




1. 曾 [zēng]2. 曾 [céng]曾 [zēng]指与自己中间隔两代的亲属:~祖父。~孙。古同“增”,增加。竟,简直,还(hái ):“以君之力~不能损魁父之丘,如太山、王屋何?”姓。曾 [céng]尝,表示从前经历过:~经。未~……



汉语拼音:yě zēng







  1. 曾经。

    唐 元稹 《赠崔元儒》诗:“最爱轻欺杏园客,也曾辜负酒家胡。”《西游记》第八八回:“虽不曾重报师恩,却也曾渡水登山,竭尽心力。”《说岳全传》第四十回:“太太先前也曾请箇饱学先生,教他读书。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第一卷第五章:“这口宝剑,末将也曾听说,确是一口好剑。”



  1. Although the US has in the past talked about the links, Barack Obama, US president, and his team have made it a priority, officials said.

  2. France had hosted other heads of state and government in its turn, she said, but would not identify any of them.

  3. Air pollution was an issue at the Los Angeles, Atlanta and Seoul Olympics, and remains one of the IOC's biggest concerns over Beijing.

  4. They've tried working out a peace agreement before, but those talks have been stalled for about a year and a half.

  5. My excellent performance has always been a with sufficient confidence by teacher, classmates and colleagues.

  6. We tried to get along, but simply could not, and I eventually felt forced to leave the project.

  7. Also in the failure, you want to give up the dream, but faith tells me that dreams do not have burst, the sky is still fresh and good.

  8. Dickinson was afforded opportunities to be social and yet continually chose seclusion.

  9. His mother also took him to see a psychiatrist, says Nelson Chen, 39, founder of the Gay &Lesbian Political Caucus in Taiwan.


  1. 以前也曾有过。

    We've had others.

  2. 也曾倾听百姓欢唱。

    Listen as the crowd would sing.

  3. 我說啊我也曾一蹶不振

    I said, I was down and out with the blues.

  4. 你也曾喜欢唱歌的!

    You used to sing, too!

  5. 当然我也曾猜想过。

    I had guessed of course.

  6. 我也曾喜爱垃圾食品。

    I also loved junk food.

  7. 我过去也曾担任议员。

    I am a former lawmaker.

  8. 她妈也曾是个酒鬼

    Her mom was a drunk.

  9. 他也曾是我的搭档。

    He was my partner, too.

  10. 你以前也曾说过的。

    You said that back then too.

  11. 我也曾深爱我的妻子。

    And I loved my wife,too.

  12. 我也曾深爱我的妻子。

    And I loved my wife, too.

  13. 电视也曾面临类似问题。

    A similar problem arose with television.

  14. 我也曾因为这个辗转反侧。

    I suffered from it once, too.

  15. 就是说你也曾肮脏过。

    So you were dirty, too.

  16. 新加坡也曾是英国殖民地。

    Singapore was once a British colony.

  17. 遗憾, 我也曾有过一些。

    But then again, too few to mention.

  18. 我也曾要你发誓效忠。

    I also asked you to swear an oath of loyalty.

  19. 我也曾要你发誓效忠。

    I also asked you to swear an oath of loyalty.

  20. 不过他也曾有危机时刻

    But at one point he had a moment of crisis.

  21. 我理解,因为我也曾那样做。

    I get it, because I used to do it, too.

  22. 莫里佐也曾为人母。

    Morisot had experienced maternity herself.

  23. 我的祖父也曾在这工作。

    My grandfather worked at this factory.

  24. 您曾是我的朋友, 也曾是我的父亲。

    You were once a friend and father.

  25. 国际关系也曾一度局势紧张。

    International trade relations were increasingly fraught.

  26. 我也曾如此苦恼, 一次两次。

    I've been around that block a time or two.

  27. 全身的过敏性也曾有报道。

    A systemic anaphylaxis has also been described.

  28. 这首歌也曾是冠军单曲。

    that also went number one on the pop charts.

  29. 也曾心意沉沉, 相逢是苦是甜?

    Sometimes I was depressed, is coming across someone bitter or sweet?

  30. 该公司过去也曾是接洽目标。

    The company has been the subject of approaches in the past.

