







汉语拼音:xū xū






  1. 少许;少量。

    清 朱仕琇 《与林穆庵书》:“因念来东,无须须之欢,而灾祸相继,真为不知所以裁之者。”



  1. 网络
  2. xu;shall shall;chhiu chhiu

  1. 几种喉部有纵向沟槽且背鳍小而尖的须鲸科长须鲸。

    Any of several baleen whales of of the family Balaenopteridae having longitudinal grooves on the throat and a small pointed dorsal fin.

  2. 得意须谨慎。逆境须忍耐。

    In prosperity caution, in adversity patience.

  3. 统一战线下的独立自主政策,既须统一,又须独立。

    Within the united front our policy must be one of independence and initiative,i.e. both unity and independence are necessary.

  4. 申请表各部分均须填写, 并须尽量提供详尽资料。

    Please complete all parts of the request form and provide as much details as possible.

  5. 走到那边月台,须穿过铁道,须跳下去又爬上去。

    But to reach that platform would require crossing the railway track and doing some climbing up and down.

  6. 处顺境须谨慎, 处逆境须忍耐

    In prosperity caution, in adversity patience

  7. 结论玉米须总皂苷是玉米须降糖有效活性部位。

    Conclusion The tassel saponin istheeffective active part of tassel to reduce blood sugar.

  8. 定制衍生品须分别登记, 监管者须清楚其中涉及的风险。

    Tailormade derivatives would have to be registered individually, with regulators obliged to understand the risks involved.

  9. 为了使群能够组成, 家庭的纽结须要放松, 个体须要重新自由。

    Before a herd can be formed, family ties must be loosened and the individual must have become free again.

  10. 豌豆龙须菜

    Green peas with asparagus.

  11. 玉米须黄酮

    Maize silk flavones.

  12. 须记载事项

    statutory records

  13. 须继续用药

    dontinuentur medicaments

  14. 人须自主。

    Every herring must hang by its own gill.

  15. 勇夫须重奖。

    A good dog deserve a good bone.

  16. 租金须预付。

    The rent must be paid in advance.

  17. 蟹肉扒龙须菜

    asparagus with crabmeat

  18. 做事须尽力。

    Whatever you do, do with all your night.

  19. 有须伪枝藻

    Scytonema stuposum.

  20. 长须黄颡鱼

    Pelteobagrus eupogon

  21. 须根除腐败。

    Eg. Moral corruption must be rooted out in order to.

  22. 白宝石晶须

    gem whisker.

  23. 须入匣给予

    dent ad scat.

  24. 细茎须芒草

    slender bluestem.

  25. 氧化锌晶须

    zinc oxide whisker.

  26. 下唇须伸肌

    extensor of palpus.

  27. 须弥山石窟

    Sumeru Mount Grottoes

  28. 硫酸钙晶须

    calcium sulfate whisker.

  29. 须付现款吗

    Do I have to pay by cash

  30. 扒龙须鲍鱼

    Brised abalone with asparagus.


  1. 问:须须田拼音怎么拼?须须田的读音是什么?须须田翻译成英文是什么?

    答:须须田的读音是Xūxūtián,须须田翻译成英文是 Susuta

  2. 问:须须木琳之助拼音怎么拼?须须木琳之助的读音是什么?须须木琳之助翻译成英文是什么?

    答:须须木琳之助的读音是Xūxūmù Línzhīzhù,须须木琳之助翻译成英文是 Susuki Rinnosuke