







汉语拼音:bǎn dèng







  1. 亦作“ 板櫈 ”。木板面、无靠背的坐具。多为狭长形。

    《水浒传》第三四回:“ 燕顺 焦燥,便提起板凳却待要打将去。” 清 许秋坨 《闻见异录·奇门》:“今夜门户不须锁闭,虽有偷儿,不能盗物,祇将板櫈八条横在门口。” 茹志鹃 《关大妈》:“游击队却活动得更勤奋,但生活也更艰苦了,他们这一个月来,已忘了板凳是怎么坐法的,热饭又是个什么滋味。”



  1. I had a lower salary whereas they had been bought for a lot of money. That made it easier to put me on the bench.


  2. HOUSTON, Feb. 24 (AP) -- Bobby Jackson was lauded for his ability to be a spark off the bench when he was traded to Houston last week.


  3. While many were expecting to see transfer deadline day signing Ashley Cole start the game, Mourinho decided to leave him on the bench.


  4. Then I picked up injuries and had to deal with teammates who were in a better state of form than I was.


  5. Later, the old couple began to feel sorry for her and brought her out a small stool.


  6. Nevertheless, McGrady's desire to win should make him a good citizen off the bench and is a likely improvement over Luke Walton.


  7. The water bottle-throwing was an altercation, and Tim Duncan was not in the vicinity of his bench.


  8. there was a stool , and table , and a straw bed . there were the four blackened walls , and a rusted iron ring in one of them.


  9. They probably would have had to overpay to keep him, but the Lakers will miss him on their bench.


  1. 坐冷板凳球员

    ride the bench

  2. 做工粗糙的板凳

    a rude bench

  3. 膝上歌或板凳歌

    Knee Rides of Bench Rides

  4. 他以前经常坐冷板凳。

    Eg He was always warming in the bench.

  5. 你要回去坐冷板凳了

    You're back to riding the bench.

  6. 我是来抢板凳的。

    I come to take the bench.

  7. 我爸爸罚他坐冷板凳了

    and my dad benched him.

  8. 投资者们让南非坐泠板凳。

    Investors give South Africa cold shoulder.

  9. 我只是跟板凳有个约会

    I have a date with a bench.

  10. 他不再在板凳上结束比赛。

    He finished the game off on the floor.

  11. 所以, 为什么他回到板凳处?

    So, why is he returning to the bench ?

  12. 剩下的时间我都不得不坐冷板凳

    Had to sit out the rest of the season.

  13. 我们坐到那边的板凳上去 吧。

    Let's sit at that bench over there.

  14. 我看见一些村民坐在板凳上。

    I saw some of the village people seated on the bench.

  15. 星期六的比赛米勒在坐冷板凳。

    Miller was riding the bench in saturday's game.

  16. 星期六得比赛米勒在坐冷板凳。

    Miller was riding the bench in Saturday's game.

  17. 他们没有先发,没有真正的板凳深度。

    They had no starter, no real depth.

  18. 小板凳被他压得嘎吱嘎吱地响。

    The stool creaked under his weight.

  19. 小板凳被他压得嘎吱嘎吱地响。

    The stool creaked under his weight.

  20. 我一纵身跨过板凳就坐下。

    I jumped over the bench and sat down at my desk.

  21. 哦那是我们的桌子和长板凳。

    Oh there's our table and benches.

  22. 阿尔斯通打板凳看起来更好。

    Alston look good off the bench this game.

  23. 坐在冷板凳上, 等待著你的呼唤。

    Sitting on the bench, waiting for your call.

  24. 坐在摇摇欲坠的板凳上不停摇晃

    Swaying to and fro on his rickety stool

  25. 球在板凳上一直滚, 寻找平衡点。

    The ball kept rolling on the bench to find an equilibrium point.

  26. 看到了吗,所以我只能坐板凳

    See? This is why you have me on the bench.

  27. 纳胡拉需要持续在板凳上持续发威。

    Najera needs to play more he had great energy off the bench.

  28. 右边锋 左边锋 442 433 板凳上,看台上都行。

    Right wing,left wing,on 442,433,backless stools,on stand good.

  29. 板凳和柜台镶着铬黄边,灯光迷蒙。

    Stools and counters are lined with chrome, the lighting is viscid.

  30. 公司大大减轻她的工作量,让她坐冷板凳。

    The company gave her a cold shoulder by lightening his workload considerably.


  1. 问:板凳拼音怎么拼?板凳的读音是什么?板凳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:板凳的读音是bǎndèng,板凳翻译成英文是 bench; stool

  2. 问:板凳儿拼音怎么拼?板凳儿的读音是什么?板凳儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:板凳儿的读音是bǎndèngr,板凳儿翻译成英文是 A short legged stool with a rectangular or round...

  3. 问:板凳果拼音怎么拼?板凳果的读音是什么?板凳果翻译成英文是什么?

    答:板凳果的读音是bǎndèngguǒ,板凳果翻译成英文是 Pachysandra axillaris

  4. 问:板凳果属拼音怎么拼?板凳果属的读音是什么?板凳果属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:板凳果属的读音是bǎndèngguǒshǔ,板凳果属翻译成英文是 Pachysandra



“板凳”是个多义词,它可以指板凳(网络用词), 板凳(苗族乐器), 板凳(家具), 板凳(博彩用语), 板凳(影视角色)。