




1. 鸟 [niǎo]鸟 [niǎo]脊椎动物的一纲,温血卵生,全身有羽毛,后肢能行走,前肢变为翅,一般能飞:~类。候~。益~。~语花香。……



汉语拼音:fēi niǎo









  1. 会飞的鸟类。亦泛指鸟类。

    《礼记·曲礼上》:“鸚鵡能言不离飞鸟,猩猩能言不离禽兽。”《吕氏春秋·功名》:“树木盛则飞鸟归之。” 南朝 宋 颜延之 《赭白马赋》:“惕飞鸟之跱衡。”

  2. 指古代藏钩游戏中不固定属于哪一方的人。

    唐 段成式 《酉阳杂俎续集·贬误》:“《风土记》曰:藏钩之戏,分二曹以校胜负。若人耦则敌对,若奇则使一人为游附,或属上曹,或属下曹,名为飞鸟。”



  1. Take into the boat with you a male and a female of every kind of animal and of every kind of bird, in order to keep them alive.

  2. The bird loyalty Xi finally realizes that this is the gold farmland one Geng to help to establish the next trap intentionally.

  3. And he said to David: Come to me, and I will give thy flesh to the birds of the air, and to the beasts of the earth.

  4. A US government official said the plane had been involved in a bird strike that disabled both of the aircraft's engines.

  5. Finally do want to say good-bye, and in this hot summer quarter, we were like a rock to break up a group of birds, at the moment.

  6. One could see nothing but a grassy slope running up to a level ridge and beyond that the sky with perhaps a few birds in it.

  7. If bird in sky you understand the please borrowing sorrow I a pair ot wing . Let me fly with you together.

  8. Looking at it closely, I observed animals and beasts of prey and reptiles and birds of the air.

  9. Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.


  1. 飞鸟的天空

    The sky and the sea

  2. 夏天的飞鸟

    Stray birds of summer.

  3. 纯粹的飞鸟

    The Pure Love Of Classic.

  4. 飞鸟尽,良弓藏

    danger past, god forgotten

  5. 击下空中的飞鸟

    nail a bird in flight.

  6. 唏嘘而转折的飞鸟

    SOB and turning the birds of the air

  7. 先飞鸟毛肚火锅城

    Xianfeiniao Pork Stomach Hotpot City

  8. 飞鸟之景,未尝动也

    the shadow of a flying bird is not in motion

  9. 飞鸟一般,偶然流离失速

    Iike a bird some time i topple

  10. 人们喜欢看走兽和飞鸟。

    People like to look at animals and birds.

  11. 猎人向飞鸟连续发射子弹。

    The hunter poured bullets into the flying birds.

  12. 月夜孤惶穿移的飞鸟

    A Lone Terrified Bird Piercing the Moonlit Night

  13. 谋划时学蜗牛, 行动时学飞鸟。

    Imitate the snail in deliberation, the bird in execution.

  14. 飞鸟得影子是不飞不移动得。

    When bird flies, its shadow is moveless.

  15. 飞鸟的影子是不飞不移动的。

    When bird flies, its shadow is moveless.

  16. 走兽有穴可归, 飞鸟有巢可

    The beast retires to its shelter, and the bird flies to its nest.

  17. 鹦鹉能言,不离飞鸟

    The parrot can speak but it still belongs to the bird tribe

  18. 如同飞鸟我有时也偶然趔趄

    Like a bird in flight, sometimes I topple

  19. 仿佛一道彩虹, 仿佛一只飞鸟

    Seems a rainbow seems a bird

  20. 慎拒绝反击,不想伤害飞鸟。

    Shinji refuses to fight back, not wanting to injure Asuka.

  21. 飞机场飞鸟侦测及驱赶系统

    Detecting Birds and Driving Them Away From Airfield

  22. 为什么飞机看起来像习飞鸟

    Why Do Planes Look Like Birds

  23. 因为我梦到你是飞鸟我是鱼。

    Becuse I dream about you are bird I'm fish.

  24. 那些美丽的飞鸟正在迅速灭绝。

    Those beautiful birds are fast disappearing.

  25. 天空中有成千成百的飞鸟。

    There are hundreds of flying birds in the sky.

  26. 我们不该再停办飞鸟祭了。

    And we ought not to overlook the flight of the birds.

