







汉语拼音:yǎn xià








  1. 目前;现时。

    唐 白居易 《吾庐》诗:“眼下营求容足地,心中准拟掛冠时。”《儒林外史》第十五回:“眼下可以拿出万金来,以为炉火药物之资。” 清 李渔 《奈何天·妒遣》:“俗语讲得好,‘火烧眉毛,且顾眼下’。” 郭澄清 《大刀记》第一章:“叫我看,你眼下先不用到 延安 去了。”



  1. But the domestic consensus seems to be that the current IMF is not the IMF that a Chinese would like to head.


  2. A bubble that bursts, big losses in the stock market, and a long economic recovery that never seems to quite get off the ground.


  3. One of the best sites out there at the moment is the website run by Phil Plait known as Bad Astronomy.


  4. In the fight between deflationists and inflationists, the former seem to have the upper hand these days.


  5. "Theoretically we are a long-term investor, " he said. "But you can't really function on a 10-year horizon [at the moment. ]"


  6. Can have never thought, he incredibly will at the outset to beat to call words, only and by far don't undo the inning of anxiety as well.


  7. Mr. Rose didn't rule that out, but said the company had no current plans to do so and was focused on virtual goods for now.


  8. Now that David was in the shade and the sea stayed calm he began to feel better about it all.


  9. This, it seemed to me, was another way of saying that it was good for its own sake, even if it had no relation to making art these days.


  1. 眼下转棱镜

    subducting prism.

  2. 眼下还没有。

    No, not at the moment.

  3. 治疗眼下肿

    treatment of infraorbital swelling.

  4. 眼下时局艰难。

    In these difficult times.

  5. 眼下这一秒

    This is it. It's here.

  6. 眼下我很忙。

    I'm pretty busy just now.

  7. 眼下我很忙。

    I'm pretty busy just now.

  8. 眼下直肌瘫痪

    paralysis of inferior rectus.

  9. 眼下斜肌瘫痪

    paralysis of inferior oblique.

  10. 他眼下正在休假。

    He is currently on leave.

  11. 眼下这儿很安静。

    It is very quiet here at the moment.

  12. 他们眼下正在开会。

    They are at a meeting just now.

  13. 很遗憾眼下缺货。

    I regret to say they are out of stock at the moment.

  14. 眼下公司缺少现钱。

    The company is short of cash at the moment.

  15. 眼下的偷工倾向

    a modern tendency to underwork

  16. 眼下能原谅我吗?

    Can I be excused for a moment?

  17. 眼下画很难卖。

    Les toiles ne se vendent pas facilement en ce moment.

  18. 眼下我相当缺钱。

    I'm rather short of money just now.

  19. 眼下银根有点紧。

    Money is a bit tight at the moment.

  20. 沃尔特眼下失业了。

    Walter is not of bread at present.

  21. 眼下你有多少钱?

    How are you off for money at the moment?

  22. 眼下正讨论的问题

    a question actually under discussion

  23. 医生眼下正在写书。

    The doctor is presently writing a book.

  24. 眼下他身体好些了。

    He is getting better for the time being.

  25. 眼下的情况是丢脸的。

    Present conditions are disgraceful.

  26. 眼下的问题不是信任。

    The issue is not one of trust.

  27. 我们眼下不需要小工。

    We dont need a coolie right now.

  28. 眼下一点现货都没有。

    No stock is available at present.

  29. 我眼下不能见他。

    I cannot meet him at present.

  30. 外国宠物眼下很时髦。

    Exotic pets are the in thing right now.


  1. 问:眼下拼音怎么拼?眼下的读音是什么?眼下翻译成英文是什么?

    答:眼下的读音是yǎnxià,眼下翻译成英文是 for the time being; at this stage; now

  2. 问:眼下区拼音怎么拼?眼下区的读音是什么?眼下区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:眼下区的读音是yǎn xià qū,眼下区翻译成英文是 suborbital region

  3. 问:眼下的拼音怎么拼?眼下的的读音是什么?眼下的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:眼下的的读音是yǎn xià de,眼下的翻译成英文是 subocular, infraocular

  4. 问:眼下骨拼音怎么拼?眼下骨的读音是什么?眼下骨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:眼下骨的读音是yǎn xià gǔ,眼下骨翻译成英文是 os suboculare

  5. 问:眼下鳞拼音怎么拼?眼下鳞的读音是什么?眼下鳞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:眼下鳞的读音是yǎn xià lín,眼下鳞翻译成英文是 squama subocularis

  6. 问:眼下齿拼音怎么拼?眼下齿的读音是什么?眼下齿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:眼下齿的读音是yǎn xià chǐ,眼下齿翻译成英文是 suborbital tooth

  7. 问:眼下触角拼音怎么拼?眼下触角的读音是什么?眼下触角翻译成英文是什么?

    答:眼下触角的读音是yǎn xià chù jiǎo,眼下触角翻译成英文是 intraocular antennae

  8. 问:眼下静脉拼音怎么拼?眼下静脉的读音是什么?眼下静脉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:眼下静脉的读音是yǎn xià jìng mài,眼下静脉翻译成英文是 inferior ophthalmic vein, vena ophthalmica inf...

  9. 问:眼下骨床拼音怎么拼?眼下骨床的读音是什么?眼下骨床翻译成英文是什么?

    答:眼下骨床的读音是yǎn xià gǔ chuáng,眼下骨床翻译成英文是 subocular shelf

  10. 问:眼下颌肢发育不全拼音怎么拼?眼下颌肢发育不全的读音是什么?眼下颌肢发育不全翻译成英文是什么?

    答:眼下颌肢发育不全的读音是yǎn xià hé zhī fā yù bù quán,眼下颌肢发育不全翻译成英文是 ophthalmomandibulomelic dysplasia