






1. 其 [qí]2. 其 [jī]其 [qí]第三人物代词,相当于“他(她)”、“他们(她们)”、“它(它们)”;“他(她)的”、“他们(她们)的”、“它(们)的”:各得~所。莫名~妙。三缄~口。独行~是。自食~果。指示代词,相当于“那”……





汉语拼音:liǎng quán qí měi








  • 【解释】:美:美好。指做一件事顾全到双方,使两方面都得到好处。
  • 【出自】:元·无名氏《连环计》第三折:“司徒,你若肯与了我呵,堪可两全其美也。”
  • 【示例】:土霸打倒,穷苦人见青天。不是~!
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、定语;含褒义


  1. After evaluating their options for a year, they settled on a strategy that satisfied both their objectives: recapitalization.

  2. And if you were to be dramatic, you might even add to the chain a small napkin with which to do your wiping of both.

  3. That means you get the best of both worlds - great traction in the racing line, and for those moments where you stray off the racing line.

  4. You spend all your money on beer and then complain about being poor , but you can't have your cake and eat it, you know .

  5. Some approaches allow you to get the best of both worlds: using the best technology while serving as many users as possible.

  6. With The Clone Wars, I get the best of both worlds, because I get a starring role but don't have to do any acting or wear any blue make-up.

  7. If you're in a position to do that, you'll have the best of both worlds.

  8. For Merkel and the German political establishment, it's the best of both worlds.

  9. Such a fit enables darkened skin color, and take deep primary saturation to achieve satisfactory results.


  1. 两全其美, 一石二鸟, 一箭双雕。

    Kill two birds with one stone v.

  2. 想要两全其美很难。

    It has been difficult to have the best of both worlds.

  3. 想要两全其美很难。

    It has been difficult to have the best of both worlds.

  4. 我有个两全其美的方法。

    I have a solution that will please everybody.

  5. 这样, 他就能两全其美了。

    This way, he can kill two birds with one stone.

  6. 这样他就能两全其美。

    This way, he can kill two birds with one stone.

  7. 真希望能有两全其美的方法

    I wish that there was a better way.

  8. 我倒是有个两全其美的办法。

    And I take it I've found a way as'll suit all.

  9. 是不是有一个两全其美的选择?

    Is there a way to have both?

  10. 她又当职业妇女, 又当母亲, 两全其美。

    Shes a career woman and a mother, so she has the best of both worlds.

  11. 裁军本身是一个向两全其美的努力。

    Disarmament in itself is an attempt to have ones cake and eat it.

  12. 这样就意味着我们有望得到两全其美的结果。

    Hopefully it means that we get the best of both worlds.

  13. 但即使如此, 欧洲仍做不到两全其美。

    Even so, Europe cannot have it both ways.

  14. 老师试图使学生们的学业和娱乐两全其美。

    This teacher tries to strike a balance between work and play.

  15. 国内工程师几经论证,一个两全其美的方案诞生了。

    After verification of domestic engineers, a perfect program was born.

  16. 这是很难回答的问题。我仍然没有两全其美的答案。

    It's a tough question. I still don't have a perfect answer.

  17. 本店选料考究,做工精致,舒适美观,两全其美。

    Our products of select materials and elaborate workmanship are Both comfortable and Beautiful.

  18. 如果你既有头衔, 又能赚钱, 那就更两全其美了。

    If you have a title and make money, you have the best of both worlds.

  19. 琼想省钱又想买辆新车,但他无法两全其美。

    Jon wants to save money and buy a new car, but he can't have it both ways.

  20. 他爱家庭,但也喜欢高尔夫球,并在力求两全其美。

    He loves his family, but he also like golf, and try to make the best of both world.

  21. 与业绩产生内部的液压传动技术, 你可以两全其美。

    And with the performance generated by our internal hydrodrive technology.

  22. 是又能增加销售额 还降低了成本两全其美的好方法。

    a function of both increase in sales and lowering of costs.

  23. 因为这是两全其美的事情, 我呢就用乐观的事情来面对。

    Because this is kill two birds with one stone of affair, I do with optimistic things to face.

  24. 事实上, 也惟有这样的安排, 才算是两全其美的理想之道。

    Only these arrangements could make the best of both worlds simultaneously.

  25. 我们必须找出两全其美的 新型耕作方式,使两者相辅相成

    We need to figure out how to bring both of those together into a new kind of agriculture that brings them all together.

  26. 这样你会获得两全其美的效果, 但是记住, 做一个文件备份。

    This gives you the best of both worlds, but remember to make a backup.

  27. 她家客厅一头是办公处,一头是舒适的沙发,真是两全其美。

    Her living room provides the best of both worlds, with an office at one end and comfortable sofas at the other.

  28. 如果你既喜欢滑雪又喜欢游泳, 去岛上能让你两全其美。

    If you like skiing and swimming, the island allows you to enjoy the best of both worlds.

  29. 它无疑以减轻消费者的负罪感为目的,真是两全其美。

    Having it both ways, it was clearly aimed to assuage the consumer's guilt.

  30. 它无疑以减轻消费者的负罪感为目的,真是两全其美。

    Having it both ways,it was clearly aimed to assuage the consumer's guilt.


  1. 问:两全其美拼音怎么拼?两全其美的读音是什么?两全其美翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两全其美的读音是liǎngquánqíměi,两全其美翻译成英文是 satisfy both sides




注音:liǎng quán qí měi 注释:全:成全,顾全。