  27. 能像天上飞鸟一样自在飞翔。

    To fly so freely like birds in the sky.

  28. 你们比飞鸟是何等地贵重呢!

    And how much more valuable you are than birds!

  29. 愚蠢的狗才会冲着飞鸟狂吠。

    Is the foolish dog, bark at the flying bird.

  30. 飞鸟得歌声听着也有点瘆人。

    And the music of the fluttering birds had an eerie lilt to it.


  1. 问:飞鸟拼音怎么拼?飞鸟的读音是什么?飞鸟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞鸟的读音是fēiniǎo,飞鸟翻译成英文是 经验丰富的网民.; an experienced Internet user.; 飞鸟...

  2. 问:飞鸟井拼音怎么拼?飞鸟井的读音是什么?飞鸟井翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞鸟井的读音是Fēiniǎojǐng,飞鸟井翻译成英文是 Asukai

  3. 问:飞鸟凉拼音怎么拼?飞鸟凉的读音是什么?飞鸟凉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞鸟凉的读音是Fēiniǎo Liáng,飞鸟凉翻译成英文是 Aska, a Japanese pop artist

  4. 问:飞鸟寺拼音怎么拼?飞鸟寺的读音是什么?飞鸟寺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞鸟寺的读音是,飞鸟寺翻译成英文是 Asuka dera

  5. 问:飞鸟江拼音怎么拼?飞鸟江的读音是什么?飞鸟江翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞鸟江的读音是Fēiniǎojiāng,飞鸟江翻译成英文是 Asukae

  6. 问:飞鸟田拼音怎么拼?飞鸟田的读音是什么?飞鸟田翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞鸟田的读音是Fēiniǎotián,飞鸟田翻译成英文是 Asukada; Asukata

  7. 问:飞鸟站拼音怎么拼?飞鸟站的读音是什么?飞鸟站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞鸟站的读音是,飞鸟站翻译成英文是 Asuka Station

  8. 问:飞鸟路拼音怎么拼?飞鸟路的读音是什么?飞鸟路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞鸟路的读音是Fēiniǎolù,飞鸟路翻译成英文是 Asukaji

  9. 问:飞鸟马拼音怎么拼?飞鸟马的读音是什么?飞鸟马翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞鸟马的读音是Fēiniǎomǎ,飞鸟马翻译成英文是 Asukama

  10. 问:飞鸟基地拼音怎么拼?飞鸟基地的读音是什么?飞鸟基地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞鸟基地的读音是,飞鸟基地翻译成英文是 Asuka Station

  11. 问:飞鸟山站拼音怎么拼?飞鸟山站的读音是什么?飞鸟山站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞鸟山站的读音是,飞鸟山站翻译成英文是 Asukayama Station

  12. 问:飞鸟时代拼音怎么拼?飞鸟时代的读音是什么?飞鸟时代翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞鸟时代的读音是,飞鸟时代翻译成英文是 Asuka period

  13. 问:飞鸟航空拼音怎么拼?飞鸟航空的读音是什么?飞鸟航空翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞鸟航空的读音是,飞鸟航空翻译成英文是 Nok Air

  14. 问:飞鸟山公园拼音怎么拼?飞鸟山公园的读音是什么?飞鸟山公园翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞鸟山公园的读音是,飞鸟山公园翻译成英文是 Asukayama Park

  15. 问:飞鸟田一雄拼音怎么拼?飞鸟田一雄的读音是什么?飞鸟田一雄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞鸟田一雄的读音是Fēiniǎotián Yīxióng,飞鸟田一雄翻译成英文是 Asukata Ichio

  16. 问:飞鸟 (运动)拼音怎么拼?飞鸟 (运动)的读音是什么?飞鸟 (运动)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:飞鸟 (运动)的读音是,飞鸟 (运动)翻译成英文是 Fly



“飞鸟”是个多义词,它可以指飞鸟(李尚朝诗歌), 飞鸟(任贤齐演唱歌曲), 飞鸟(郑智化演唱歌曲), 飞鸟(《笑傲江湖网络版》主题曲), 飞鸟(基本释义), 飞鸟(飞鸟(ASUKA )日本姓氏), 飞鸟(《闪乱神乐》角色)。