







汉语拼音:zī zhì








  1. 禀性;质素。

    《汉书·梅福传》:“故 京兆 尹 天章 资质忠直,敢面引廷争。”《朱子语类》卷七十:“大抵资质柔巽之人,遇事便不能做事。” 叶圣陶 《倪焕之》四:“小学校里有的是境遇资质各各不同而同样需要培养的儿童。”

  2. 姿态容貌。

    《南史·宋始兴王濬传》:“ 濬 少好文籍,资质端妍。” 宋 王谠 《唐语林·补遗一》:“ 花奴 资质明媚,肌髮光细,非人间人。” 清 龚自珍 《京师乐籍说》:“乐籍既棋布於京师,其中必有资质端丽,桀黠辨慧者出焉。”



  1. According to the "Property Management Regulations" and decided to revoke the company property management enterprise quality certificates.


  2. The General Manager shall determine the qualification and number of employees in accordance with the operating needs of the Company.


  3. The MFGMO shall review the qualification of fuel gas appliance installation units once a year and announce the result of the review.


  4. If any of you are interested in helping Lara build a small software module, please feel free to contact her with your credentials.


  5. End result, only 15 states have been certified to be able to do mass distribution of vaccine and drugs in a pandemic.


  6. Smith said his company spent more than a year lobbying for regional center status for Federal Way, the site of his project.


  7. You do not have to get certified to convey what you know to someone else or to help them in their attempt to teach themselves.


  8. Or, to put it another way, fewer bad teachers. The obvious policy solution is more pay for good teachers, more dismissals for weak teachers.


  9. The MFGMO shall review the qualification of service stations of fuel gas appliances once a year and announce the result of the review.


  1. 他有当外交官的资质。

    He has capabilities as a diplomat.

  2. 他没有从事商业的资质。

    He has little aptitude for a business career.

  3. 我可以证明委托人的资质。

    I can testify to the credentials of the clientele.

  4. 天资不俗一级房地产开发资质。

    Uncommon talent The company has first grade realestate development qualification.

  5. 放射性污染监测机构资质管理探讨

    Discussion on Qualification Management for Radiation Monitoring

  6. 焊接操作由具有资质的焊工实施。

    Welding operations are performed by appropriately qualified welders.

  7. 良好资质的公司会弥补其中的空缺。

    Good solid business will fill the vacuum after the dust settles.

  8. 要严格建设监理单位的资质管理。

    Qualifications of those construction supervision institutions must strictly inspected.

  9. 具备焊接或无损探伤资质者从优。

    It is preferable that applicants would have additional qualifications for welding, NDT qualifications.

  10. 西雅图圣恩居然还有医院资质

    How is Seattle Grace still accredited?

  11. 他们根据他过去的经理评断他的资质。

    They probed his past career to judge his qualifications.

  12. 良好资质得公司会弥补其中得空缺。

    Good solid business will fill the vacuum after the dust settles.

  13. 这个孩子在学习语言方面很有资质。

    The child shows a great capacity or aptitude for learning languages.

  14. 审核设计方及施工方各种必要的资质。

    Check required qualification of designer and construction company.

  15. 与资质证书等级相适应的勘察业务。

    Commensurate with the quality of inspection certificate grading operations.

  16. 那么,在施工人员中,哪位有资质呢?

    So, in construction personnel, which have aptitude

  17. 起重设备安装工程专业承包三级资质。

    Crane equipment installation project specialized contracting qualification.

  18. 资质要求和承认问题也占有突出地位。

    Qualification requirements and recognition issues have also figured prominently.

  19. 论危货海运合同承运人的资质问题

    Qualification of operating common carrier for dangerous freights

  20. 焊接程序规范及资质记录,以及焊工的资质记录。

    Weld procedure specification and qualification records and welders qualification record.

  21. 办公室破旧不堪,而学生呢,多数资质平平。

    He had a dumpy office and taught mostly unimpressive students.

  22. 我们必须看到我们还缺乏有资质的专家。

    We must note that we still lack qualified specialists.

  23. 加布和我讨论说,艾米的资质有限。

    Well, as Gaby and I discussed, Amy has certain limitations.

  24. 这可以从装潢公司具有的资质证书看。

    This can be decorated with the company's certificate of qualification to see.

  25. 这可以从装潢公司具有得资质证书看。

    This can be decorated with the company's certificate of qualification to see.

  26. 你不该和比你资质低的人处在一起。

    You shouldn't hang around people who are less talented than you.

  27. 不是你的资质而是你的态度决定你人生的海拔。

    It is not your aptitude but your attitude to decide your altitude.

  28. 至于, 为数极少得在这方面有资质得人。

    How about for those select few who possess the predispositions.

  29. 军车大修定点机构资质认证和选定工作展开

    Military vehicle overhaul workshops to be selected

  30. 至于,为数极少的在这方面有资质的人。

    How about for those select few who possess the predispositions.


  1. 问:资质拼音怎么拼?资质的读音是什么?资质翻译成英文是什么?

    答:资质的读音是zīzhì,资质翻译成英文是 natural endowments; intelligence; aptitude

  2. 问:资质审查拼音怎么拼?资质审查的读音是什么?资质审查翻译成英文是什么?

    答:资质审查的读音是zī zhì shěn chá,资质审查翻译成英文是 qualification


