


完结:礼~。~业。~生。~力。完全:~肖(xiào )(完全相象)。凶相~露。~其全力。究竟,到底:~竟。星名,二十八宿之一。古代田猎用的长柄小网,亦指用长柄网捕取禽兽:“鸳鸯于飞,~之罗之”。古代丧祭时穿牲体的横木。姓。……




完结:礼~。~业。~生。~力。完全:~肖(xiào )(完全相象)。凶相~露。~其全力。究竟,到底:~竟。星名,二十八宿之一。古代田猎用的长柄小网,亦指用长柄网捕取禽兽:“鸳鸯于飞,~之罗之”。古代丧祭时穿牲体的横木。姓。……


尊重,有礼貌地对待:尊~。致~。~重(zhòng )。~爱。~仰。恭~。~辞。~慕。~献。表示敬意的礼物:喜~。寿~。有礼貌地送上去:~酒。~香。谨慎,不怠慢:慎始~终(自始自终都谨慎不懈)。姓。……



汉语拼音:bì gōng bì jìng








  • 【解释】:形容态度十分恭敬。
  • 【出自】:《诗经·小雅·小弁》:“维桑与梓,必恭敬止,靡瞻匪父,靡依匪母。”郭沫若《洪波曲》第十章五:“军长为李玉堂,一山东大汉,抵军部时,在门外相迎,毕恭毕敬。”
  • 【示例】:[韩老六]对于穷人的~的招呼从不理睬,而对于有钱的人,有说有笑。


  1. The boss expects you to listen to what he says but he doesn't expect everyone to touch his forelock every time he enters the office.

  2. A maid claimed she had not received an increase in her $500 monthly salary for 14 years.

  3. Her tone changed to one of obsequious solemnity as she turned to the banker: "The parlor is ready, Mr. Phelps. "

  4. Then the father with deep reverence, and a devout eye alternating between the pill and heaven, lifted his voice in a benediction.

  5. The Englishman who talked to him might be an Oxford graduate but he treated his illiterate comprador with respect.

  6. Outwardly they were making a big show of obeying God, but actually they did not practice what they preached.

  7. The servant presented an obsequious cup of coffee and then made a paralytic attempt to stand at attention.

  8. He did caution him to be respectful if someone named Jesus Christ called.

  9. It also takes a willingness to accept a lot of strange looks when you tell people you're trying to start a business blogging.


  1. 毕恭毕敬听着

    listening with the utmost deference

  2. 毕恭毕敬地鞠躬

    bow in humble reverence

  3. 他对上司毕恭毕敬。

    He stands in awe of his superior.

  4. 而毕恭毕敬得百官肃立两旁。

    Officials standing on both sides in reverence and deference.

  5. 而毕恭毕敬的百官肃立两旁。

    Officials standing on both sides in reverence and deference.

  6. 我被毕恭毕敬地迎进出租汽车。

    I was bowed into the taxi.

  7. 他的态度友善且毕恭毕敬。

    His manner was a blend of friendliness and respect.

  8. 他们由男仆毕恭毕敬地送出去。

    They were bowed out by the footman.

  9. 是的,我的父亲,我毕恭毕敬地答道。

    Surely, my father, I answered courteously.

  10. 是得,我得父亲,我毕恭毕敬地答道。

    Surely, my father, I answered courteously.

  11. 服务员和前台接待对他们毕恭毕敬。

    Waiters and receptionists grovel before him.

  12. 他总是毕恭毕敬地围着他的上司转。

    He always acts so deferentially around his supervisor.

  13. 他总是毕恭毕敬地围着他的上司转。

    He always acts so deferentially around his supervisor.

  14. 西宾斯太太对珠儿毕恭毕敬地说。

    responded Mistress Hibbins, making Pearl a profound reverence.

  15. 我们家的孩子对长者总是毕恭毕敬。

    If you are respectful, you show respect for someone.

  16. 为这土生的美艳所折服, 毕恭毕敬啊。

    We take a bow to thy native beauty, so humbly and so willingly.

  17. 南方的妇女娇小可爱,毕恭毕敬,很有礼貌。

    The women of the south are diminutive, subservient and very polite.

  18. 佩洛西穿着灰色的西装裤,看起来毕恭毕敬的。

    Dressed in a grey trouser suit, Pelosi seemed almost deferential in her manner.

  19. 他毕恭毕敬地走到老板面前请求得到工作

    He went cap in hand to the Boss and asked for work.

  20. 这样毕恭毕敬的,我就会借给你那些钱

    For these courtesies, I'll lend you thus much moneys.

  21. 下士,您去哪里?骑兵费恩毕恭毕敬地问道。

    Where to, Corporal? 'asked Trooper Fane respectfully.

  22. 他年轻力壮时所有人都对他毕恭毕敬。

    While he was still young and strong all paid obeisance to him.

  23. 这样毕恭毕敬得, 我就会借给你那些钱

    For these courtesies, I'll lend you thus much moneys.

  24. 肯定会有客户对他毕恭毕敬,十分崇拜他的名声吧?

    Surely there are clients who are deferential, in awe of his reputation?

  25. 因为是国王的宠妾,下人都对她毕恭毕敬。

    Because she was the king's favorite concubine, the understrappers all showed great respect toward her.

  26. 因为是国王的宠妾,下人都对她毕恭毕敬。

    Because she was the king's favorite concubine, the understrappers all showed great respect toward her.

  27. 不过,我实在不想穿得毕恭毕敬的去那些大饭馆。

    But you know I don't feel like dressing up to go someplace fancy.

  28. 老仆人在主人面前毕恭毕敬,十分顺从,巴不得讨人喜欢。

    The old servant bowed and scraped before his master, too obedient and eager to please.

  29. 她曾经对他毕恭毕敬,但此刻她的话语听起来像在嘲弄他。

    She had always been deferential toward him, but now she sounded somehow teasing.

  30. 准确。无论何时我们看到他,他都毕恭毕敬地奉侍他的主人。

    Precisely. Whenever we see him, he waits upon his master cap in hand.


  1. 问:毕恭毕敬拼音怎么拼?毕恭毕敬的读音是什么?毕恭毕敬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毕恭毕敬的读音是bìgōngbìjìng,毕恭毕敬翻译成英文是 See 必恭必敬



【成语词目】 毕恭毕敬(同“必恭必敬”) 毕恭毕敬

【汉语注音】 bì gōng bì jìng





