




1. 甚 [shèn]2. 甚 [shén]甚 [shèn]很,极:~好。~快。超过:日~一日。方言,什么:~事?表示进一层的意思:~至。~或。甚 [shén]同“什2”。……



汉语拼音:zé shèn






  1. 犹言怎么;做什么。

    宋 黄庭坚 《阮郎归》词:“夜来算得有归期,灯花则甚知?” 元 乔吉 《金钱记》第一折:“你怎生眼不转睛看那秀才则甚?”《警世通言·俞仲举题诗遇上皇》:“我只要显名在这楼上,教后人知我。你却教我写在诗牌上则甚?”《儿女英雄传》第九回:“﹝神鬼﹞其实一物,忙他则甚!”



  1. To satisfy the requirements of battlefield, more sensors of different types and with different performance are used in a recognition system.


  1. 证明是容易得, 但反例则甚难。

    The proof is easy, but the counterexamples are hard.

  2. 证明是容易的,但反例则甚难。

    The proof is easy, but the counterexamples are hard.

  3. 如能得到贵方特殊的询价,则甚为感谢。

    We Will you please let us have a list of items that are imported by you.

  4. 新加坡的不同之处则更甚,

    and Singapore is even more different than others

  5. 若寒甚则疼痛剧烈,舌质淡而青,苔薄白,脉紧。

    Hanshen if pain is intense, and Green Tongue short, thin white fur, pulse tight.

  6. 在英国, 人们感觉成了众矢之的, 孤立无援, 美国则更甚。

    In Britain and to an even greater extent in America, people have felt more exposed.

  7. 女性对善与恶具有惊人的感觉, 但对左与右则感觉甚微。

    Women have a wonderful sense of right and wrong, but little sense of right and leave.

  8. 政府的先前举措是否真的减少了野生动物贸易则不甚清楚。

    It's less clear whether previous government action has actually cut trade in wild animals and their parts.

  9. 我们国家则喜欢足球甚于乒乓球。

    In our country, we prefer soccer to pingpong.

  10. 中秋月明,则老蚌犹喜甚。

    The harvest moon, the old or very clam judah.

  11. 其它文化背景出身的人则看重人际关系甚于时间表。

    People in other cultures value relationships more than schedules.

  12. 光有学问而无常识, 则这种学问无甚价值。

    Knowledge without common sense counts for little.

  13. 若归经相异, 性味相同, 则药理作用相差甚远。

    If TCM with same nature and flavor share the different meridian, they manifest different pharmacological effect.

  14. 使人之所恶莫甚于死者, 则凡可以辟患者何不为也?

    If what people hate cannot go beyond death, they will take all means, however wicked, in order to survive.

  15. 甚饱则梦予

    eating too much leading to dreaming of giving something.

  16. 甚饥则梦取

    intense hunger leading to dreaming of getting something.

  17. 乘年之虚则邪甚

    the pathogen getting more severe due to the deficiency of the evolution

  18. 如是则国家幸甚, 民族幸甚。

    If so, blessed indeed are the country and the people.

  19. 虽则卡雷贝没有指挥你,你也知道要做甚么。

    You know what to do, even though Kleiber is not conducting you.

  20. 如获面试,则感幸甚,如需保证人,本人也可提供。

    I should be glad to have a personal interview and can furnish references if desired.

  21. 如获面试, 则感幸甚, 如果需要, 本人也可提供保证人。

    I should a personal interview and can furnish references if desired.

  22. 至其甚者, 虽善洋语, 译之为本邦则不能。

    To its worse, although good foreign language translation of the oriented state can not.

  23. 没有带电的中子则在化学反应上不会扮演甚么重要角色。

    The neutron, which is neutral, does not play an active role in chemical reactions.

  24. 别逼人太甚, 否则我要与你离婚。

    Do not push me too far, or I will divorce you.

  25. 否则还有甚么理由我主祂自己要让我复活

    Why else would the Good Lord Himself resurrect me?




拼音:zéshèn 基本解释 [what for] 做什么 详细解释 犹言怎么;做什么。 宋 黄庭坚 《阮郎归》词:“夜来算得有归期,灯花则甚知?” 元 乔吉 《金钱记》第一折:“你怎生眼不转睛看那秀才则甚?”《警世通言·俞仲举题诗遇上皇》:“我只要显名在这楼上,教后人知我。你却教我写在诗牌上则甚?”《儿女英雄传》第九回:“﹝神鬼﹞其实一物,忙他则甚!”