







汉语拼音:tiān shén








  1. 指天上诸神,包括主宰宇宙之神及主司日月、星辰、风雨、生命等神。

    《淮南子·天文训》:“天神之贵者,莫贵於青龙。” 清 恽敬 《文昌宫碑阴录》:“其合乎天神、地祇、人鬼之典法者……百世不废者也。”

  2. 泛指神仙。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·仙药》:“上药令人身安命延,昇为天神。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈异三·崂山道士》:“从窗隙中见天神数百辈。” 赵树理 《小二黑结婚》:“ 三仙姑 是后庄 于福 的老婆,每月初一、十五都要顶着红布摇摇摆摆装扮天神。”



  1. PC Magazine goes on to explain that the word comes from Sanskrit and means "the incarnation of a god on earth. "


  2. In a way, he had the power of a king, or in a sense, of a god.


  3. Knew the truth of the thing at last, the Sky God flew into a rage.


  4. Or am I, indeed, foolish to ask, and not rather to take whatever good comes to me in whatever way form the gods?


  5. but perhaps an affidavit from you is just a lie, they say, for lovers of cold and breach of the Confederation, gods are laughed at.


  6. As you might recall from Greek mythology, Zeus was the supreme god, the one with the unnerving ability to throw thunderbolts .


  7. The Heavenly God locked this demon into remote mountains and only allowed him to go out once a year .


  8. as the asuras rushed to take the nectar , the frightened devas appealed to karma , who then turned himself into a maiden named mohini.


  9. According to Greek legend, King Midas's barber knew his master's shameful secret: that the king had been given donkey ears by an angry god.


  1. 天使是天神。

    Angels are celestial beings.

  2. 天神下凡巴比伦

    Avatars of the Goddess in Babylon

  3. 天神慌起来了

    Of our strength and defiance

  4. 而且还知道天神的意思。

    But he understands the meaning ofthe gods as well.

  5. 阿修罗 比较接近天神。

    Asura is similar to Deva.

  6. 她本是一副天神的胚子。

    She was the raw material of a divinity.

  7. 画面上有十二位天神出场。

    Twelve of the heavenly powers are represented.

  8. 这些村民们祈求天神向敌人报仇。

    These villagers invoked vengeance on their enemies.

  9. 等了六个月,天神终于回来了。

    Six months passedand finally Peter returned.

  10. 你们现在真正得到了天神的宠爱。

    Truly you're in the God King's favor now.

  11. 然而,天神本身并不能搅拌海洋。

    However, the devas could not churn the ocean themselves.

  12. 过度的求权力的欲望使天神堕落。

    The desire of power in excess, caused the angels to fall.

  13. 众天神都宠爱这位年轻的王子

    The heavens favored the young prince.

  14. 有时天神的眼瞳,照地炎热逼人。

    Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines.

  15. 见到了什么奇迹,众天神哪些高兴?

    Seeing what marvel are the devas so joyful?

  16. 天神大概在创造我的时候喝醉了。

    The gods must have been drunk when they got to me.

  17. 这飞天啊是活佛里会飞得天神。

    They are flying deities in Buddhism.

  18. 这飞天啊是活佛里会飞的天神。

    They are flying deities in Buddhism.

  19. 五帝是中国神话传说中的五个天神。

    The Five August Emperors are the five gods in Chinese legends.

  20. 天神很希望把她们一起娶了做老婆。

    The God want to marry them all.

  21. 只有天神才可以住在奥林匹斯山。

    Only gods can live on Mount olympus.

  22. 天神终于知道了事情的真相, 勃然大怒。

    Knew the truth of the thing at last, the Sky God flew into a rage.

  23. 据说, 龙因为触怒天神而被化成岩石。

    It was said that the dragon has been turned into a rock because of his making god angry.

  24. 这时候,一名天神侍女从远处走了过来。

    At this time, a god maid left over from a distance.

  25. 周显眉头微微一皱,看了天神侍卫一眼。

    Zhou was brow slightly Yizhou, a guard saw the gods.

  26. 不论你们记得或不记得,你们每一位都是天神!

    You are all gods and goddesses whether you remember or you have forgotten.

  27. 不信么世的人们,的确以女性的名称称呼天神们。

    Those who believe not in the Hereafter, name the angels with female names.

  28. 他每说一句话, 他面前都有天神当场监察。

    Not a word does he utter but there is a sentinel by him, ready.

  29. 当天神想要惩罚我们,他们就答应我们的祈祷。

    When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.

  30. 年轻女子,为了躲避天神的垂青,决心和恋人私奔。

    The young lady, a victim of the god's unwanted attention, was going to run away with her lover.


  1. 问:天神拼音怎么拼?天神的读音是什么?天神翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天神的读音是tiānshén,天神翻译成英文是 deity; god

  2. 问:天神林拼音怎么拼?天神林的读音是什么?天神林翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天神林的读音是Tiānshénlín,天神林翻译成英文是 Tenjinbayashi

  3. 问:天神之剑拼音怎么拼?天神之剑的读音是什么?天神之剑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天神之剑的读音是Tiānshénzhījiàn,天神之剑翻译成英文是 God Slayer

  4. 问:天神车站拼音怎么拼?天神车站的读音是什么?天神车站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天神车站的读音是,天神车站翻译成英文是 Tenjin Station

  5. 问:天神霉素拼音怎么拼?天神霉素的读音是什么?天神霉素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天神霉素的读音是tiān shén méi sù,天神霉素翻译成英文是 istamycin



“天神”是个多义词,它可以指天神(动画片《喜羊羊与灰太狼》中的人物), 天神(芊芊之南小说《天神》), 天神(汉语词汇)。