




1. 淹 [yān]淹 [yān]浸没(mò):水~。~没(mò)。~灌。皮肤被汗液浸渍:胳肢窝被汗~得又痛又痒。广:~博。~通。~贯(渊博而贯通)。~雅(渊博高雅)。滞,久留:~留。久~。~滞。~月(滞留一月)。……




1. 尽 [jìn]2. 尽 [jǐn]尽 [jìn]完毕:用~。说不~。取之不~。达到极端:~头。山穷水~。~情。自~(自杀)。全部用出,竭力做到:~心。~力。~瘁。~职。~忠。~责。人~其才。物~其用。都,全:~然。~是白的。~收眼底。……











  1. Marginalized Jiang Yan--A Study of the Cause of Jiang Yan's "Talent Exhaustion"


  1. 我们现在正是智穷才尽。

    We are now at the end of our resources.

  2. 恐怕他已经智穷才尽了。

    I'm afraid he is at his wit's end.

  3. 这个广告似乎是江朗才尽了。

    This advertiser seems to have exhausted his wits.

  4. 格林兄弟,我们已经智穷才尽了。

    Brothers grimm, we're at our wit's end.

  5. 作为一位政治领袖, 他已是智穷才尽了。

    He was at the end of his rope as a political leader.

  6. 作为我们公司的高层领导, 他已经智穷才尽了。

    He was at the end of his rope as the leader of the company.

  7. 废墟燃了几个小时才烧尽。

    It took hours for the ruins to smoulder out.

  8. 只有经历惊涛骇浪才能尽显英雄本色。

    Only hardships and difficulties can bring out the heroic side of people.

  9. 只有经历惊涛骇浪才能尽显英雄本色。

    Only hardships and difficulties can bring out the heroic side of people.

  10. 直到那时我们才认为自己尽到了责任。

    Only then can we regard ourselves as having done our duty.

  11. 长征中尽显才能的陈赓

    Chen Geng made a showing in the Long March

  12. 加入姜 葱和酒进行白灼的话,腥味才可去尽。

    Add ginger, onions and wine be boiled, then go smell can make.

  13. 我们要倾尽全力才能按照合同完成任务。

    Fulfilling this contract will stretch our resources to the limit.

  14. 你要知道,我只有在面对卡尔的时候才会仪态尽失。

    Okay, you have got to know that I only get that angry around Karl.

  15. 主有安排。尽你才力所能,不求奖赏,不求人。

    That is His test. Do then the best you can, Not for reward, Not for the.

  16. 轮子打滑时,司机使尽全力才把汽车控制住。

    The driver bore down with all his strength to control the car when the wheel slipped.

  17. 看来,他是要让人群散尽后才转向那个电动扶梯

    He seemed to be letting the crowd disperse before he turned toward the escalator

  18. 人尽其才, 才尽其用

    turn human resources to best account

  19. 他智穷才尽, 束手无策。

    He is at the end of his wits.

  20. 我已智穷才尽,无能为力了。

    I'm at my wit's end and can do nothing more.

  21. 只有那时我们才能认为自己尽到了责任。

    Only then can we regard ourselves as having done our duty.

  22. 王先生不行了, 他已江郎才尽。

    Mr. Wand could do no more. He was at his witsend.

  23. 只有这时我们才能认为自己尽到了责任。

    Only then can we regard ourselves as having done our duty.

  24. 要是真的有才尽其用的人,那就是她。

    If ever there was the right person in the right job it was she.

  25. 人生须知道负责任的苦处,才能知道有尽责任的乐处。

    Knowing the bitterness of being responsible so that you can understand the happiness of it.

  26. 总有一天你得江郎才尽找不出词调戏我

    You're going to eventually run out of T names for me.

  27. 她固执地认为待在家中照看她才是乔治应尽的责任。

    She honestly believed it was his duty to stay home and take care of her.

  28. 我用尽了全力才把这个罐子打开。

    I had to force the jar open.

  29. 我用尽了全力才把这个罐子打开。

    I had to force the jar open.

  30. 我们全队只有人人各尽所能才能取得成功。

    We can succeed only if everyone in the team pulls his weight.

