


1. 义 [yì]义 [yì]公正合宜的道理或举动:正~。~不容辞。~无反顾。仗~直言。合乎正义或公益的:~举。~务。~愤。~演。见~勇为。情谊:~气。恩~。~重如山。意思,人对事物认识到的内容:意~。含~。释~。微言大~。指认为亲属的:~……




1. 填 [tián]2. 填 [zhèn]填 [tián]把空缺的地方塞满或补满:~塞。~补。~充。~空(kòng )。义愤~膺。在空白表格上按项目写:~表。~词。形容声音巨大:~然。填 [zhèn]古同“镇”,使安定。……





汉语拼音:yì fèn tián yīng








  • 【解释】:义愤:对违反正义的事情所产生的愤怒;膺:胸。发于正义的愤懑充满胸中。
  • 【出自】:清·曾朴《孽海花》第二十五回:“珏斋不禁义愤填膺,自己办了个长电奏,力请宣战。”
  • 【示例】:畿辅士民,屡遭虏骑蹂躏,莫不~,恨之切骨。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义


  1. "Emotionormal" came out with the media cliche, saying people are "emotionally stable" rather than outraged.


  2. Infuriated, he said he even threw rocks at police after he was tear-gassed and police fired rubber bullets.


  3. And it is to you, Mr. President, that I shall out this truth, with all the force of my revolt as an honest man.


  4. An indignant person, ready to fight for home or honour, holds his head upright, squares his shoulders, and clenches his fists.


  5. The main attraction on the Republicans opening night was Pat Buchanan, who sent the delegates into a frenzy with his attacks on me.


  6. Most situation, people are not without discontent, or to be righteously angry.


  7. People were shocked at my response to the miscarriage. But I was shocked by their outrage.


  8. What do you think Wealth Report readers. Are Wall Streeters and the wealthy right to be outraged at the rage?


  9. Filled withanger and disappointment, he locked himself up in his tiny room for seven days.


  1. 他们义愤填膺。

    They flamed with indignation.

  2. 她义愤填膺。

    She was filled with an overwhelming sense of outrage.

  3. 举国上下义愤填膺。

    The whole country bristled with indignation.

  4. 他们都义愤填膺。

    They were filled with righteous indignation.

  5. 另外,也别义愤填膺。

    Also, don't be angry.

  6. 她挺直身子, 义愤填膺。

    She drew herself up indignantly

  7. 示威群众都义愤填膺。

    Indignation ran high among the demonstrators.

  8. 他得悉此事义愤填膺。

    When he heard the news he reacted with a sense of outrage.

  9. 虐待动物使她义愤填膺。

    Cruelty to animals makes her blood boil.

  10. 易于愤怒的或义愤填膺的

    Characterized by or filled with indignation.

  11. 他得悉此事时义愤填膺。

    When he heard the news he reacted with a sense of outrage.

  12. 他的话使大家义愤填膺

    His words made all burned with indignation.

  13. 该提议令法国人义愤填膺。

    The proposal has provoked howls of Gallic indignation.

  14. 美国人义愤填膺,他们感到震惊。

    Americans were outraged and astounded.

  15. 他心里充满了愤慨。他义愤填膺。

    This outrage stirred up the just indignation of the people.

  16. 他对此次袭击感到义愤填膺。

    He was full of righteous indignation about the attack.

  17. 她对所受到的待遇义愤填膺。

    She was most indignant at the treatment she had received.

  18. 看到这个景象, 我们都义愤填膺。

    We all burned with rage at the sight.

  19. 他会为了这一切不平而义愤填膺。

    He would rage about the unfairness of it all.

  20. 一想到受骗了他们就义愤填膺。

    They were full of righteous indignation at the thought of being cheated.

  21. 亚洲年代报道说印度教祭司们义愤填膺。

    The Asian Age newspaper said Hindu priests were outraged.

  22. 他热爱祖国,不禁义愤填膺,于是告发了他。

    He loved his country, and couldn't bear it, and had given information.

  23. 对于他们枪杀无辜平民,人们感到义愤填膺。

    People are indignant by their shooting of innocent civilians.

  24. 不要认为义愤填膺就是现在最好的方法。

    Don't think righteous indignation's the way to go now.

  25. 这件不堪丑事让许多旁观者义愤填膺。

    The ugly incident outraged many onlookers.

  26. 我经常感到义愤填膺, 我真不知道如何表达。

    My heart often burned with indignation I knew not how to express.

  27. 我经常感到义愤填膺,我真不知道如何表达。

    My heart often burned with indignation I knew not how to express.

  28. 奥巴马对此嗤之以鼻,他本应该义愤填膺。

    Mr. Obama was dismissive when he should have been outraged.

  29. 看到敌人的残暴行为,战士们个个义愤填膺。

    On seeing the atrocities committed by the enemies, every solider was filled with righteous indignation.

  30. 这样一种说法会让一些经理感到义愤填膺。

    A phrase such as that will get some managers spluttering with indignation.


  1. 问:义愤填膺拼音怎么拼?义愤填膺的读音是什么?义愤填膺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:义愤填膺的读音是yìfèntiányīng,义愤填膺翻译成英文是 be filled with moral indignation in one's heart...



“义愤填膺”是个多义词,它可以指义愤填膺(英国1972年电影), 义愤填膺(汉语成语)。