along the Creek.

  23. 如果标记的值等于表达式, 则执行其相伴的语句列表。

    If a label value equals expression, execute its accompanying statement list.

  24. 女士所穿的则多为连衣裙式的单色大礼服或小礼服。

    President is worn for dress dresstype large or small monochrome dress.

  25. 正则表达式

    regular expression.

  26. 正则表达式工具软件

    Rad Software Regular Expression Designer

  27. 工具正则表达式编写及调试工具。

    Regular Expression Compose and Test Tool.

  28. 转浆式转轮组装与试验工艺导则

    Guide for assembly and test technology of runner of kaplan turbine

  29. 可以从正则表达式中引用子表达式。

    You can refer to a subexpression from within a regular expression.

  30. 正则表达式描述了一组字符串。

    A regular expression describes a set of strings.