








汉语拼音:zǒu fǎng







  1. 前往访问;拜访。

    宋 洪迈 《夷坚支志丁·吴廿九》:“三农聚首如初,独 吴 生不在,走访之,乃倒埋稻中。” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷五:“ 太冲先生 读书 双瀑寺 , 双瀑 在万山中,人跡殆絶。 大临 忽走访, 太冲 问何以知之,笑不答。” 檀林 《一个女囚的自述》十:“我们四处走访,研究民情。”



  1. Journalists visited several quick printing shop and found that they were all, preparing a wide variety of personalized desk calendar.


  2. That summer, Carly set off with her family across Ohio, visiting three or four Rotary clubs a week.


  3. These reflections were brought about by a visit to the home of portuguese hospital employee and his wife .


  4. Men would stop by with wild berries, ice cream, truck parts and bullets to see if I was up for courting.


  5. As I travel across the country, I continue to hear from Americans who want Washington to take its' hands off of their health care.


  6. Almost every time an observant friend comes to call, he finds her house to be in perfect condition, nothing out of place.


  7. He did not fall, the wind is still on crutches in the rain to stay in the Agrocybe visited farmers at home.


  8. The G-20 Summit is now a little more than a week away and the host, British Prime Minister Gorden Brown, is taking his agenda on tour.


  9. One day, however, I happened to be in that area calling on other replies, and out of curiosity I decided to look the old lady up.


  1. 走访未遇。

    I called but you were out.

  2. 走访,意外访问

    Drop by

  3. 偶然走访朋友

    drop in on a friend

  4. 定期走访制度

    regular visit system

  5. 顺便走访某个地方。

    Drop in at a place.

  6. 走访不遇为怅。

    Sorry not to have found you at home.

  7. 你经常走访邻居家吗?

    Do you often drop by your neighbours home.

  8. 他们既度假,又走访亲戚。

    They combined their holiday with a visit to their relatives.

  9. 走访, 不预先通知的拜访。

    I decided to drop in and visit my friend after I finished work for the day.

  10. 走访, 不预先通知得拜访。

    I decided to drop in and visit my friend after I finished work for the day.

  11. 这些顾问们上午仍然四处走访。

    The consultants still did their morning rounds.

  12. 他还计划走访受袭地点。

    The president also plans to visit the attack sites.

  13. 主教走访不为人知的哲人

    The Bishop in the Presence of an Unknown Light

  14. 研究小组走访了72家地毯厂。

    The study team visited72 carpet factories.

  15. 任何时候你都可以走访这里。

    You can come round here anytime you want.

  16. 任何时候你都可以走访这里。

    You can come round here anytime you want.

  17. 我达到了这次走访的目的。

    My object was accomplished in the visit.

  18. 希望你有时间多去闾巷走访走访。

    I hope you can visit the alleys if you have time.

  19. 它们会带你步行走访该城。

    They will help you explore the city on foot.

  20. 所以他走访了镇上的家家户户。

    So he went to every house in his town.

  21. 昨天他顺便走访时, 一家人都在。

    All the family were at hone when he went by yesterday.

  22. 本报记者走访了几位小说家。

    Our reporter interviewed several novelists.

  23. 监测组走访了南非和乌干达。

    The Monitoring Group travelled to South Africa and Uganda.

  24. 内维尔为拉选票便走访老相识。

    Nevil, campaigning for vote, paid calls on his acquaintances

  25. 太阳能热水器代理商下基层走访用户好

    A good measure for SWH agents go to village

  26. 主客位文化视野中的纳人走访制

    Visiting System of the Na People in the View of Culture of the Object and the Subject

  27. 所以我接二连三走访了一家又一家工厂

    And I started getting in further and further into the factories.

  28. 该处还进行家访并走访儿童保育院。

    The unit also carries out home visits and visits to residential homes.

  29. 一天结束的时候, 他顺便走访了一下。

    He went by at the end of the day.

  30. 一天结束的时候,他顺便走访了一下。

    He went by at the end of the day.


  1. 问:走访拼音怎么拼?走访的读音是什么?走访翻译成英文是什么?

    答:走访的读音是zǒufǎng,走访翻译成英文是 interview



zǒu fǎng 前往访问或拜访:张老师经常~学生的家长;他们四处~,了解民情。

宋 洪迈 《夷坚支志丁·吴廿九》:“三农聚首如初,独 吴 生不在,走访之,乃倒埋稻中。” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷五:“ 太冲先生 读书 双瀑寺 , 双瀑 在万山中,人迹殆绝。

大临 忽走访, 太冲 问何以知之,笑不答。” 檀林 《一个女囚的自述》十:“我们四处走访,研究民情。” 在志愿者活动中,走访还指志愿者去实地调查,拜访相关人士,了解当地的实际情况,为后续的进一步活动做准备。