


1. 看 [kàn]2. 看 [kān]看 [kàn]使视线接触人或物:~见。~书。~齐。观察,判断:~病。观~。~好(根据市场情况,估计某种商品好销)。~透(透彻深刻地了解或认识。亦称“看破”、“看穿”)。~风使舵。访问,拜望:~望。~朋……





汉语拼音:kān hù









  1. 看守;护理。

    元 张之翰 《金缕曲·乙未清明》词:“先塋松柏谁看护?想东风,杯盘萧索,饥乌啼树。” 老舍 《蜕》十三:“ 桂枝 ,你把我看护好了,为什么不去救护伤兵呢?” 沙汀 《困兽记》十:“他整整看护了她一星期,十分惬意的花费着朋友们陆续馈送的物品,以及礼金。”

  2. 护士的俗称。

    老舍 《柳屯的》:“村里的一位 王姑娘 ,在城里当看护。” 茅盾 《送考》:“她是某某医校毕业的,还没嫁人,现在是某医院的看护。”



  1. Paul Watson, captain of the Sea Shepherd ship tracking the whalers , says he is prepared to keep up the chase for weeks.


  2. 'Poor dear! 'said the nurse, hurriedly putting a green glass bottle back in the pocket of her long skirt.


  3. One of the simplest innovations is called kangaroo mother care, named for the way kangaroo mothers keep babies in their pouches.


  4. "Henceforth, the European Union will escort Greece's privatisation programme as if we were conducting it ourselves, " he said.


  5. After zookeepers recognized Temi was in labor, they kept close watch on her to ensure her safety and that of the calf.


  6. Age might be more than just a number, but when it comes to understanding the potential of the senior-care industry, the numbers say it all.


  7. I have watched him binding his bandages over the limb of a tree with the same care with which he would tend a child.


  8. Probably looked after by a just a few monks, it fits in with its surroundings perfectly.


  9. Tess did not have time to answer. She nursed her mother, fed the children, and worked in the garden, planting vegetables for next year.


  1. 老龄者看护

    aged care.

  2. 医院看护人员

    hospital corpsman

  3. 主要看护人

    principle caregiver.

  4. 老人的家庭看护

    Home care for the elderly.

  5. 倒换着看护伤员

    take turns looking after the wounded

  6. 护士在看护病人。

    The nurse watches with the sick.

  7. 长期看护保险计划

    Long term care insurance plans

  8. 健康看护与社工

    Health Care and Social Works Studies

  9. 她以看护为职业。

    She takes up nursing as a career.

  10. 她尽心地看护他。

    She nursed him with all her heart.

  11. 她看护病人和伤者。

    She tended the sick and wounded.

  12. 你将需要看护人

    You're going to need caregivers.

  13. 她整夜看护那位病人。

    She watched the patient all night.

  14. 孩子被临时保姆看护着。

    The baby is watched over by the babysitter.

  15. 美国家庭看护者支持计划

    National Family Caregiver Support Program

  16. 我母亲是一位看护助理。

    Mom was a nurse's aid.

  17. 儿童肿瘤患者的长期看护

    Long term follow up care of survivors of childhood cancer

  18. 根据需要提供婴儿看护服务

    Babysitting services available upon request

  19. 看护我, 引导我, 自豪地俯视我。

    To watch over me and guide me, to look down on me with pride.

  20. 我知道你在看护所长大。

    I know you were raised in foster care.

  21. 她儿子生病时, 她看护着他。

    She coddles her son when he is sick.

  22. 这家医院有优秀看护人员。

    The hospital has an excellent nursing staff.

  23. 她悉心看护她那生病的孩子。

    She nursed her sick child with devotion.

  24. 美国某孩童看护中心整体转让

    Child Care Center for sale

  25. 我在动力舱工作,看护引擎。

    I work down in engineering, taking care of the engine.

  26. 我在动力舱工作,看护引擎。

    I work down in engineering, taking care of the engine.

  27. 孩子们在老师的看护下玩耍。

    The children played under the watchful eye of their teacher.

  28. 我坐在甲板上看护着他。

    I sat on the deck to take care of him.

  29. 牧羊狗就是看护养群的狗

    A sheep dog is a dog that looks after sheep

  30. 她在病榻旁边不眠地看护。

    She watched beside the sickbed.


  1. 问:看护拼音怎么拼?看护的读音是什么?看护翻译成英文是什么?

    答:看护的读音是kānhù,看护翻译成英文是 take care of

  2. 问:看护人拼音怎么拼?看护人的读音是什么?看护人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:看护人的读音是,看护人翻译成英文是 orderlies

