







汉语拼音:guó jiè








  1. 国与国的分界;国家的疆界。

    《汉书·匡衡传》:“转国政,领计簿,知郡实,正国界。”《宋书·夷蛮传·诃罗陁国》:“伏承圣主,信重三寳,兴立塔寺,周满国界。” 唐 杜荀鹤 《送宾贡登第后归海东》诗:“国界波穷处,乡心日出时。”



  1. On this point, oddly, Europe's nationalists shed their chauvinism for a saccharine solidarity beyond borders.


  2. doctors without borders is urging donors , united nations agencies and governments to increase support for ready - to - use food.


  3. Thus, the principle of social end of the circulation of commodities began to transcend national borders, which has made foreign trade.


  4. It would be a stark contrast with his days at MSF when he was always open to ideas, suggestions and advice.


  5. Customs union : a customs area extengding beyond national boundaries to include two or more independent nations is called a customs union.


  6. "Yes, there are insurgents coming across the border, " he said at the U. S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan.


  7. You know, it's quick and cheap to send and receive information through the email across the country or around the world.


  8. MSF, also known as Doctors Without Borders, had places like this in mind when it warned of Port-au-Prince's "chaotic and troubling" danger.


  9. The press freedom group Reporters Without Borders said Thursday that it had temporarily suspended its WikiLeaks "mirror site. "


  1. 灾难不识国界。

    Disasters do not recognize borders.

  2. 我们之间无国界!

    Between us does not have the national boundary!

  3. 我发誓, 这里是国界。

    I swear to you, this is the border.

  4. 我发誓,这里是国界。

    I swear to you, this is the border.

  5. 钱是不分国界的。

    And money has no nationality.

  6. 堡垒可以建在国界外

    Forts may be built outside your borders

  7. 我相信,爱情不分国界。

    I believe, there is not boundary of love.

  8. 无国界爱心青年传递项目

    Love Without Borders with Youth

  9. 对资讯的需求没有国界。

    The need for information crosses all borders.

  10. 英语话焊接, 沟通无国界!

    Say Welding in English, Communicate Boundlessly!

  11. 有些是跨国界, 有些是跨学科。

    Some straddle borders. Some straddle disciplines.

  12. 今天,故事继续 越过国界。

    Today, stories continue to transcend borders.

  13. 学无止境,突破教室,跨越国界。

    Learning goes beyond classrooms and national boundaries.

  14. 体操是不分国界的运动。

    Gymnastics is a sport with no international barriers.

  15. 突尼斯无国界青年医生组织

    Young Doctors without Frontiers Tunisia

  16. 她相信艺术是没有国界的。

    Shun believe that there is no border between art.

  17. 当国界线移动如同沙丘

    Now frontiers shift like desert sands

  18. 他的名声大大超过希腊国界。

    His name passed well beyond the limits of Greece.

  19. 当婚姻遭遇国界, 进还是退?

    When marriage confronts border, shall we proceed or retreat ?

  20. 贫困和不稳定是不分国界的。

    Poverty and instability know no borders.

  21. 我院宗旨超越国界, 和谐发展。

    Tenet of CIPTA Span national boundaries for the concordant development.

  22. 歌曲有一种超越国界的能力。

    Songs have a way of leaping boundaries.

  23. 地球的大气层和生物圈没有国界。

    The Earth's atmosphere and biosphere know no national boundaries.

  24. 幻想这世上没有国界,这并不难。

    Imaging there's no countries, it isn't hard to do.

  25. 你会和我们一起跨过国界吗?

    Will you cross the border with us?

  26. 西南国界上没几个边境检查站。

    There were very few border controls on the southwestern frontier.

  27. 朱新礼董事长认为,品牌无国界。

    Chairman Zhu Xinli believed that the brand national boundary.

  28. 这个国家的新国界是战后划定的。

    The new national boundaries of that country were fixed after the war.

  29. 这张地图上国界以虚线标出。

    Country boundaries are shown on this map as dotted lines.

  30. 愚笨是能跨越国界的个人成就。

    But the fellow obviously did not grasp the idea, and was afraid to admit his stupidity.


  1. 问:国界拼音怎么拼?国界的读音是什么?国界翻译成英文是什么?

    答:国界的读音是guójiè,国界翻译成英文是 national border



“国界”是个多义词,它可以指国界(汉语词语), 国界(地理名词), 国界(刘若英、陈升演唱歌曲)。