


1. 散 [sàn]2. 散 [sǎn]散 [sàn]分开,由聚集而分离:分~。解~。涣~。~落。~失。~逸。分布,分给:~布。~发(fā)。天女~花。排遣:~心。~闷(mèn)。解雇:他干的不好,让那家饭店给~了。散 [sǎn]没有约束,……





汉语拼音:sàn xīn








  1. 消除烦闷,使心情舒畅。

    宋 孔平仲 《孔氏谈苑·曹太皇至慈》:“ 神宗 亲製一小輦……进於太皇,云:‘娘娘试乘此輦往凉殿散心。’” 元 武汉臣 《玉壶春》第一折:“小生引着琴童,前往郊外散心。” 瞿秋白 《赤都心史》二七:“他约我赴他的家庭音乐晚会,聊一散心畅怀。”

  2. 离散之心。

    《战国策·秦策二》:“ 楚 人自战其地,咸顾其家,各有散心,莫有鬭志。”

  3. 佛教语。散乱之心。与“定心”相对而言。




  1. There is one of her friends who work in the same building at a small office of a company so she went there for relieving boredoms.


  2. Luckily, I met one of my college classmates, namely, Mary who happened to come to the city from Shanghai.


  3. Old wei in the DianBian trip to see fishermen in the sun, he consider a net to play a set of frogloks tactics.


  4. Her stepmother took her to Europe to recover and study art.


  5. You know, last time you said that, you took off.


  6. i called on olympus and i found her trying on dresses . when we were alone , she sang obscene songs for my amusement.


  7. Toward the end of the month, you may seek solace in church or a spiritual practice or in a trip to someplace far away.


  8. I went out once at least every day with my gun, as well to divert myself, as to see if I could kill anything fit for food.


  9. He preferred to go away for a change rather than stay at home.


  1. 去外面散散心

    Get outta here for a while.

  2. 我打高尔夫球散散心。

    I play golf for relaxation.

  3. 应该带他出去散散心

    should take him out for some fun.

  4. 工作之馀我们需要散散心。

    We need some distraction after work.

  5. 你需要有些散散心的活动。

    You need some diversion.

  6. 工作之余我们需要散散心。

    We need some distraction after work.

  7. 让我们到公园里去散散心。

    Let us go to the garden to make us feel better.

  8. 她要是去度假就能散散心。

    A holiday would help to take her out of herself.

  9. 我想也许他应该出去散散心。

    And I thought he could use some air.

  10. 你该散散心,并好好娱乐一下。

    Let your mind range and have plenty of diversion.

  11. 所以决定一个人到维加斯散心。

    So I decided to take a solo trip to vegas.

  12. 但是, 他说他今天晚上希望散散心。

    But tonight, he said, he wanted distraction.

  13. 但我觉得我们都得出门散散心

    but I think we've all gotta get out of the house.

  14. 她建议举行一个茶会来散散心。

    She suggested holding a tea party for relaxation.

  15. 好啊,没问题,刚好我也想去散散心。

    OK, no problem, I would like to relax myself as well.

  16. 本文研究一维散心爆轰波的传播规律。

    The propagation of one dimensional divergent detonation waves is studied in this paper.

  17. 也许出去玩玩对你也有好处, 就当做散心吧!

    May play out is beneficial to you, as relax!

  18. 和了解你处境和需求的朋友出去散散心。

    Go out with close friends who understand your situation and your needs.

  19. 我现在也非常烦恼, 要离开家去散散心。

    And as I am just now excessively annoyed, I shall go from home.

  20. 有趣得影片继续放映下去, 我也乐得散一散心。

    The merry film clacked on, and I was glad of the diversion.

  21. 有趣的影片继续放映下去,我也乐得散一散心。

    The merry film clacked on, and I was glad of the diversion.

  22. 他需要出去散散心,完全的放松一段时间。

    He needs to get away from it all. a long period of complete rest.

  23. 为了舒缓工作的压力,小王暇时常去公园散心。

    Xiao Wang often goes to the park in her spare time to relieve the pressure from her work.

  24. 这天我和栀子准备出去散心, 于是就匆匆的出去了。

    That day I prepared and gardenia out relax and so hurried away.

  25. 总觉得少了样东西,于是跑去逛百货公司散心。

    Always feel little type thing, run to ramble then department store beguilement.

  26. 一种是点爆散心波驱动,另一种是滑移爆轰驱动。

    One is divergent detonation driving with point initiation, the other, the slipping detonation driving.

  27. 她知道了以后非常的伤心, 伤心之余, 她到教堂去散心。

    After she knew exceedingly sad, sad, she goes to cathedral beguilement.

  28. 工作之余来这里散散心、放松放松,真的很不错。

    In the leisure hours, a moment of relaxation and relief from worries is really nice.

  29. 他想出去旅行散散心,于是中辍了写作生活。

    He wanted to go out and drive away his cares. Therefore he stopped his writing halfway.

  30. 他想出去旅行散散心,于是中辍了写作生活。

    He wanted to go out and drive away his cares. Therefore he stopped his writing halfway.


  1. 问:散心拼音怎么拼?散心的读音是什么?散心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散心的读音是sànxīn,散心翻译成英文是 to relieve one's boredom



宋 孔平仲 《孔氏谈苑·曹太皇至慈》:“ 神宗 亲制一小辇……进於太皇,云:‘娘娘试乘此辇往凉殿散心。’” 元 武汉臣 《玉壶春》第一折:“小生引着琴童,前往郊外散心。” 瞿秋白 《赤都心史》二七:“他约我赴他的家庭音乐晚会,聊一散心畅怀。”