


1. 共 [gòng]2. 共 [gōng]共 [gòng]相同,一样:~性。~同。同甘~苦。彼此都具有、使用或承受:患难与~。休戚与~。一起,一齐:~鸣。~勉。~议。~处(chǔ)。总计,合计:~计。总~。与,和:“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水~……





汉语拼音:gòng è










  1. used for quality control of the conjugate vaccines and vaccine intermediates must be validated.


  2. Complex conjugate artifacts arise because, generally, OCT systems do not acquire the phase of the interferometric signal.


  3. The invention relates to a rigid and flexible block copolymer with biological compatibility and a preparation method thereof.


  4. Intramolecular photoinduced charge transfer can be efficiency by restricting biphenyl group to make it more conjugate.


  5. The conjugated linoleic acid functions to improve radiance on facial su*ces to which the composition is topically applied.


  6. Based on the concept of the prior distribution, the Gamma distribution was introduced as the prior models of the unknown model parameters.


  7. Some of existing protocols adopted the concept of yoking proof to construct the grouping proofs.


  8. The creation of a technically undesirable gap between both conjugated surfaces is a consequence of this change.


  9. The invention discloses a method for forcibly pushing seedling by a conjugate cam type transplanting machine and a planting arm.


  1. 共轭相合阵

    conjunctive matrices.

  2. 共轭焦平面

    conjugate focal planes.

  3. 同共轭效应

    homoconjugation effect.

  4. 共轭倒序阵

    reverse conjugate array.

  5. 向上共轭凝视

    Upward conjugate gaze

  6. 共轭相合变换

    conjunctive transformation.

  7. 共轭剪节理

    conjugate joints.

  8. 共轭并矢式

    conjugate dyadic.

  9. 共轭对称性

    conjugated symmetry.

  10. 共轭拉丁平

    conjugate latin square.

  11. 拓扑共轭的

    topologically conjugate.

  12. 共轭双键系统

    polyenoid system.

  13. 真性共轭直径

    true conjugate diameter

  14. 相位共轭共存

    Photorefractive effect.

  15. 共轭二次曲线

    conjugate curve of the second order.

  16. 共轭双键化合物

    conjugated double bond compound

  17. 共轭二项根式

    conjugate binomial surds.

  18. 电火花共轭回转加工

    electrical discharge conjugate revolution machining

  19. 共轭烯烃的共轭极化势

    Conjugated Polarizability Potential of Conjugated Alkenes

  20. 共轭转置正交系

    adjoint orthogonal system

  21. 二次曲线的共轭直线

    Conjugate lines in a conic

  22. 关于共轭对合矩阵的注

    A Note on the Matrix of Conjugate Involution

  23. 关于群的阶与共轭类数

    On the Groups Order and the Number of Conjugacy Classes

  24. 共轭二烯烃在醚化条件下的聚合

    Polymerization of Conjugated Dienes under Etherification Conditions

  25. 低剂量共轭雌激素的激素替代疗法

    Lower dosages of conjugated equine estrogens in hormone replacement therapy

  26. 关于群的阶与群的共轭类数的商

    On the Quotient of the Group Order and the Number of Conjugacy Classes

  27. 这是李群的共轭作用的推广。

    This generalizes the usual notion of conjugate action, and reduces to the usual conjugate action if the automorphism involved is the identity.

  28. 诱导效应,共轭效应和超共轭效应总称为电子效应。

    Inductive effect, conjugation effect and hyper conjugation effect are called electronic effect.

  29. 共轭伸展褶劈理夹角的定量解析

    A quantitative analysis of the angle between conjugate extensional crenulation cleavages

  30. 一个赋范空间的完备化及共轭空间

    Complete Space and Conjugate Space of a Normed Space


  1. 问:共轭丛拼音怎么拼?共轭丛的读音是什么?共轭丛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共轭丛的读音是gòng è cóng,共轭丛翻译成英文是 conjugate bundle

  2. 问:共轭元拼音怎么拼?共轭元的读音是什么?共轭元翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共轭元的读音是gòng è yuán,共轭元翻译成英文是 conjngate elements

  3. 问:共轭域拼音怎么拼?共轭域的读音是什么?共轭域翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共轭域的读音是gòng è yù,共轭域翻译成英文是 conjugate field

  4. 问:共轭基拼音怎么拼?共轭基的读音是什么?共轭基翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共轭基的读音是gòng è jī,共轭基翻译成英文是 conjugate basis

  5. 问:共轭弦拼音怎么拼?共轭弦的读音是什么?共轭弦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共轭弦的读音是gòng è xián,共轭弦翻译成英文是 conjugate chords

  6. 问:共轭弧拼音怎么拼?共轭弧的读音是什么?共轭弧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共轭弧的读音是gòng è hú,共轭弧翻译成英文是 conjugate arc

  7. 问:共轭性拼音怎么拼?共轭性的读音是什么?共轭性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共轭性的读音是,共轭性翻译成英文是 conjugacy

  8. 问:共轭效拼音怎么拼?共轭效的读音是什么?共轭效翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共轭效的读音是gòng è xiào,共轭效翻译成英文是 conjugate number

  9. 问:共轭数拼音怎么拼?共轭数的读音是什么?共轭数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共轭数的读音是gòng è shù,共轭数翻译成英文是 conjugate number

  10. 问:共轭极拼音怎么拼?共轭极的读音是什么?共轭极翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共轭极的读音是gòng è jí,共轭极翻译成英文是 coupled pole

  11. 问:共轭树拼音怎么拼?共轭树的读音是什么?共轭树翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共轭树的读音是gòng è shù,共轭树翻译成英文是 cotree

  12. 问:共轭核拼音怎么拼?共轭核的读音是什么?共轭核翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共轭核的读音是gòng è hé,共轭核翻译成英文是 conjugate kernel

  13. 问:共轭根拼音怎么拼?共轭根的读音是什么?共轭根翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共轭根的读音是gòng è gēn,共轭根翻译成英文是 conjugate roots

  14. 问:共轭梁拼音怎么拼?共轭梁的读音是什么?共轭梁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共轭梁的读音是gòng è liáng,共轭梁翻译成英文是 conjugate beam

  15. 问:共轭波拼音怎么拼?共轭波的读音是什么?共轭波翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共轭波的读音是gòng è bō,共轭波翻译成英文是 conjugate wave

  16. 问:共轭泵拼音怎么拼?共轭泵的读音是什么?共轭泵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共轭泵的读音是gòng è bèng,共轭泵翻译成英文是 yoke pump

  17. 问:共轭点拼音怎么拼?共轭点的读音是什么?共轭点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共轭点的读音是,共轭点翻译成英文是 conjugate point

  18. 问:共轭相拼音怎么拼?共轭相的读音是什么?共轭相翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共轭相的读音是gòng è xiàng,共轭相翻译成英文是 conjugate phase

  19. 问:共轭碱拼音怎么拼?共轭碱的读音是什么?共轭碱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共轭碱的读音是gòng è jiǎn,共轭碱翻译成英文是 conjugate base

  20. 问:共轭类拼音怎么拼?共轭类的读音是什么?共轭类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共轭类的读音是gòng è lèi,共轭类翻译成英文是 conjugate classes



“共轭”是个多义词,它可以指共轭(化学含义), 共轭(数学含义), 共轭(物理含义)。