


1. 把 [bǎ]2. 把 [bà]把 [bǎ]拿,抓住:~酒(拿着酒杯)。~玩(拿着赏玩)。控制,掌握:~握。~舵。看守:~守。~门儿。自行车、手推车等的手柄:车~。可以用手拿的小捆:秫秸~儿。专权,一手独揽:~持大权。从后托起小孩两腿使……





汉语拼音:bǎ zhǎn






  1. 亦作“ 把醆 ”。端着酒杯。多用于斟酒敬客。

    唐 罗隐 《雪中怀友人》诗:“所思谁把醆,端坐恨无航。” 宋 卢炳 《诉衷情》词:“同把盏,且伸眉,对残暉。”《警世通言·杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》:“凡 十娘 相厚者,无不毕集,都与他夫妇把盏称喜,吹弹歌舞,各逞其强,务要尽欢。” 马烽 西戎 《吕梁英雄传》第九回:“二先生亲自敬酒,亲戚朋友,也都来轮流把盏。”



  1. v.
  2. hold cup in hand

  1. 迎风把盏, 真的是不胜惬意。

    There is nothing like taking a few drinks in the pleasant breeze.

  2. 迎风把盏,真的是不胜惬意。

    There is nothing like taking a few drinks in the pleasant breeze.

  3. 他啪啪地把几盏电灯的开关都打开了。

    He flicked a couple of light switches.

  4. 然后把这盏复制出来的灯光放置左面, 设置如下所示。

    Place it to the side of the plane and use the given settings.

  5. 马夫别利沿着四面的墙壁走着, 把灯一盏一盏地灭掉。

    Billy, the stableman, was going the rounds of the walls, putting out light after light.

  6. 马夫别利沿着四面得墙壁走着,把灯一盏一盏地灭掉。

    Billy, the stableman, was going the rounds of the walls, putting out light after light.

  7. 我其实是想把这个变成一盏台灯

    I was actually thinking of turning this into a lamp.

  8. 请把那盏灯关了!

    Please put the light off!

  9. 那盏油灯把墙壁熏黑了。

    The lamp has smoked the wall.

  10. 女主人把一盏灯放在桌子上。

    The hostess set a lamp on the table.

  11. 她把这个银烛台改成了一盏阅读灯。

    She turned the silver candlestick into a reading lamp.

  12. 除非一盏幻灯把神经图案投影在银屏

    But as if a magic lantern threw the nerves in patterns on a screen

  13. 你会把金盏菊和玫瑰花进行比较吗?

    Do you compare a marigold with a rose flower?

  14. 一块黑板、六盏灯,三把电扇和许多桌椅。

    A board, six lights, three fans, many desks and chairs.

  15. 她买了些杯碟把她的一套碗盏配齐了。

    She completed her set of dishes by buying the cups and saucers.

  16. 我看见一张床,一张桌子,一把椅子,一个球和一盏台灯。

    I see a bed, a desk, a chair, a ball and a lamp.

  17. 请把那盏灯往一旁照,请别让灯照到我的眼睛。

    Please shine that light away from my eyes.

  18. 他说,这就像是一盏明灯把我们生命点亮。

    He said it was like a light that went on in our lives.

  19. 他们把两盏灯都灭了,象死似的静静地躺着。

    They blew out both the lamps and lay still as death.

  20. 灯台上应做七盏灯,把七盏灯放上,使光照耀灯台前面的空间。

    Thou shalt make also seven lamps, and shalt set them upon the candlestick, to give light over against.

  21. 我很快地把一盏灯放在木筏子上, 希望船长能看见它。

    I quickly put a light on deck and hoped that the captain would see it.

  22. 里面太黑了, 你把灯盏拿来。

    It's too dark inside. Bring the lamp here.

  23. 里面太黑了,你把灯盏拿来。

    It's too dark inside. Bring the lamp here.

  24. 她们会把自己的杯盏银质器皿借给我们开宴会。

    They'll lend us their cups and silverware for a party.

  25. 且把我当作你的杯盏吧,让我为了你和你心上人满斟吧。

    Make me thy cup and let my fullness be for thee and for thine.

  26. 云把水倒入江河的杯盏里,自己却藏身于远山之中。

    The clouds fill the water cups of the river, hiding themselves in the distant hills.

  27. 云把水倒入河流的杯盏里,自己反而藏身于远山中。

    The clouds fill the water cups of the river, hiding themselves in the distant hills.

  28. 云把水倒入了河流的杯盏中,自己却反而藏身于远山。

    The clouds fill the water cups of the river, hiding themselves in the distant hills.


  1. 问:把盏拼音怎么拼?把盏的读音是什么?把盏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:把盏的读音是bǎzhǎn,把盏翻译成英文是 To raise a wine glass.



把盏,指宴席上端着酒壶给人斟酒、敬酒。语出唐 罗隐 《雪中怀友人》诗:“所思谁把盏,端坐恨无航。”