


1. 冒 [mào]2. 冒 [mò]冒 [mào]向外透或往上升:~烟(a.烟往上升;b.发怒)。~汗。~尖。不顾(恶劣的环境或危险等),顶着:~雨。~险。~死。不加小心,鲁莽,冲撞:~失。~昧。~进(不顾具体条件,急躁进行)。用假的充当……





汉语拼音:mào mèi








  1. 冒犯,无知而妄为。多用于自谦。

    《后汉书·李云传》:“故敢触龙鳞,冒昧以请。”《晋书·滕修传》:“不胜愚情,冒昧闻诉。” 宋 苏辙 《三论分别邪正札子》:“臣不胜区区冒昧圣听,伏竢诛谴。” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·掌故·陈侍御奏摺》:“谨不揣冒昧,效兹一得。”

  2. 引申为鲁莽轻率。

    《朱子语类》卷七六:“今行险徼倖之人虽知险阻,而犹冒昧以进。”《明史·杨恂传》:“使大臣清节素孚,彼安敢冒昧如此?” 徐特立 《由巴黎致湘学界书》:“谓无技术及法语,又无学费者,不可令其冒昧来往。”

  3. 犹苟得。

    宋 苏轼 《答陈季常书》:“自数年来,颇知内外丹要处。冒昧厚禄,负荷重寄,决无成理。”

  4. 犹埋没。




  1. With all due respect, you're just not ready to take responsibility for the entire project.

  2. After watching the exhibition game this afternoon at this 30-year milestone, I would venture to say that this is still true today.

  3. Elaine has reached over. Ling Fan is a bit awkward rubbed his hands together. He felt a bit presumptuous.

  4. " I hope you will excuse me for introducing myself, Dr Watson, " ' he said as he came up to me.

  5. It may be reckless of me to apply for a visa without a detailed travel plan ready, but all the information I have mentioned is true.

  6. I'm not a member of the Church of England myself, therefore it would be rather impertinent of me to express an opinion.

  7. At any rate, "Brother Ling, " since you are interested in my Jeet Kune Do, I shall venture to tell you about it.

  8. In trying to find long tails everywhere, Mr Anderson risks diluting some of his idea's meaning and novelty.

  9. The worldly reason, however, assigned for this singular proceeding was one which I did not feel at liberty to dispute.


  1. 我冒昧的说。

    I take leave to say.

  2. 抱歉我冒昧造访

    Sorry to just drop in on you.

  3. 冒昧打断您一下。

    May I interrupt you a moment?

  4. 我来得很冒昧。

    I apologize for coming.

  5. 冒昧地做某事

    to take the liberty of doing something

  6. 我冒昧地不同意。

    I venture to disagree.

  7. 恕我冒昧地奉告。

    May it please your honor!

  8. 不揣冒昧,实不敢苟同。

    With all due respect, I disagree completely.

  9. 恕我冒昧,我不敢苟同。

    I take leave to differ from you.

  10. 冒昧地去做某事。

    To take the liberty of doing sth.

  11. 冒昧地给你写信。

    I'm taking the liberty of writing to you.

  12. 所以就冒昧地来了。

    So I came here shamelessly.

  13. 如蒙允许。恕我冒昧。

    if I may venture to say so.

  14. 不揣冒昧贡献您一点意见。

    I make bold to give you my opinion.

  15. 先生,冒昧请问您尊姓大名?

    May I make so bold to ask you name, sir?

  16. 帕格决定冒昧试探一下。

    Pug decided to risk a probe.

  17. 恕我冒昧提出这些问题。

    Excuse me for my abrupt questions.

  18. 我冒昧地写信给你。

    I am taking the liberty of writing to you.

  19. 她讲了一句冒昧的话。

    She made a forward remark.

  20. 我冒昧地寄信给您。

    I am taking the liBerty of sending you these lines.

  21. 在我这方面不算冒昧。

    It is not presumption on my part.

  22. 恕我冒昧写信给你。

    Please excuse me for taking the liberty to write to you.

  23. 我可以冒昧向你道贺吗

    May I venture to congratulate you.

  24. 有点冒昧,不过能告诉我

    Now I don't suppose you can tell me.

  25. 我不揣冒昧,贡献您一点意见。

    I make bold to give you a piece of advice.

  26. 恕我冒昧, 我想提个建议。

    I'd like, if I might be so bold, to make a suggestion.

  27. 我冒昧说一句,你错了。

    I venture that you are wrong.

  28. 我可以冒昧地自我介绍吗

    May I take the liberty of introducing myself to you

  29. 请原谅我冒昧提出这些问题。

    Excuse me for my abrupt questions.

  30. 恕我冒昧, 你打算停留多久?

    If I may be so bold, how long do you intend to stay?


  1. 问:冒昧拼音怎么拼?冒昧的读音是什么?冒昧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冒昧的读音是màomèi,冒昧翻译成英文是 presumptuous

  2. 问:冒昧的拼音怎么拼?冒昧的的读音是什么?冒昧的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冒昧的的读音是,冒昧的翻译成英文是 presumptuous


