







汉语拼音:qīng liàng








  1. 纯正;清明。

    《东观汉记·戴凭传》:“﹝ 蒋遵 ﹞清亮忠孝,学通古今。”《后汉书·袁安传》:“﹝ 袁忠 ﹞为 沛 相,乘苇车到官,以清亮称。”《晋书·下邳献王晃传》:“南中郎将 下邳王 晃 ,清亮中正,体行明洁。”

  2. 清脆响亮。

    唐 骆宾王 《上郭赞府启》:“清亮之音,谁专闻於往笛。” 宋 孟元老 《东京梦华录·驾诣郊坛行礼》:“有歌者,其声清亮,非 郑 卫 之比。” 叶圣陶 《搭班子》:“孩子们情不自禁唱起歌来,个个都唱,比平时格外协调,格外清亮。”

  3. 清净明亮。

    宋 苏轼 《七月五日》诗之二:“秋来未云几,风日已清亮。”《红楼梦》第三八回:“看看水,眼也清亮。”蒲剧《薛刚反唐》第六场:“今日四山清亮,飞雁成群。” 老舍 《樱海集·月牙儿十九》:“那个月牙清亮而温柔,把一些软光儿轻轻送到柳枝上。”

  4. 指呼吸通畅无阻。

    宋 吴曾 《能改斋漫录·事始一》:“世以身不修饰者为闭,鼻不清亮者为瓮,盖有所本也。 王充 《论衡·别通篇》:‘鼻不知香臭曰瓮。’”



  1. It was a fine day, and crisp sunlight was shining through the first pale leaves on the trees nearby.


  2. The young woman in the drawing sat on her park bench and with twinkling eyes smiled broadly at me.


  3. But for at least one crisp, clear night, the dreams of a beleaguered generation were improbably fulfilled, and that's all that counted.


  4. It was a cold, clear night, and the village lay under deep snow. Bright, icy stars shone from a dark sky down on the silent whiteness below.


  5. The obtained Chinese wolfberry juice is transparent and clear and can be used for preparing beverage.


  6. A moment, his heart seemed to be washing over general, at a draught spring clear.


  7. Jonas nodded. The man was wrinkled, and his eyes, though piercing in their unusual lightness, seemed tired.


  8. dimer which had higher molecular symmetry showed higher clearing points. 3.


  9. Weeping twilight , silver tears you cry Seeds of starlight turns day into night Burning horizon , fruits of gold to drown Soon to be gone .


  1. 液晶清亮点

    clearing point.

  2. 清亮点温度

    clearing point of temperature.

  3. 色泽清亮,非常辛辣。

    It was very green, it was very peppery.

  4. 草原上扬起清亮激越的歌声。

    Songs were heard ringing loud and clear over the grasslands.

  5. 草原上扬起清亮激越得歌声。

    Songs were heard ringing loud and clear over the grasslands.

  6. 我们听到了那清亮的号角。

    We hear the silver voices of heroic bugles.

  7. 她有自然、清亮的女高音嗓音。

    She has a natural, clear soprano voice.

  8. 分离热凝固物和清亮的麦汁。

    It provides the separation of trub and clear wort.

  9. 过滤罐装。啤酒变清亮。走向全世界。

    Filter beer. Lager beer beer. Going for the Globe.

  10. 小囊腔内充满清亮, 淡黄液体。

    The loculi are filled with a clear, pale yellow fluid.

  11. 特点是面色清亮薄滑,味浓爽口。

    Characterized by a thin slip face clear, rich and refreshing.

  12. 爱它透明清亮,使人清醒,给人明志。

    I like winter because her clarity can make all the people lucid and palpable.

  13. 其色泽洁白清亮,柔软利口,汤味清香。

    Its bright white color, softli kou ,tang wei scent.

  14. 水是一种清亮的液体,有许多用处。

    Water, which is a clear liquid, has many uses.

  15. 你的泪珠像清亮的露珠,比美黎明的日光。

    These tears are dews which mean us as much good as the sunbeams of the morrow.

  16. 这个女孩的声音象银铃一样清亮悦耳。

    The girl has a silvery voice.

  17. 这个女孩得声音象银铃一样清亮悦耳。

    The girl has a silvery voice.

  18. 粉青色釉,清亮润泽,釉面有冰裂开片。

    Powder green glaze, clear and moist, glaze surface has cracks.

  19. 柔和, 清亮的灯光, 有赖于灯罩与灯泡的配合。

    Downy, crystal lamplight, of hang on chimney and bulb cooperate.

  20. 一种清亮的石英,用于制作电子,光学设备。

    a clear quartz used in making electronic and optical equipment.

  21. 本品浅黄色清亮液体。具有甜橙的特有风味。

    A light yellow colored and clear liquid with characteristic flavor and odor.

  22. 一种清亮的液体羧基酸,用于香水和药物中。

    A clear liquid carboxylic acid used in perfumes and drugs.

  23. 清亮而明亮的透明玻璃家具,通透,没有压抑感。

    Clear and bright transparent glass furniture, connect fully, without depressive feeling.

  24. 本品为微绿色清亮液体。具有柠檬的特有风味。

    A slight green colored and clear liquid with characteristic flavor and odor.

  25. 所有观众都被她那清亮悦耳的嗓音迷住了。

    The entire audience was entranced by her clear sweet voice.

  26. 最后药算是煎好了。它的样子像非常清亮的水。

    When at last the magic draught was ready, it looked like the clearest water.

  27. 酒体色泽呈棕红色,清亮透明,口味协调,酒香醇厚。

    The wine is special for its reddish brown in color, clear liquor, agreeable taste and fragrance.

  28. 在众多的其他乐器声之上能够听见清亮的长笛的声音。

    The clear sound of the flute could be heard above the other instruments.

  29. 一种清亮油滑的有毒液体,加入汽油中可以抗震。

    A clear oily poisonous liquid added to gasoline to prevent knocking.

  30. 分子对称性较高的二聚体具有更高的清亮点。

    dimer which had higher molecular symmetry showed higher clearing points. 1.


  1. 问:清亮拼音怎么拼?清亮的读音是什么?清亮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清亮的读音是qīngliàng,清亮翻译成英文是 resonant; clear and resounding

  2. 问:清亮区拼音怎么拼?清亮区的读音是什么?清亮区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清亮区的读音是qīng liàng qū,清亮区翻译成英文是 clear zone

  3. 问:清亮囊泡拼音怎么拼?清亮囊泡的读音是什么?清亮囊泡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清亮囊泡的读音是qīng liàng náng pào,清亮囊泡翻译成英文是 clear vesicle

  4. 问:清亮泽蟹拼音怎么拼?清亮泽蟹的读音是什么?清亮泽蟹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清亮泽蟹的读音是qīngliàngzéxiè,清亮泽蟹翻译成英文是 Geothelphusa candidiensis

  5. 问:清亮镖鲈拼音怎么拼?清亮镖鲈的读音是什么?清亮镖鲈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清亮镖鲈的读音是,清亮镖鲈翻译成英文是 Western sand darter

  6. 问:清亮腔轮虫拼音怎么拼?清亮腔轮虫的读音是什么?清亮腔轮虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清亮腔轮虫的读音是qīng liàng qiāng lún chóng,清亮腔轮虫翻译成英文是 Lecane clara



清亮释义为清脆响亮,明白,清澈。张衡《东京赋》中“京室密清”的清解为清洁;洁净;纯洁。又如《礼记·玉藻》中“视若清明”的清解为清明。还有《吕氏春秋·有度》中“清有余也”的清解为清凉 。