


1. 楷 [kǎi]2. 楷 [jiē]楷 [kǎi]法式,模范:~模。~范。~则。~式。汉字的一种书体:~书。正~。小~。~体。楷 [jiē]落叶乔木,木材可制器具,种子可榨油,树皮和叶子可制栲胶。亦称“黄连木”。……





汉语拼音:kǎi shū






  1. 汉 字书体之一种。又称正书、真书、正楷。由隶书演变而成。以形体方正,笔画平直,可作楷模,故名楷书。始于 东汉 ,通行至今。

    唐 以前,楷书亦兼指八分书与隶书。《法书要录》卷七引 唐 张怀瓘 《书断·八分》:“﹝八分﹞本谓之楷书。楷者,法也,式也,模也。” 唐 白居易 《游悟真寺》诗:“素屏有楷书,墨色如新乾。” 明 瞿佑 《归田诗话·虞伯生草诏》:“﹝ 虞伯生 ﹞两目由是丧明,不復能楷书。” 章炳麟 《新方言·释言》:“今人言楷书,皆知其义为楷法。”

  2. 指楷书吏。

    宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·故事二》:“中书检正官,不置吏人,每房给楷书一人録净而已。” 宋 马永卿 《嬾真子》卷一:“ 唐 秘书省吏凡六十七人,典书四人、楷书十人、令史四人、书令史九人。”



  1. Just as the name implies, the regular script features its regularity and varies from the flat font to a square one.


  2. " Regular script, as people " standing, " Semi-cursive script like the person " go, " cursive is like people " to run.


  3. However, the regular script then couldn't match that of Jin and Tang Dynasty.


  4. The bear a wide variety of Chinese script forms, including seal script, official script, regular script , running script and cursive script.


  5. Meanwhile, kai calligraphy (regular script) and xing calligraphy (semi cursive script) also appeared and developed rapidly.


  6. Fame, lies with the cursive handwriting : between the characters on a free body.


  7. Running is a cross between a cursive font with regular script, no regular script between neat, no cursive so as beyond recognition.


  8. HUANG Ziyuan s 92 varieties of regular script structure has historical significance, but it still has clear shortcomings.


  9. Engraved Regular script played the important role in the modern Chinese words research.


  1. 楷书结构的力学分析

    The Mechanics Analysis of the Structure of Chinese Regular Script.

  2. 楷书书写中的力学原则

    Mechanical Principle of the Writing of Regular Script

  3. 楷书的内涵及其价值探讨

    The Connotation of Regular Script and Its Value.

  4. 汉隶是篆字和楷书得过渡。

    Han script is a transitional form from seal to regular script.

  5. 汉隶是篆字和楷书的过渡。

    Han script is a transitional form from seal to regular script.

  6. 汉隶是篆字和楷书的过渡。

    Han script is a transitional form from seal to regular script.

  7. 写着农村学大赛的黄色楷书

    Written in the rural areas, the yellow race unartistic

  8. 一生酷爱书法, 书工六朝楷书。

    A lover of calligraphy, the book industry the Six Dynasties regular script.

  9. 隶书承上启下,上承篆书,下启楷书。

    Li calligraphy developed from zhuan characters but it introduced the kai characteristics.

  10. 隋唐五代碑志楷书的书写状况

    The Writing of Regular Script in Sui and Tang Five Dynasties

  11. 通俗楷书的发展过程就是通俗隶书的衰亡过程。

    The development process of the demotic Regular script was in another word the declining process of the demotic Clerical script.

  12. 同时,楷书和行书也出现并快速发展起来。

    Meanwhile, kai calligraphy and xing calligraphy also appeared and developed rapidly.

  13. 唐代审美情趣与其楷书主体形态之缘起

    On the Main Forms of Regular Script in Chinese Calligraphy of Tang Dynasty from Then Aesthetic Taste

  14. 他擅长隶、楷、行各体,尤以楷书影响最大。

    He was good at li and xing calligraphy, but was especially expert in kai calligraphy.

  15. 论汉字楷书对称美及其在书法结构教学中的意义

    The Symmetry of the Regular Script in Chinese Calligraphy and its Application in Teaching

  16. 全面系统整理楷书汉字是汉字研究的一项基础工程。

    Sorting out regular script in Chinese characters systematically is a foundational work in studying Chinese characters.

  17. 唐楷当之无愧地树立了一种楷书的范式和法度

    Tang Dynasty kai calligraphy has been used for centuries as a model.

  18. 楷书的形成,很大程度上得益于当时科学技术的发展。

    The development of science and technology is benefital to the formation of Kaishu to a great extent.

  19. 楷书墓志是隋代墓志书法的主体,也是本文分类研究的重点。

    The script is the Sui Dynasty epitaph epitaph calligraphy subject, and also the classification research focus.

  20. 行书,是介于楷书与草书之间的、运笔自由的一种书体。

    Running script, is lie between the formal script and the cursive and wield brush a freedom of a kind of chirography.

  21. 后世凡写楷书时都自觉地去遵从它,几乎没有多少外。

    Many kai calligraphy writers of today are still learning from the works of that era.

  22. 书法课的教学内容应在毛笔楷书的基础上侧重硬笔书法。

    The content of calligraphy teaching should be based on the regular script training with writing brush and focus on the training with the hard tipped writing instruments.


  1. 问:楷书拼音怎么拼?楷书的读音是什么?楷书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:楷书的读音是kǎishū,楷书翻译成英文是 regular script; standard script


